Awesome List Updates on Jun 19, 2016

11 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Steam

Tutorials / Misc

2. Awesome Flexbox

Sketching with CSS Flexbox Guide by @sfioritto / Read Materials

Sketching with CSS Flexbox Guide by @sfioritto / Video Materials

Who to Follow / Slides and Notes

3. Awesome Beacon

Beacon Advertiser Apps

4. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / S3

5. Awesome Electron

For Electron / Other

6. Tips

Update all the submodules

git submodule foreach git pull


git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --remote

Get first commit in a branch (from master)

git log --oneline master..<branch-name> | tail -1


git log --reverse master..<branch-name> | head -6

7. Awesome Draft Js


Standalone Editors Built on Draft.js

Plugins and Decorators Built for Draft.js

Common Utilities

Blog Posts & Articles

8. Awesome Competitive Programming

Sites for Practice / Contest Calendars

9. Awesome Android

GUI / Images

GUI / Loading Images

10. Awesome Wicket

Generic Info

11. Awesome Composer

Tutorials / IRC