Awesome List Updates on Jun 01, 2016
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mongodb
Resources / Articles
2. Awesome Vorpal
- tv-remote-cli (⭐28) - CLI for remotely controlling your Smart TV.
3. Awesome Hadoop
SQL on Hadoop
- Apache Drill - Schema-free SQL Query Engine
4. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- PODebug - Desenvolvimento de software e tecnologia em geral, mas de forma bem humorada e descontraída.
5. Awesome Framer
- framer-Firebase (⭐232) - The Firebase module allows your Framer prototype to load, save and sync data effortlessly between multiple sessions and devices.
6. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage
- Knapsack (⭐536) - Collection library inspired by Clojure's sequences.
7. Awesome D3
Utils / Third Party
- d3-history (⭐49) - Proper URL bar history
- d3-peaks (⭐53) - Find peaks in a noisy signal
8. Awesome Ava
Works with AVA
- Spectron (⭐1.7k) - Test Electron apps using AVA and ChromeDriver.
9. Awesome Unicode
Myths of Unicode
- Unicode is simply a 16-bit code - Some people are under the misconception that Unicode is simply a 16-bit code where each character takes 16 bits and therefore there are 65,536 possible characters. This is not, actually, correct. It is the single most common myth about Unicode, so if you thought that, don't feel bad.
- You can use any unassigned codepoint for internal use - No. Eventually that hole will be filled with a different character. Instead use private use or noncharacters.
- Every Unicode code point represents a character - No. There are lots of nonCharacters (FFFE, FFFF, 1FFFE,…) There are also surrogate code points, private and unassigned codepoints, and control/format “characters" (RLM, ZWNJ,…)
- Unicode will run out of space - If it were linear, we would run out in 2140 AD. But it isn't linear. See
- Case mappings are 1-1 - No. They can also be:
- One-to-many: (ß → SS )
- Contextual: (…Σ ↔ …ς AND …ΣΤ… ↔ …στ… )
- Locale-sensitive: ( I ↔ ı AND İ ↔ i )
One-To-Many Case Mappings / Wait a second... what did I just read?
- PhantomScript (⭐39) - 👻 🔦 Invisible JavaScript code execution & social engineering
- Emojipedia - Information about specific emoji, news blog.
- emojitracker - Realtime emoji use on Twitter.
- World Translation Foundation - A way to promote, explore, and translate the written word into the pictorial alphabet of Emoji.
- Can I Emoji? - Displays the current status of native Emoji support across iOS, Android and Windows.
Recursive HTML Tag Renaming Script / Wait a second... what did I just read?
- The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets - By Joel Spolsky
- Space Yourself - Smashing Magazine's Spacing Guide
Unicode Blocks / Wait a second... what did I just read?
- Universal repertoire - Every writing system ever used shall be respected and represented in the standard
- Logical order - In bidirectional text are the characters stored in logical order, not in a way that the representaion
- Efficiency - The documentation must be efficient and complete.
- Unification - Where different cultures or languages use the same character, it shall be only included once. This point is
- Characters, not glyphs - Only characters, not glyphs shall be encoded. In a nutshell, glyphs are the actual graphical
- Dynamic composition - New characters can be composed of other, already standardized characters. For example, the character “Ä” can be composed of an “A” and a dieresis sign (“ ¨ ”).
- Semantics - Included characters must be well defined and distinguished from others.
- Stability - Once defined characters shall never be removed or their codepoints reassigned. In the case of an error, a codepoint shall be deprecated.
- Plain Text - Characters in the standard are text and never mark-up or metacharacters.
- Convertibility - Every other used encoding shall be representable in terms of a Unicode encoding.
- Version 5.0.0 (unavailable)
10. Awesome Vulkan
- Dota2 (⭐98) - by Valve.
11. Awesome Coldfusion
- lucee5-heroku (⭐9) - Application template for deploying Lucee 5 apps to Heroku by Mike Sprague
- Vagrant LEMTL (⭐40) - Vagrant box with Linux, Nginx, MariaDB (or MySQL), Tomcat, and Lucee for local development with CFML by Mike Sprague
- Prev: Jun 02, 2016
- Next: May 31, 2016