Awesome List Updates on May 09, 2016
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Books
- Professor Frisby’s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming (⭐23k) – This is a book on the functional paradigm in general using the world’s most popular functional programming language: JavaScript. It’s a practical introduction that builds up intuition through real-world examples. Strongly recommended. By Brian Lonsdorf (2016)
- JavaScript Allongé, the “Six” edition. Starts with as little as possible about functions – but no less! – and builds up towards powerful combinators and decorators. A foundational book. By Reginald Braithwaite (2016)
- Functional Programming in JavaScript teaches JavaScript developers functional techniques that will improve extensibility, modularity, reusability, testability, and performance. Through concrete examples and jargon-free explanations, this book teaches you how to apply functional programming to real-life development tasks. By Luis Atencio (2016)
- Eloquent JavaScript. A modern introduction to programming using JavaScript. By Marijn Haverbeke (2014)
- Functional JavaScript teaches how to create code that’s beautiful, safe, and simple to understand and test by using JavaScript’s functional programming support. By Michael Fogus (2013)
Resources / Articles
- FP Concepts in JavaScript – An introduction to Functional Programming Concepts in JavaScript. Uses the Ramda library to teach the concepts of composition, pointfree style, and functors through the simplest of examples.
- Functional programming with JavaScript – Another introduction to Functional Programming in JavaScript with a focus on three key themes: computation as the application of functions, statelessness, avoiding side effects.
- A gentle introduction to functional JavaScript – A four-part series introduction functional programming in JavaScript that gets you up to speed what all the hype about functional programming is all about.
- Why Curry Helps – A short overview of how to write reusable and declarative code using currying.
- Favoring Curry - Practical applications of currying using Ramda.
- JavaScript and Type Thinking – Learn to reason about your JavaScript code with type thinking. Algebraic Data Types are introduced as a conceptual basis to reason about program entities.
- Why Ramda – To those not used to functional programming, Ramda seems to serve no purpose whatsoever. However, it does offer a different style of coding, a style that’s taken for granted in purely functional programming languages: Ramda makes it simple for you to build complex logic through functional composition.
- A Monad in Practicality: First-Class Failures – A walk through some practical use cases for specific monadic structures in JavaScript: use the
monad to handle simple failure cases and model more complex scenarios with theEither
monad or theValidation
applicative functor.
Resources / Videos
- Functional programming patterns for the non-mathematician – Learn about practical use cases for functors, applicatives, and monads.
- Pure JavaScript – Christian Johansen will show you how you can significantly up your game by leaving loops behind and embracing functions as the primary unit of abstraction.
Resources / Examples and Exercises
- FPJS-Class (⭐93) – Functional Programming learned through JavaScript.
- functional-javascript-workshop (⭐2.1k) – The goal of this workshop is to create realistic problems that can be solved using terse, vanilla, idiomatic JavaScript to teach fundamental functional programming features of JavaScript.
2. Awesome Audio Visualization
3. Engineering Blogs
Companies / S companies
4. Awesome Python
- GUI / Web Testing
- locust (⭐24k) - Scalable user load testing tool written in Python.
- PyAutoGUI (⭐9.9k) - PyAutoGUI is a cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings.
- Schemathesis (⭐2.2k) - A tool for automatic property-based testing of web applications built with Open API / Swagger specifications.
- Selenium - Python bindings for Selenium WebDriver.
- sixpack (⭐1.8k) - A language-agnostic A/B Testing framework.
- splinter (⭐2.7k) - Open source tool for testing web applications.
5. Awesome Json
- MongoDB - an open-source document database, and the leading NoSQL database.
Format Extensions
- JSON Resume - The open source initiative to create standard for resumes.
- JSON::Tiny (⭐11) - Perl module for encoding and decoding JSON in a minimalistic way.
- MultiJSON (⭐746) - A generic swappable back-end for JSON handling.
- JsonMapper (⭐1.5k) - Map nested structures onto PHP classes (PHP)
6. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Blog posts
7. Awesome Rethinkdb
Community / Technology Integrations
- Epiphy (⭐8) - Lightweight RethinkDB ORM.
- lotus-rethinkdb (⭐6) - RethinkDB adapter for Lotus::Model.
- RabbitMQ - Integrating RethinkDB with RabbitMQ
- RabbitMQ - Integrating RethinkDB with RabbitMQ
Community / ORM
- NoBrainer (⭐387) - Ruby ORM for RethinkDB.
- RethinkDB Java ORM (⭐2) - A custom POJO converter for RethinkDB Java driver.
Community / Drivers
- Rethinker (⭐1) - A simplistic serialisation library for use alongside the official RethinkDb Java driver.
- Rethinkdb4j (⭐1) - Asynchronous Netty-based RethinkDB driver for Java.
Articles / Technology Integrations
- Shahid Shaikh | 08-Mar-16 - Building real time polling app using RethinkDB and Nodejs.
- Dr. Gleb Bahmutov PhD | 08-Feb-16 - Redux and RethinkDB
- Scott Hasbrouck | 13-Mar-16 - Using Socket.Io With RethinkDB Changefeeds To Build A Reactive JavaScript Stack
- Khalid Abuhakmeh | 15-Nov-15 - Getting Started With RethinkDB and ASP.NET 5.
- Slava Akhmechet | 01-Sept-15 - Build real-time Web apps with RethinkDB.
- Justin for Fanout | 20-May-15 - Building a realtime API with RethinkDB.
- Nicholas Duffy | 30-Apr-15 - Getting Started with the RethinkDB Connector for LoopBack.
- Rob Conery | 17-Apr-15 - RethinkDB 2.0 Is Amazing.
- Gordon Dent | 01-Apr-15 - A Comprehensive Guide to moving from SQL to RethinkDB.
- Gordon Dent | 11-Mar-15 - We use RethinkDB at
Talks / Technology Integrations
- Michael Glukhovsky at Clevertech | 30-Mar-16 - RethinkDB Presentation to Clevertech.
- Ryan Paul at ForwardJS | 21-Jan-16 - RethinkDB: Database for realtime apps.
- Rob Conery at DevDay 2015 | 17-Sept-15 - Rethinking NoSQL.
- Jorge Silva at RethinkDB Meetup | 29-June-15 - Data Modeling in RethinkDB.
- Ben Tranter | 05-Apr-15 - A Simple REST API with Express, RethinkDB, and Thinky.
- Ryan Paul at Mattermark | 17-Feb-15 - Build a realtime RethinkDB cluster monitoring app with live graphs.
- Associated Blog Post - A realtime RethinkDB cluster monitoring app with live graphs.
RethinkDB Examples / Technology Integrations
- RethinkDB NodeJS Chat (⭐205) - A node.js chat application running on rethinkdb.
- RethinkDB Flask Backbone ToDo (⭐123) - A canonical backbone todo application running on flask and RethinkDB.
- RethinkDB ccoenraets/nodecellar Fork (⭐13) - Sample app built with Backbone.js,Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, RethinkDB.
- RethinkDB PubNub Live Blog (⭐22) - PubNub / Express Blog Example App.
- RethinkDB Angular Express Promise (⭐138) - Promise based Todo example with RethinkDB, ExpressJS and AngularJS .
- RethinkDB Angular Express (⭐138) - Todo example with RethinkDB, ExpressJS and AngularJS.
- RethinkDB Angular KOA (⭐138) - Todo example with RethinkDB, KoaJS and AngularJS.
Community Examples / Technology Integrations
- RethinkDB Chat (⭐67) - A simple chat applications built with RethinkDB + Sockets.
- RethinkDB Reactjs (⭐22) - rethinkdb + react.js + ActionController::Live (Rails) + Server Side Events.
- Realtime Chat RethinkDB (⭐26) - A realtime chatroom built with RethinkDB
- Boot RethinkDB (⭐38) - Chat example with spring boot and RethinkDB.
- Go RethinkDB ToDo (⭐64) - Go RethinkDB Todo List Example Application.
- Meguca (⭐406) - High performance real-time imageboard in Go, TypeScript and RethinkDB.
- VueJS RethinkDB (⭐63) - Vuejs + Express + RethinkDB example.
- 3ree (⭐855) - An example universal JS application written with the 3REE stack, React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express.
- Meteor GraphQL (⭐44) - A Meteor and RethinkDB Example Using GraphQL.
Administrative Tools / Technology Integrations
- Chateau (⭐207) - Another (awesome) data explorer for RethinkDB.
- RethinkDB CLI (⭐22) - CLI and REPL for Rethinkdb.
- RethinkDB Nightly - A node module that will execute a nightly backup and push it to S3.
Deployment / Technology Integrations
- Vagrant (⭐47) - Install RethinkDB using Vagrant.
- Puppet (⭐4) - Puppet module for RethinkDB.
- Chef (⭐15) - Chef RethinkDB cookbook.
- Wrecker (⭐10) - Wercker box for RethinkDB.
- Docker (⭐299) - Single node Dockerfile.
- Prev: May 10, 2016
- Next: May 08, 2016