Awesome List Updates on Apr 29, 2016
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Elixir
- sweetconfig (⭐3) - Read YAML configuration files from any point at your app.
2. Awesome Jvm
- Top 10 Performance Mistakes - Digest of the top 10 performance related mistakes Martin Thompson has seen in production.
- Java vs. C Performance - Cliff Click.
- Dávid Karnok - RxJava committer that blogs about advanced RxJava.
- Jonas Bonér - Founder & CTO of Lightbend.
- Peter Lawrey - Innovative developer of high performance Java systems for competitive advantage.
- Richard Warburton - Developer, Speaker, Author.
- Stéphane Maldini - Project Reactor Lead @Pivotal.
- Stuart Marks - Doctor Deprecator. Java/JDK/OpenJDK developer
3. Tips
Extract file from another branch.
git show <branch_name>:<file_name>
4. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Articles
5. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Laravel Setting (⭐841) - Persistent configuration settings that are stored in JSON files
6. Awesome Audio Visualization
- TRIF - GIF-based online radio visualization using webaudio API and raw CSS
7. Awesome Book Authoring
Personal Experiences, Post Mortems and Campfire Stories
- Do Not Buy This Book - Jeff Atwood's warning to potential writers.
8. Awesome Rethinkdb
- RethinkDB - RethinkDB Documentation
- ReQL API - JavaScript ReQL command reference
Community / ORM
- Thinky (⭐1.1k) - JavaScript ORM for RethinkDB
- JSData RethinkDB (⭐32) - RethinkDB adapter for the js-data ORM.
Community / Extension Libraries
- RethinkDB Pool (⭐20) - Connection-pool for RethinkDB.
- Express Session RethinkDB (⭐25) - RethinkDB session store for Express 4.x.
Community / Technology Integrations
- Sails Hook Thinky (⭐19) - A hook to enable the Thinky ORM for RethinkDB in Sails.
- KOA RethinkDB (⭐17) - Koa middleware that gets you a RethinkDB client.
- RabbitMQ - Integrating RethinkDB with RabbitMQ
Community Supported Drivers / Technology Integrations
- C# (⭐373) - A C#/.NET RethinkDB driver striving for 100% ReQL API coverage.
- C++ (⭐91) - RethinkDB driver for C++.
- Clojure (⭐199) - A RethinkDB client for Clojure.
- Dart (⭐37) - A Dart driver for RethinkDB v2.0.3.
- Elixir (⭐498) - Multiplexed RethinkDB client in pure Elixir.
- Go (⭐1.6k) - Go language driver for RethinkDB.
- Haskell (⭐92) - RethinkDB client library for Haskell.
- Lisp (⭐44) - RethinkDB driver for Common Lisp.
- Lua - Rethinkdb driver in Lua.
- Objective-C (⭐13) - A RethinkDB client written in Objective-C.
- Perl (⭐21) - A Pure Perl RethinkDB Driver.
- PHP (⭐343) - A PHP client driver for the RethinkDB query language (ReQL).
- Scala (⭐100) - Scala Driver for RethinkDB.
9. Awesome R
Web Technologies and Services
- Web Technologies List (⭐170) - Information about how to use R and the world wide web together.
R Development
- Package Development List (⭐43) - R packages to improve package development.
Lists / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews
- Open Data (⭐194) - Using R to obtain, parse, manipulate, create, and share open data.
- Package Development (⭐43) - R packages to improve package development.
- Web Technologies (⭐170) - Information about how to use R and the world wide web together.
- Prev: Apr 30, 2016
- Next: Apr 28, 2016