Awesome List Updates on Apr 21, 2016
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Npm
- Why npm scripts? - An introduction to npm scripts with common packages and scripts, as well as a boilerplate project.
2. Awesome Ruby
- Firehose (⭐729) - Build realtime Ruby web applications.
3. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / General Overviews
- Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, edited by Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (2014).
Books / Method-specific
- An Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Modeling, by Jenine K. Harris (2014).
- Multivariate Network Visualization, edited by Andreas Kerren, Helen C. Purchase and Matthew O. Ward (2014).
Books / Topic-specific
- Comparing Policy Networks. Labor Politics in the U.S., Germany, and Japan, by David Knoke et al. (1996).
Datasets / Topic-specific
- KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection - Includes, among other things, networks of collaboration in DBpedia and Wikipedia, GitHub (companion handbook).
- Norwegian Interlocking Directorate, 2002-2011 - Two-mode and one-mode data on gender representation in Norwegian firms.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- Complex Networks - Research group based in Paris.
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- A Survey of Statistical Network Models - Book-length review (preprint; Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2010).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Birds of a Feather, Or Friend of a Friend? Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Investigate Adolescent Social Networks, by Steven M. Goodreau, James A. Kitts and Martina Morris - Accessible introduction to the logic and application of exponential random graph modeling (Demography, 2001).
- Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks, by Peter S. Bearman, James Moody and Katherine Stovel - Classic example of topological network analysis applied to a network of affective and sexual ties (American Journal of Sociology, 2004).
- The Convergence of Social and Technological Networks, by Jon Kleinberg - Discusses small-world effects and social contagion within the context of the Internet and social media (Communications of the ACM, 2008).
- Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies, by Cosma R. Shalizi and Andrew C. Thomas - Makes a very important point for the analysis of network diffusion and influence (Sociological Methods and Research, 2011).
- Network Theory, Plot Analysis, by Franco Moretti - Example applications of (fictional) network analysis in literary studies (New Left Review, 2011).
- Social Networks and Causal Inference, by Tyler J. VanderWeele and Weihua An - Reviews the different ways in which network analysis can produce meaningful causal statements, as well as the inherent limits of network analysis for doing so (Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research, 2013).
- Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434, by John F. Padgett and Christopher K. Ansell - Classic analysis of power relations in the Renaissance Florentine state (American Journal of Sociology, 1993).
- The Ties that Divide: A Network Analysis of the International Monetary System, 1890–1910 (The Journal of Economic History, 2005) and The Empirics of International Currencies: Network Externalities, History and Persistence (The Economic Journal, 2009), both by Marc Flandreau and Clemens Jobst - Network analysis of the foreign exchange system in the late 19th century (data).
Software / Algorithms
- OSLOM2 - Order Statistics Local Optimization Method - Clustering algorithm.
Varia / Tutorials
- SNA-DE Mailing-List, in German.
- SPARQL for R Tutorial - Hollywood Social Network Analysis - Also uses Gephi.
Varia / Blog Series
- Blog posts about networks on R-Bloggers, an aggregator of R blogs:
4. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Adventure Machine - Campaign for Madeon's "Adventure" album.
- BBNG - WebGL Visualizer for "Confessions" (feat. Leland Whitty) by BADBADNOTGOOD.
- DENNIS - An interactive and audio responsive music video for "Dennis" by popcorn_10's.
- George & Jonathan III - Campaign for George & Jonathan's "III" album.
- Lantern - WebGL Visualizer for "Lantern" by SBTRKT.
- Nero - WebGL Visualizer for "In The Way" by Nero.
- Pareidolia - WebGL Visualizer for "Szerencsétlen" by Venetian Snares.
- Yume - Campaign for Helios' "Yume" album.
- Word Problems - WebGL Visualizer for "Word Problems" by Harmonic 313.
- Glitch - An algorithmic synthesizer to make music from math.
- 105 Birthday Clara Rockmore - A Doodle for the Birthday of Clara Rockmore.
- Moogfest Substrate - Experimental site to Moogfest.
Experiments on Codepen
- Soundcloud Vinyl Search - An amazing experiment creating a realistic Vinyl player using DrawSVG and GSAP by Chris Gannon.
- Gooey Effect Audio - Upload your mp3 and visualize the song with this crazy effect by Jeremy Karlsson.
- Storytelling with Html5 + CSS3 - A great example of how to use music to create a Storytelling by Rachel Nabors.
- Step sequencer - Create music with this sequencer by Joe Harry.
Libraries Audio
- Beeplay.js - Write a song In JavaScript.
Libraries Visualization
- The Force (⭐251) - Live coded shader editing with audio input.
- Hylogen (⭐472) - Purely functional language embedded in Haskell for expressive live coding of fragment shaders (with audio input).
People to Follow
- Joshua Davis - An American designer, technologist, author and artist in new media.
- Robert Hodgin - A creative coder living in Brooklyn. Co-creator of the Cinder C++.
- Seb Lee-Delisle - An award-winning digital artist and speaker.
- Raven Kwok - A visual artist, animator and creative programmer.
- Jason Sigal - Creative Coder in residence at NYU's and creator of web audio library for p5.js.
- Shawn Lawson - An experiential media artist creating the computational sublime.
- Matt DesLauriers - Creative coder at Jam 3.
- Patrick Heng - Creative front-end developer. Studied at Hetic and Gobelins and works at Grouek.
5. Awesome Sketch
Videos / Tutorial-only
- Sketch 3 Tutorials (25 awesome lessons for beginners)
Other / Nice-to-have 👍
6. Awesome Broadcasting
- CCExtractor - A tool that analyzes video files and produces stand-alone subtitle files.
- Prev: Apr 22, 2016
- Next: Apr 20, 2016