Awesome List Updates on Apr 08, 2016
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome D
Command Line / XML
- dexpect (⭐12) - A D implementation of the expect framework. Handy for bash emulation.
2. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Time or date displayed in a similar way to On Kawara's "Today Series" paintings.
3. Awesome Tensorflow
- Generative Handwriting Demo using TensorFlow (⭐700) - An attempt to implement the random handwriting generation portion of Alex Graves' paper
- TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems - This paper describes the TensorFlow interface and an implementation of that interface that we have built at Google
- Comparative Study of Deep Learning Software Frameworks - The study is performed on several types of deep learning architectures and we evaluate the performance of the above frameworks when employed on a single machine for both (multi-threaded) CPU and GPU (Nvidia Titan X) settings
- Distributed TensorFlow with MPI - In this paper, we extend recently proposed Google TensorFlow for execution on large scale clusters using Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Official announcements
- TensorFlow: smarter machine learning, for everyone - An introduction to TensorFlow
4. Awesome Json
Format Extensions
- JSON Web Tokens - A compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
5. Awesome Vorpal
[By Brian Rinaldi] (
An excellent introduction to Vorpal, Brian Rinaldi from Telerik walks you through developing a sophisticated Vorpal app from scratch.
Extensions / Toolbox
- rc (⭐7) - Simple .rc file support.
6. Awesome Android
Other / Custom Dialog
- transai (⭐57) - command line tool help you manage localization string files.
7. Awesome Marionette
Examples and boilerplates
8. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Authentication & Authorization
- Laravel User Verification (⭐792) - Handle the user verification flow and validate email
- Prev: Apr 09, 2016
- Next: Apr 07, 2016