Awesome List Updates on Mar 02, 2016
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / AngularJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Java
2. Tips
List ignored files.
git check-ignore *
Status of ignored files.
git status --ignored
3. Awesome Flexbox
Cross Browser / Articles
4. Awesome Rxjava
- RxReplayingShare (⭐631) - An RxJava transformer which combines replay(1), publish(), and refCount() operators.
5. Awesome Pcaptools
File Extraction
- pcapfex (⭐208) - Packet CAPture Forensic Evidence eXtractor (pcapfex) is a tool that finds and extracts files from packet capture files. Its power lies in its ease of use. Just provide it a pcap file, and it will try to extract all of the files. It is an extensible platform, so additional file types to recognize and extract can be added easily.
6. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / Mathematica
- MongoDBLink (⭐17) - Community Mathematica driver
7. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Object
- has-key-deep (⭐1) - Deep-search objects for keys. Keys can be searched by providing an array of keys, or using a dot-notiation.
Modules / Math
- is-number (⭐232) - Returns
if the value is a number.
8. Awesome Fuse
Open Source
- FormulaFuse (⭐0) - Formula 1 Fuse application.
9. Awesome Rails Gem
User / Authorization
- acl9 (⭐858) - Acl9 is a role-based authorization system that provides a concise DSL for securing your Rails application.
10. Awesome Elixir
Domain-specific language
- Absinthe Graphql (⭐4.3k) - Fully featured GraphQL library.
11. Awesome Charting
Free and Open Source Libraries
- dc.js - D3 Library with crossfilter support
- sigma.js (⭐10k) - Graphs / Network diagram library built with canvas.
- TauCharts - Unique syntax that lets the developer describe the data using DSL. Has the ability to create facets.
- Prev: Mar 03, 2016
- Next: Mar 01, 2016