Awesome List Updates on Feb 12, 2016
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Queue
- PHP AMQP (⭐4.5k) - A pure PHP AMQP library.
Configuration / Development Environment
- Ansible - A radically simple orchestration framework.
2. Tips
Grab a single file from a stash
git checkout <stash@{n}> -- <file_path>
git checkout stash@{0} -- <file_path>
Untrack files without deleting
git rm --cached <file_path>
git rm --cached -r <directory_path>
Restore file to a specific commit-hash
git checkout <commit-ish> -- <file_path>
3. Awesome Text Editing
Heuristic for contenteditable rich-text editors
- Be stable
- Be open source
- Handle soft breaks
- Be able to manipulate styles on block level elements
- Be able to manipulate styles on inline level elements
- Be able to manipulate classes on block level elements
- Be able to manipulate classes on inline level elements
- Be able to alter custom attributes on block level elements
- Be able to alter custom attributes on inline level elements
- Cache the selection
- Have iframing capabilities as well as inline mode capability
- Change the tag type of nodes
- Clear the format
- Have a concise api
- Support various module loaders
- AMD & Common.js
- Should have an organization backing the service and have a potential paid support plan
- Should copy & paste from Microsoft word
4. Sublime Bookmarks
Fun stuff / Themes
- Comfort (⭐2) — A wonderful theme for sublime Text!.
5. Awesome Groovy
- GPars (⭐242) - The GPars concurrency and parallelism framework for the JVM
6. Awesome Android
Other / Custom Dialog
- AudioPlayerView (⭐87) - A view that loads audio from an url and have basic playback tools.
7. Awesome Ocaml
Developer Tools
- OCaml Yeoman Generator (⭐22) – Yeoman generator to scaffold OCaml modules.
8. Awesome Computer History
Videos / Talks & Lectures
- Computers From The Inside Out (1985) - Richard Feynman Computer Heuristics Lecture. Not about computer history per se, but about how computers work
9. Awesome Elixir
- mail (⭐444) - An RFC2822 implementation in Elixir, built for composability.
10. Awesome Laravel
Books / Videos
- Writing APIs With Lumen by Paul Redmond
11. Awesome Haskell
- Happy Learn Haskell Tutorial - Pain-free, Gradual Haskell Tutorial with cartoon robots!
- Prev: Feb 13, 2016
- Next: Feb 11, 2016