Awesome List Updates on Jan 27, 2016
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Shell
Applications / Directory Navigation
- fanyi (⭐1.3k) - Translate English to Chinese in terminal
2. Awesome Javascript
Editors / Runner
- Trumbowyg (⭐4k) - A lightweight and amazing WYSIWYG JavaScript editor.
3. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Seth Alexander (⭐0) - Free Code Camper, Burgeoning Dev, all things JavaScript.
4. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- combination (⭐34) - Elixir library to generate combinations and permutations from Enumerable collection.
- paratize (⭐28) - Elixir library providing some handy parallel processing (execution) facilities that support configuring number of workers and timeout.
- ex_unit_fixtures (⭐13) - A library for defining modular dependencies for ExUnit tests.
5. Awesome Marionette
6. Awesome R
Natural Language Processing
- SnowballC - Snowball stemmers based on the C libstemmer UTF-8 library.
- minqa - Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation.
- nloptr - NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization.
Other Tools
- git2r (⭐215) - Gives you programmatic access to Git repositories from R.
7. Awesome Salesforce
UX Libraries for Salesforce / Open Source Projects Repositories from Salesforce
- Salesforce ReactJS SPA Starter (⭐16) - A template project to create ReactJS-based single page application on Salesforce, with automatic build script (Gulp.js)
- ForceSpinner (⭐8) - Loaders/Spinner collections to leverage powerful User Experience for Salesforce Projects
8. Awesome Okr
- How google sets goals objectives and Key results: The most famous video on OKR by Rick Klau@Google
- The Executioner's Tale: The Executioner's tale by Christina Wodtke
- Warm Gun Talk: Another talk about OKR by Christina Wodtke
- John Doerr on success using OKR: Keys to OKR Success: A Q&A with the Man Who Introduced OKRs to Google, John Doerr
- How Google Grew from 40 to 40,000 Employees: How OKR helped a company like Google to grow from 40 to 40,000 employees
- Implementation and challanges at Pusher: Implementation, challenges and results at Pusher
- How we make OKRs work at Pusher: A great article regarding alignment and trasparency of OKR and how it helped at Pusher
- How to Easily Set Quarterly Team Objectives with OKRs at Pusher: Another article by Pusher regarding how they set quarterly team objectives
- How we set goals at Upstart: How Upstart set OKRs and set goals for the entire company
- Manager OKRs, Maker OKRs: How I’d Change Google’s Goal Setting Process: How Sasha Lubomirsky envisions the future of OKRs
- Are You a C.E.O. of Something?: An interview with Mark Pincus and how OKR helped at Zynga
- How to set & achieve meaningful OKRs: This article describes how to set & achieve meaningful OKRs
- How to Make OKRs Actually Work at Your Startup: A story about how OKRs helped at Swipely
- OKR Mistakes: This is an important article that descrives the most common mistakes while writing OKRs and how to fix them.
- ORK Worksheet: A great worksheet for getting started with OKRs
- List of companies that use OKRs: A list of the top companies using OKRs
- How Google grades employees, and how you can use the same system at your company: How Google grades employees, and how you can use the same system at your company.
- What are OKRs?: Basics about what OKRs are.
- 15 great insights from the Google OKR video: Great insights from the most famous video about OKR
- Full Transcription of Google OKR Video – How Google Sets Goals Using OKRs: The full transcript from the most famous video about OKRs
- How to Use KPIs with OKRs: How to connect KPI and OKRs together.
- What Twitter’s CEO Learned from Google: An interview with Dick Costolo about OKRs at Twitter
- OKRs: The New Solution to Managing Your Freelancers: How to hire and align freelancers using OKRs
- Google Releases a New Guide to Setting Goals with OKRs: Great insights from the new Google's guide about OKRs
- The biggest pitfalls of OKRs and how to avoid them: Some common issues while adopting OKRs
- This Is The Internal Grading System Google Uses For Its Employees — And You Should Use It Too: Another article from Business Insider regarding OKR and great insights from the Kris Klau talk at Google
9. Awesome D
- LDC Developers - LDC releated projects.
- Prev: Jan 28, 2016
- Next: Jan 26, 2016