Awesome List Updates on Jan 24, 2016
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome IoT Hybrid
IoT / Frameworks-Tools
2. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Videos
- Cycle.js Fundamentals - Playlist at
3. Awesome Microservices
Go / Erlang
- Goa (⭐5.7k) - Design-based HTTP microservices in Go.
Ruby / Scala
- Hanami - A modern web framework for Ruby.
- Praxis (⭐300) - Framework for both designing and implementing APIs.
- Scorched (⭐275) - Light-weight web framework for Ruby.
4. Codeface
The Gallery
Anonymous Pro
[ License ]

Aurulent Sans Mono
[ License ]

[ License ]

Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
[ License ]

[ License ]

[ License ]

[ License ]

CMU Typewriter Text
[ License ]

Courier Prime Code
[ License ]

[ License ]

[ License ]

Cutive Mono
[ License ]

Droid Sans Mono
[ License ]

[ License ]

Fantasque Sans Mono
[ License ]

Fira Code 
[ License ]

Fira Mono
[ License ]

5. Awesome Ciandcd
- selenium Selenium automates browsers
- Monkey Test It Free automated website tester with CURLable API
6. Awesome Rails Gem
User / Authentication
- Devise token auth (⭐3.4k) - Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs.
7. Awesome Beacon
Physical Web
- Physical Web - Walk up and use anything - Official Github repository
8. Awesome Ocaml
- fluent-logger (⭐8) – Fluentd logger for OCaml.
9. Awesome Android
Networking / Field Validation
- HappyDns (⭐267) - A Dns library, user can use custom dns server, dnspod httpdns. Only support A record.
Tracking / ORM
- MobileAppTracking - Tracking your marketing campaigns across multiple ad networks.
10. Awesome Workshopper
Module Name: swirl (⭐1k)
Description: Learn the statistical computing and graphics programming language R, in R
11. Awesome Katas
- Prev: Jan 25, 2016
- Next: Jan 23, 2016