Awesome List Updates on Jan 22, 2016
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Promises
Convenience Utilities / Others
- promise-do-whilst (⭐3) - Calls a function repeatedly while a condition returns true and then resolves the promise.
2. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Miscellaneous
- json-strictify (⭐19) - Safely serialize a value to JSON without data loss or going into an infinite loop.
3. Awesome Cpp
- json (⭐44k) ⚡ - JSON for Modern C++. [MIT] website
4. Awesome Malware Analysis
Other / Other Resources
- Malware Samples and Traffic - This blog focuses on network traffic related to malware infections.
- RPISEC Malware Analysis (⭐3.7k) - These are the course materials used in the Malware Analysis course at at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute during Fall 2015.
5. Creative Commons Media
- Find A Photo - Search through thousands of free (CC0 licensed) stock photos.
6. Awesome Robotics
- Applied robot design Stanford University
7. Awesome Elixir
ORM and Datamapping
- comeonin_ecto_password (⭐35) - Ecto custom type for storing encrypted password using Comeonin.
8. Awesome Npm
- The Art of Node (⭐9.8k) - An introduction to Node.js and client-side development with npm.
- latest-version (⭐53) - Get the latest version of an npm package.
- npm-user (⭐57) - Get user info of an npm user.
- npm-email (⭐32) - Get the email of an npm user.
- npm-user-packages (⭐5) - Get packages by an npm user.
- npm-stats (⭐51) - Get data from an npm registry.
- generator-nm (⭐741) - Scaffold out an npm package.
- npm-issues (⭐48) - Search known issues of all your packages at once.
9. Awesome Rest
SaaS Tools / Symfony2
- Ping-API - Automated API Monitoring & Testing.
- Prev: Jan 23, 2016
- Next: Jan 21, 2016