Awesome List Updates on Jan 20, 2016
36 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Katas
2. Awesome Bitcoin
3. Es6 Tools
- Facebook's jstransform (⭐481) - A simple utility for pluggable JS syntax transforms. Comes with a small set of ES6 -> ES5 transforms
Build-time transpilation / Broccoli Plugins
- TypeScript: broccoli-tsc (⭐1)
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
- es6-promise (⭐7.3k) - polyfill for Promises matching the ES6 API
4. Awesome Research
Blog and CMS / Social Sciences
- Pico (⭐3.7k) (
): Lightweight cms, open source, no database.
Mindmap / LaTeX
Concept Map and Diagrams / LaTeX
- Gliffy: all kinds of diagrams
- all kinds of diagrams
Online Load and Edit / LaTeX
- Prezi if you can.
- Google Drive: no introduction needed
- Sway: Microsoft
Use The Source / HTML+CSS+JS
Softwares / HTML+CSS+JS
- RStudio (
Pacifier / HTML+CSS+JS
- mynoise(
): a noise generator; a lot of choices (too many actually); detailed equalizer
Terminal / HTML+CSS+JS
- fuck (⭐371): correct the command by typing in fuck.
5. Awesome Ripple
Books / Docs / Videos
Gateways / Bridges
- ripple-client-ios (⭐34): iOS client
- ripple-graph (⭐22): Ripple graph
- federation-php (⭐10): Simple PHP federation endpoint with a static JSON dataset
- Ripple Checkout (⭐9): An embeddable widget for paying with Ripple.
Hosted Tools
6. Awesome Microservices
Java VM / Java
- Ratpack - Set of Java libraries that facilitate fast, efficient, evolvable and well tested HTTP applications. specific support for the Groovy language is provided.
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Vulcand (⭐3.1k) - Programmatic load balancer backed by Etcd.
Configuration & Discovery / Scala
- Consul - Service discovery and configuration made easy. Distributed, highly available, and datacenter-aware.
Elasticity / Scala
- Ignite - High-performance, integrated and distributed in-memory platform for computing and transacting on large-scale data sets in real-time, orders of magnitude faster than possible with traditional disk-based or flash technologies.
- Nomad - Distributed, highly available, datacenter-aware scheduler.
7. Awesome Transit
Native Apps (closed source)
GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust
- GTFS-realtime Nagio Plugin (⭐1) - Provides a Nagios plugin for monitoring a GTFS-realtime feed
8. Awesome Beacon
iBeacon Resources by Apple
iBeacon for Developers
- The Geofancy iOS app Helping you to get the best out of your automated home, geofencing, iBeacons at your hand.
Stackoverflow Q&A
Web Bluetooth API
9. Toolsforactivism
Open-source host-it-yourself:
- Ushahidi - Platform for data management and visualization. Other tools include CrowdMap, CrisisNET (data about world crises), Ping (tool for checking is someone is ok after an emergency), SMSsync (two-way SMS gateway). Check out their github repos.
Projects to keep an eye on (ie projects in development)
- Where@ (⭐38) - a mobile app to help protesters communicate with each other in realtime during marches
10. Awesome Json
- Kinto (⭐4.3k) - A lightweight JSON storage service with synchronisation and sharing abilities.
Format Extensions
- /contribute.json - Making open source contribution information easier to access, across projects.
- What is JSON and how to use it - Video tutorial for beginners.
11. Awesome Polymer
12. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Programming
- Tuktu (⭐58) - Easy-to-use platform for batch and streaming computation, built using Scala, Akka and Play!
Document Data Model
- RavenDB - A transactional, open-source Document Database.
Key Map Data Model
- Hypertable - column-oriented distributed datastore, inspired by BigTable.
- Countly - open source mobile and web analytics platform, based on Node.js & MongoDB.
- Kylin - open source Distributed Analytics Engine from eBay.
Data Visualization
- Redash (⭐23k) - open-source platform to query and visualize data.
13. Awesome Computer Vision
Computational Photography
- Computer Vision for Visual Effects - Rich Radke (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Introduction to Image Processing - Rich Radke (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Machine Learning and Statistical Learning
- Machine Learning - Andrew Ng (Stanford University)
Object Recognition
- Object Recognition - Larry Zitnick (Microsoft Research)
Machine Learning
- A Gentle Tutorial of the EM Algorithm - Jeff A. Bilmes (UC Berkeley) 1998
Multiple-view Computer Vision
- MinimalSolvers - Minimal problems solver
Contour Detection and Image Segmentation / Edge-preserving image processing
Simultaneous localization and mapping / Loop Closure:
- FabMap: appearance-based loop closure system - also available in OpenCV2.4.11
Links / Image Deblurring
14. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Communities
- FP Complete - Community focused on helping companies and students on learning and implementing Functional Programming in Haskell. Hosters of one of the most famous Haskell learning centers: School of Haskell
Table of Contents / Repos
- Haskell Must Watch (⭐1.1k) - A list of videos, talks and courses on Haskell.
15. Awesome Rails Gem
Active Record / Omniauth
- paranoia (⭐2.8k) - ActiveRecord plugin allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
16. BEM Resources
With Pre-processors / PostCSS
17. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Videos
- What if the user was a function? - Presentation at JSConf BP2015 by Andre Staltz
Learn / Example Applications
- phadej/graafi ★20 (⭐20) - Cycle.js experiment with SVG and global undo/redo
Community / Components
- Gitter chat - Ask 'how do I ...?'
18. Awesome Material
Icons, Fonts and Colors
- Material Design Icons — Community generated Material Design icon pack.
- md-timepicker (⭐12) — A Polymer Timepicker element in Material Design.
19. Critical Path Css Tools
Node modules
- Critical (⭐9.6k) - by Addy Osmani generates & inlines critical-path CSS (uses Penthouse, Oust (⭐163) and inline-styles)
Server-side modules
- mod_pagespeed (⭐691) - Apache module for automatic PageSpeed optimization
Online tools
Render-blocking issues detection
- PageSpeed Insights - Online tool that measures the performance of a page for mobile devices and desktop devices. It fetches the url twice, once with a mobile user-agent, and once with a desktop-user agent.
- PSI (⭐3.1k) - Node module for PageSpeed Insights reporting as part of your build process. Use directly with Gulp or use grunt-pagespeed (⭐464) if a Grunt user. For local testing, a write-up using this task and ngrok is available.
Supplementary tools
- UnCSS (⭐9.3k) removes unused CSS from pages, allowing you to reduce the global CSS you may need to load in for your site. Tasks are available for Grunt (⭐3.9k), Gulp (⭐960) and other build tools.
20. Awesome Crystal
Official Documentation Translations
- - A web service that runs your code and displays the result
21. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / Miscellaneous
- om-tools (⭐437) – It aims to provide higher-order abstractions and utilities frequently useful when building components with Om's API.
22. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Official tutorial — General information and in-depth guide with examples.
Community and Support / Games
- Reddit - Elm board on reddit.
23. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- pcollections (⭐700) - A Persistent Java Collections Library.
- RoaringBitmap (⭐2.8k) - A better compressed bitset in Java.
24. Awesome Iot
Standards / - XMPP (IETF)
- OPCUA - OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is an industrial M2M communication protocol for interoperability developed by the OPC Foundation.
Alliances / - XMPP (IETF)
- OPC Foundation - The mission of the OPC Foundation is to manage a global organization in which users, vendors and consortia collaborate to create data transfer standards for multi-vendor, multi-platform, secure and reliable interoperability in industrial automation. To support this mission, the OPC Foundation creates and maintains specifications, ensures compliance with OPC specifications via certification testing and collaborates with industry-leading standards organizations.
Papers / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]
- IoT: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions - This paper presents a cloud centric vision for worldwide implementation of Internet of Things. The key enabling technologies and application domains that are likely to drive IoT research in the near future are discussed.
25. Awesome Refinerycms
Backoffice extensions
- refinerycms-tinymce (⭐7) - TinyMCE Visual Editing
26. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line utilities
- cross-env (⭐6.3k) - Set environment variables cross-platform.
27. Awesome Courses
Courses / Security
- CSCI 4968 (⭐5k) Modern Binary Exploitation Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- This repository contains the materials as developed and used by RPISEC to teach Modern Binary Exploitation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Spring 2015. This was a university course developed and run solely by students to teach skills in vulnerability research, reverse engineering, and binary exploitation.
- Lectures Notes
- Labs (⭐5k)
- Projects (⭐5k)
28. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- serverless/serverless 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐45k) The Serverless Application Framework (formerly JAWS).
29. Engineering Blogs
Companies / S companies
Individuals/Group Contributors / R individuals
- Raymond Chen
30. Awesome Elixir
Native Implemented Functions
- Rustler (⭐4.4k) - Library for writing NIFs for Erlang or Elixir safely in Rust. No segfaults.
- ex_marshal (⭐39) - Ruby Marshal format implemented in Elixir.
31. Awesome Mqtt
- mqtt-admin (⭐119) - Web based MQTT frontend. Direct Link.
32. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Bioinformatics
- Rust-Bio - bioinformatics libraries.
33. Awesome Answers
Miscellaneous / Ruby
34. Awesome Text Editing
Rich-text editors using contenteditable
- Trix (⭐17k) - Basecamp's rich text editor
- Summernote - Bootstrap dependent rich-text editor
- Textbox.IO - From the makers of TinyMCE
- Hallo (⭐2.5k) - Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI
- markitup - universal markup jQuery editor
- openwysiwyg - Free cross-browser WYSIWYG editor
- tejQuery - Lightweight (19.5 KB) and very useful HTML editor
Code editors
35. Awesome Lua
Resources / Documentation
- docroc (⭐11) - Parse comments into a Lua table to generate documentation.
Resources / Testing
- lust (⭐78) - Minimal test framework.
Resources / Experimental, etc
- graphql-lua (⭐171) - Lua implementation of GraphQL.
36. Awesome D
- DlangScience -A focal point and first port of call for scientific libraries and tooling for D.
Scientific / XML
- scid (⭐90) - Scientific library for the D programming language
- dstats (⭐25) - A statistics library for D.
- Prev: Jan 21, 2016
- Next: Jan 19, 2016