Awesome List Updates on Jan 20, 2016

36 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Katas


2. Awesome Bitcoin


3. Es6 Tools


Build-time transpilation / Broccoli Plugins

Polyfills / Brunch Plugins

4. Awesome Research

Blog and CMS / Social Sciences

Mindmap / LaTeX

Concept Map and Diagrams / LaTeX

Online Load and Edit / LaTeX

Use The Source / HTML+CSS+JS

Softwares / HTML+CSS+JS

Pacifier / HTML+CSS+JS

Terminal / HTML+CSS+JS

5. Awesome Ripple


Books / Docs / Videos

Gateways / Bridges


Hosted Tools



6. Awesome Microservices

Java VM / Java

API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala

Configuration & Discovery / Scala

Elasticity / Scala

7. Awesome Transit

Native Apps (closed source)

GTFS Realtime Utilities / Ruby

8. Awesome Beacon

iBeacon Resources by Apple

iBeacon for Developers


Stackoverflow Q&A

Web Bluetooth API

9. Toolsforactivism

Open-source host-it-yourself:

Projects to keep an eye on (ie projects in development)

10. Awesome Json


Format Extensions


11. Awesome Polymer


12. Awesome Bigdata

Distributed Programming

Document Data Model

Key Map Data Model


Data Visualization

13. Awesome Computer Vision

Computational Photography

Machine Learning and Statistical Learning

Object Recognition

Machine Learning

Multiple-view Computer Vision

Contour Detection and Image Segmentation / Edge-preserving image processing

Simultaneous localization and mapping / Loop Closure:

Links / Image Deblurring

14. Awesome Functional Programming

Table of Contents / Communities

Table of Contents / Repos

15. Awesome Rails Gem

Active Record / Omniauth

16. BEM Resources


With Pre-processors / PostCSS

17. Awesome Cyclejs

Learn / Videos

Learn / Example Applications

Community / Components

18. Awesome Material

Icons, Fonts and Colors


19. Critical Path Css Tools

Node modules

Server-side modules

Online tools

Render-blocking issues detection

Supplementary tools

20. Awesome Crystal

Official Documentation Translations

21. Awesome Clojurescript

Awesome ClojureScript / Miscellaneous

22. Awesome Elm

Learning Guides

Community and Support / Games

23. Awesome Jvm

Memory and concurrency

24. Awesome Iot

Standards / - XMPP (IETF)

Alliances / - XMPP (IETF)

Papers / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]

25. Awesome Refinerycms

Backoffice extensions

26. Awesome Nodejs

Packages / Command-line utilities

27. Awesome Courses

Courses / Security

28. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Lambda

29. Engineering Blogs

Companies / S companies

Individuals/Group Contributors / R individuals

30. Awesome Elixir

Native Implemented Functions


31. Awesome Mqtt


32. Awesome Rust

Libraries / Bioinformatics

33. Awesome Answers

Miscellaneous / Ruby

34. Awesome Text Editing

Rich-text editors using contenteditable

Code editors

35. Awesome Lua

Resources / Documentation

Resources / Testing

Resources / Experimental, etc

36. Awesome D


Scientific / XML