Awesome List Updates on Feb 09 - Feb 15, 2015
15 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Es6 Tools
Other / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript - A superset of ECMAScript with strict typing that aims to align with ES6
2. Awesome Cpp
- RapidJSON (⭐15k) ⚡ - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API. [MIT] website
Machine Learning
- OpenCV (⭐80k) ⚡ - Open Source Computer Vision Library. [BSD] website
- POCO ⚡ - C++ class libraries and frameworks for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems. [Boost] website
- CppCon Talks ⚡ - The C++ conference.
3. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Components
- League of Extraordinary Packages - A PHP package development group.
Table of Contents / Routers
- Fast Route (⭐5.1k) - A fast routing library.
- Pux (⭐1.3k) - Another fast routing library.
Table of Contents / Dependency Injection
- Container (⭐850) - Another flexible dependency injection container.
Table of Contents / Imagery
- Glide (⭐2.6k) - An on-demand image manipulation library.
Table of Contents / Event
- Event (⭐1.5k) - An event library with a focus on domain events.
Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization
- OAuth 1.0 Client (⭐977) - An OAuth 1.0 client library.
- OAuth 2.0 Client (⭐3.7k) - An OAuth 2.0 client library.
4. Awesome Dojo
Bootstraps and boilerplates
- dojo-node-boilerplate (⭐17) - A quickstart "template" for using Dojo Toolkit on NodeJS
5. Awesome Talks
Software Design
- Stewardship: The Sobering Parts by Brian Goetz [1:03:30]
6. Awesome Lua
Resources / References
- Reference Manual - The official definition of the Lua language.
7. Awesome Javascript
Loading Status / Runner
- Mprogress.js (⭐1.5k) - Create Google Material Design progress linear bars.
8. Learn to Program
Freemium platform for learning to code in many different programming languages
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, Rails, PHP, C++, Java)
Khan Academy's Hour of Code
Free interactive 1-hour courses to learn the very basics of web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL)
Paid platform for courses how to build websites & apps
(Web Design, Front End Web Development, Rails, iOS, Android, PHP)
Learn CSS Layout
Free tutorial for how to do layout with CSS
Udemy Programming, Development
Freemium marketplace of courses from third party providers - quality may vary
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, Python, iOS, Android)
Code Avengers
Freemium platform for basic web and app development courses
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Free beginner and intermediate guides on web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Khan Academy Computer Programming, Computer Science
Free intermediate to advanced courses on how to program drawings, animations, games and webpages and more advanced computer science topics
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, algorithms, cryptography)
Free platform for computer science and web development courses
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, data science, Python, computer science topics)
Learn Python the Hard Way
Paid book and course for beginner through intermediate Python programming
(Python, object-oriented programming, web development)
Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Free online book covering all stages of creating a Ruby on Rails application
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails)
Paid platform for mentored web and mobile development courses from industry experts
(web development, frontend web development, AngularJS, Android, iOS)
Free crowdsourced mentorship platform of programming exercises and code reviews
(Clojure, CoffeeScript, C++, C#, Elixir, Erlang, F#, Go, Haskell, JavaScript, Common Lisp, Lua, Objective-C, OCaml, Perl 5, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift)
CodeChef Problems
Freemium intermediate to advanced programming problems
Free practice problems in Python and Java
(Python, Java)
Mixed platform for courses from universities and organizations worldwide
(varied computer science subjects including theory and programming, data science, algorithms, ...)
Awesome CS Courses (⭐57k)
Free university-level courses scoured from around the internet
(varied and extensive computer science topics, ...)
Metacademy Roadmaps, Course Guides
Free graphs of interconnected topics required to master concepts
(programming, machine learning)
9. Awesome Ruby
Database Tools
- Foreigner (⭐1.3k) - Adds foreign key helpers to migrations and correctly dumps foreign keys to schema.rb.
- Upsert (⭐651) - Upsert on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite3. Transparently creates functions (UDF) for MySQL and PostgreSQL; on SQLite3, uses INSERT OR IGNORE.
Profiler and Optimization
- benchmark-ips (⭐1.7k) - Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby.
- minicron (⭐2.3k) - A system to manage and monitor cron jobs.
- Classifiers
- classifier-reborn (⭐554) - An active fork of Classifier, and general module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
10. Awesome Canvas
Resources / Books
- HTML5 Canvas Cookbook - by Eric Rowell
- HTML Canvas Deep Dive - by Josh Marinacci
11. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- structurez (⭐14) - A playground for data structures in Elixir.
Audio and Sounds
- erlaudio (⭐26) - Erlang PortAudio bindings.
- cipher (⭐61) - Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries.
- exgpg (⭐19) - Use gpg from Elixir.
- pot (⭐238) - Erlang library for generating one time passwords compatible with Google Authenticator.
- inch-ci - Documentation badges for Ruby & Elixir.
- gen_smtp (⭐686) - A generic Erlang SMTP server and client that can be extended via callback modules.
Examples and funny stuff
- rubix (⭐3) - A very simple (and barely-functioning) Ruby runner for Elixir.
- feeder_ex (⭐70) - RSS feed parser. Simple wrapper for feeder.
Framework Components
- addict (⭐645) - User authentication for Phoenix Framework.
- plug_heartbeat (⭐36) - A plug for responding to heartbeat requests.
- scrivener (⭐554) - Paginate your Ecto queries.
- geolix (⭐190) - MaxMind GeoIP2 database reader/decoder.
- pool (⭐6) - Socket acceptor pool for Elixir.
ORM and Datamapping
- esqlite (⭐131) - Erlang NIF for sqlite.
- sqlitex (⭐120) - An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.
- tds (⭐116) - MSSQL / TDS Database driver for Elixir.
- yar (⭐8) - Yet another Redis client for Elixir.
- mustachex (⭐18) - Mustache for Elixir - Logic-less templates.
Text and Numbers
- secure_random (⭐96) - Convenience library for random base64 strings modeled after my love for Ruby's SecureRandom.
- slugger (⭐161) - Slugger can generate slugs from given strings that can be used in URLs or file names.
Third Party APIs
- bitpay (⭐31) - Elixir core library for connecting to
- everyoneapi (⭐1) - API Client for
- exjira (⭐6) - JIRA client library for Elixir.
- mandrill (⭐50) - A Mandrill wrapper for Elixir.
- tagplay (⭐0) - Elixir client for Tagplay API.
- yamerl (⭐205) - YAML 1.2 parser in Erlang.
- Metaprogramming Elixir: Write Less Code, Get More Done (and Have Fun!) - Thorough explanation on how to exploit Elixir's metaprogramming capabilities to improve your Elixir coding by Chris McCord (2015).
- Elixir Github Wiki (⭐25k) - The project's wiki, containing much useful information.
12. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Philosophy / Commerical Tools
- How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed - Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, explored the process of reverse-engineering the brain to understand precisely how it works, then applies that knowledge to create vastly intelligent machines.
Free Content / Commerical Tools
- Computers and Thought: A practical Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - The book covers computer simulation of human activities, such as problem-solving and natural language understanding; computer vision; AI tools and techniques; an introduction to AI programming; symbolic and neural network models of cognition; the nature of mind and intelligence; and the social implications of AI and cognitive science.
- Ethical Artificial Intelligence - a book by Bill Hibbard that combines several peer-reviewed papers and new material to analyze the issues of ethical artificial intelligence.
13. Awesome Laravel
Tutorials & Blogs / Third-party Service Integration
14. Awesome Fortran
- BeFoR64 (⭐17) - Base64 encoding/decoding library for FoRtran poor men. A KISS library for base64 encoding/decoding for modern (2003+) Fortran projects.
Command-Line parsing
- FLAP (⭐128) - Fortran command Line Arguments Parser for poor men. A KISS library for building easily nice Command Line Interfaces (CLI) for modern (2003+) Fortran projects.
- options.f90 (⭐12) - Options & input processing for modern Fortran.
Compiling and building
- FoBiS (⭐128) - Fortran Building System for poor men. A KISS tool for automatic building modern Fortran projects.
- Blockit/PyF95++ - A fairly simple Python framework used to block parse your code (or any text file) into nested blocks. The BlockIt framework has already been used to create a templating capability for the Fortran 95/2003 language along with some language extensions.
- PreForM (⭐24) - Preprocessor for Fortran poor Men.
Automatic documentation
- FORD (⭐34) - An automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
- OFF (⭐113) - Open source Finite volume Fluid dynamics code.
Fortran Websites
- Fortran WIKI - An open venue for discussing all aspects of the Fortran programming language and scientific computing.
15. Awesome Courses
Courses / Algorithms
- CSCI 104 Data Structures and Object Oriented Design
University of Southern California (USC)
- Prev: Feb 16 - Feb 22, 2015
- Next: Feb 02 - Feb 08, 2015