Awesome List Updates on Nov 02 - Nov 08, 2015
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Child Process (⭐51) - Spawn child process from Vert.x.
2. Awesome Microservices
Testing / Scala
- Mitmproxy - An interactive console program that allows traffic flows to be intercepted, inspected, modified and replayed.
- Mountebank - Cross-platform, multi-protocol test doubles over the wire.
- VCR (⭐5.9k) - Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. See the list of ports for implementations in other languages.
- Wilma (⭐57) - Combined HTTP/HTTPS service stub and transparent proxy solution.
- WireMock - Flexible library for stubbing and mocking web services. Unlike general purpose mocking tools it works by creating an actual HTTP server that your code under test can connect to as it would a real web service.
3. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot version unknown
- Polygon Merge (⭐19) - Merge polygons.
- Simplex 2D/3D (⭐27) - Simplex deterministic noise functions.
- Tileset Builder - Build tilesets.
Other / Godot version unknown
- (⭐27) - Perl script to split a grid spritesheet image into numbered individual frame files.
4. Awesome Courses
Courses / Algorithms
- CSE 331 Software Design and Implementation University of Washington
- Explores concepts and techniques for design and construction of reliable and maintainable software systems in modern high-level languages; program structure and design; program-correctness approaches, including testing.
- Lectures, Assignments, and Exams
5. Engineering Blogs
Companies / G companies
Companies / R companies
- Robert Elder Software
Individuals/Group Contributors / N individuals
- Nelson Elhage
6. Awesome Aws
Social / Twitter Influencers
- @ajassy - Andy Jassy: Senior Vice-President.
- @Ianmmmm - Ian Massingham - Technical Evangelist.
- @jeffbarr - Jeff Barr: Chief Evangelist.
- @mndoci - Deepak Singh: GM EC2.
- @Werner - Werner Vogels: CTO.
7. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- MarkRight (⭐915) - GitHub flavored Markdown editor with live preview.
8. Js Must Watch
9. Awesome Salesforce
The Fiery Meter of AWSome
10. Awesome Rest
Go / Symfony2
- go-restful (⭐5.1k) - A declarative highly readable framework for building restful API's.
Querying / Symfony2
- Http-console (⭐1.4k) - Command line interface for HTTP that let you speak HTTP like a local
11. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Papers
- Sound and Decidable Type Inference for Functional Dependencies - Another very famous paper on Type Inference by the main creator of Haskell and GHC
- Template Meta-Programming for Haskell - Paper about generating code at compile-time in Haskell
Table of Contents / Wikis
- nLab - A wiki-lab with articles, discussion and tools from the point of view of category theory, which is the main math behind FP.
Table of Contents / Books
- The Little Prover - Talks about a theorem prover called JBob for writing proofs in LISP.
- Isabelle/HOL - A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic - A Book on implementing logical formalisms in Isabelle/HOL.
Table of Contents / Communities
- Lambda the Ultimate - Community focused on discussing researches, papers and hot topic on academia. Very high tech discussion level.
Table of Contents / Discussions (Quora, Stack Overflow, Reddit, etc)
Table of Contents / Lectures
- C9 Lectures: Dr. Erik Meijer - Functional Programming Fundamentals - Series of Lectures from one of the creators of Haskell
- Adventure with types in Haskell - Simon Peyton Jones - Lectures about Haskells strong Type System by Simon Peyton Jones.
- The Algebra of Algebraic Data Types - Very good explanation on the relationship between math and Algebraic Data Types, which is the Type System of some very common FP Languages such as Haskell and ML.
Table of Contents / Tools
- Isabelle/HOL - Generic proof assistant based on Higher Order Logic
Table of Contents / Repos
- Idris Koans (⭐176) - Project for teaching Idris. A General Purpose Functional Programming with Dependent Types
- Functional Javascript Workshop (⭐2k) - A functional Javascript workshop.
12. Awesome Fonts
JavaScript libs / Programming fonts with ligatures
13. Awesome Dotnet
- CacheManager (⭐2.4k) - A common interface and abstraction layer for caching.
Static Site Generators
- FsBlog (⭐132) - Blog aware, static site generation using F#
- FluentAutomation (⭐235) - Simple Fluent API for UI Automation
14. Awesome Jquery
Miscellaneous Plugins / Paid Books
- Readmore.js (⭐1.5k) - A lightweight jQuery plugin for collapsing and expanding long blocks of text with "Read more" and "Close" links.
15. Awesome Flexbox
Presentations / Videos
Featured Projects / Slides and Notes
- Flexbox tester - Understand how to calculate the width of flex items.
16. Awesome Refinerycms
Frontoffice extensions
- refinerycms-copywriting (⭐51) - Write once, display at the infinite
- refinerycms-image-slideshows (⭐8) - Display slideshows
- refinerycms-jobs (⭐5) - Job Posting and Job Applications
- refinerycms-products (⭐7) - Display products
- refinerycms-retailers (⭐3) - Display retailers
- refinerycms-teams (⭐4) - Display teams
- refinerycms-videos (⭐5) - Basic display of Youtube videos
Backoffice extensions
- refinerycms-page-resources (⭐6) - Attach resources (files) to a Page
- refinerycms-resource-categories (⭐1) - Categorize resources
Spree e-commerce + Refinery extensions
- spree_refinery_resources (⭐1) - Attach resources (files) to a Spree::Product
Refinery team extensions / Main project
Refinery team extensions / Frontoffice extensions
- refinerycms-authentication-devise (⭐14) - Devise based authentication
- refinerycms-blog (⭐301) - Blog (more features than refinerycms-news (⭐122))
- refinerycms-inquiries (⭐104) - Send contact forms
- refinerycms-news (⭐122) - Basic display of news
- refinerycms-porfolio (⭐129) - Display portfolio images
- refinerycms-search (⭐65) - Fulltext search with ActAsIndexed (⭐214)
Refinery team extensions / Backoffice extensions
- refinerycms-page-images (⭐107) - Attach images to a Page
- refinerycms-settings (⭐25) - Change settings in the backoffice
Refinery team extensions / Developer tools
17. Awesome Github
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- Gitter - Chat, for GitHub. Unlimited public rooms and one-to-one chats, free.
- - Agile project management for teams who love GitHub. Kanban baords and more.
- Hub (⭐22k) - A command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra features and commands that make working with GitHub easier.
- github-issues-import (⭐412) - A Python script that allows you to import issues and pull requests from one GitHub repository to another
- Github-Auto-Issue-Creator (⭐80) - A Python script that searches a GitHub repository (locally) and automatically creates GitHub issues for TODO statements, keeping them tracked.
Novel uses of GitHub
- The United States Code (⭐732) - The complete United States Code.
- Le code civil français sous git (⭐2.7k) - French Civil Code on GitHub.
18. Awesome Linux Containers
- Systemd Container Interface
Systemd is a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. If you write a container solution, please consider supporting the following interfaces.
- systemd-nspawn
Spawn a namespace container for debugging, testing and building. Part of systemd.
Another Information Sources / Technologies for security
- sysdig-container-ecosystem (⭐104)
The ecosystem of awesome new technologies emerging around containers and microservices can be a little overwhelming, to say the least. We thought we might be able to help: welcome to the Container Ecosystem Project.
19. Awesome Rxjava
- RxAndroid (⭐20k) - Android specific bindings for RxJava.
- RxBinding (⭐9.7k) - RxJava binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries.
- rx-preferences (⭐1.5k) - Reactive
for Android.
- RxPermissions (⭐10k) - Android M runtime permissions powered by RxJava.
- SQLBrite (⭐4.6k) - A lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper and ContentResolver which introduces reactive stream semantics to queries.
- Android-ReactiveLocation (⭐2.1k) - Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
- ReactiveNetwork (⭐2.5k) - Android library listening network connection state and change of the WiFi signal strength with RxJava Observables.
- ReactiveSensors (⭐165) - Android library monitoring hardware sensors with RxJava Observables.
- RxPalette (⭐201) - RxJava bindings for the Palette library on Android.
- rxjava-jdbc (⭐804) - Efficient execution and functional composition of database calls using jdbc and RxJava Observables.
- rxjava-file (⭐82) - RxJava observables for files including NIO events.
- RxJavaAsyncUtil (⭐131) - Async utilities for RxJava.
- RxJavaJoins (⭐100) - Joins operators for RxJava.
- RxJavaMath (⭐98) - Math operators for RxJava.
- RxJavaString (⭐130) - String and Byte operators for RxJava.
- RxJavaComputationExpressions (⭐62) - Computation expressions for RxJava.
- assertj-rx (⭐120) - AssertJ assertions for RxJava Observables.
- rxpresso (⭐369) - Easy Espresso UI testing for Android applications using RxJava.
- RxJava-Android-Samples (⭐7.6k) - Learning RxJava for Android by example.
20. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
21. Tips
Everyday Git in twenty commands or so
git help everyday
Stash changes before rebasing
git rebase --autostash
Fetch pull request by ID to a local branch
git fetch origin pull/<id>/head:<branch-name>
git pull origin pull/<id>/head:<branch-name>
22. Awesome Android Ui
Name: FlowingDrawer (⭐2.6k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: WaveView (⭐1.6k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: FoldableLayout (⭐598)
License: Apache License V2
List / Grid
Name: sticky-headers-recyclerview (⭐3.7k)
License: Apache License V2
Label / Form
Name: TextSurface (⭐2.3k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: ExplosionField (⭐3.6k)
License: Apache License V2
23. Rbooks
Data Science
Practical Data Science with R [Amazon]

Practical Data Science with R shows you how to apply the R programming language and useful statistical techniques to everyday business situations. Using examples from marketing, business intelligence, and decision support, it shows you how to design experiments (such as A/B tests), build predictive models, and present results to audiences of all levels.
This book is accessible to readers without a background in data science. Some familiarity with basic statistics, R, or another scripting language is assumed.
R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R [Amazon]

With more than 200 practical recipes, this book helps you perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently. The R language provides everything you need to do statistical work, but its structure can be difficult to master. This collection of concise, task-oriented recipes makes you productive with R immediately, with solutions ranging from basic tasks to input and output, general statistics, graphics, and linear regression.
R Programming for Data Science [Leanpub] Free
R in Action, Second Edition teaches you how to use the R language by presenting examples relevant to scientific, technical, and business developers. Focusing on practical solutions, the book offers a crash course in statistics, including elegant methods for dealing with messy and incomplete data. You'll also master R's extensive graphical capabilities for exploring and presenting data visually. And this expanded second edition includes new chapters on forecasting, data mining, and dynamic report writing.
Exploratory Data Analysis with R [Leanpub] Free
This book teaches you to use R to effectively visualize and explore complex datasets. Exploratory data analysis is a key part of the data science process because it allows you to sharpen your question and refine your modeling strategies. This book is based on the industry-leading Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization, the most widely subscribed data science training program ever created.
24. Toolsforactivism
Open-source host-it-yourself:
- (⭐9) - opensource or SaaS online donations powered by Stripe.
25. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Community
26. Creative Commons Media
- Unsplash - Library of high-resolution images.
27. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Security Now! - Security Now! consists of a discussion between Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte of issues of computer security and, conversely, insecurity.
28. Awesome Android
Game Development
- Libgdx - Cross-platform game engine and SDK. Open Source (⭐21k)
GUI / Images
- Android-Image-Filter (⭐624) - Library project for applying image filters easily.
29. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development (PDF - older versions)
Clojure / Non-X86
Hadoop / Spock Framework
- Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce (Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer) (PDF)
HTML and CSS / Spock Framework
- Adaptive Web Design - Aaron Gustafson
Java / Wicket
Perl / PicoLisp
Racket / Tornado
Scheme / Play Scala
Unix / Deno
- UNIX Commands and Concepts - Robert I. Pitts
Windows Phone / Vulkan
30. Awesome Ctf
- Backdoor - Security Platform by SDSLabs.
- SmashTheStack - A variety of wargames maintained by the SmashTheStack Community.
31. Awesome Ruby
API Builder and Discovery
- Jsonite (⭐28) - A tiny, HAL-compliant JSON presenter for your APIs.
- Emoji (⭐446) - Exposes the Phantom Open Emoji library unicode/image assets and APIs for working with them.
Authentication and OAuth
- JWT (⭐3.6k) - JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby.
- RailsConfig (⭐2.1k) - Multi-environment yaml settings for Rails3.
DevOps Tools
- Backup (⭐4.8k) - Provides an elegant DSL in Ruby for performing backups on UNIX-like systems.
- Chef (⭐7.7k) - A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
- Logstash (⭐14k) - Logs/event transport, processing, management, search.
- grape-swagger (⭐1.1k) - Add swagger compliant documentation to your Grape API.
E-Commerce and Payments
- Active Merchant (⭐4.6k) - A simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify.
- Solidus (⭐5.1k) - An open source, eCommerce application for high volume retailers.
- Bookshop (⭐10) - Bookshop is a an open-source agile book development and publishing framework for authors, editors.
File Upload
- Refile (⭐2.4k) - A modern file upload library for Ruby applications, Refile is an attempt by CarrierWave's original author to fix the design mistakes and overengineering in CarrierWave.
HTTP Clients and tools
- HTTP (⭐3k) - The HTTP Gem: a simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests.
Mobile Development
- fastlane (⭐40k) - Connect all iOS deployment tools into one streamlined workflow.
- NoBrainer (⭐386) - A RethinkDB ORM for Ruby
- CombinePDF (⭐747) - A Pure ruby library to merge or stump PDF files, number pages and more.
- elasticsearch-ruby (⭐2k) - Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch.
Third-party APIs
- Pusher (⭐665) - Ruby server library for the Pusher API.
32. Awesome Tech Videos
Programming Languages / JavaScript
- Functional Javascript: Reverse-engineering the Hype By Ben Anderson
Programming Languages / Ruby
- Building a Binary Client Protocol in Ruby: A magical Journey By Trevor Rosen and egypt
- Off the Rails By Sam Saffron
- Tackling Large Ruby Refactorings with Confidence By Jesse Toth
Motivation / Scala
- LoneStarRuby 2015 - Code Club By Saron Yitbarek
- My Dog Taught Me to Code By Dave Thomas
Diversity / Scala
- Re-Inventing the Rosetta Stone Together By Mariko Kosaka
33. Awesome Geojson
- gtfs2geojson (⭐25): convert GTFS transit data to GeoJSON
34. Awesome Iot
Software / Frameworks
- Apple HomeKit - HomeKit is a framework for communicating with and controlling connected accessories in a user’s home.
35. Awesome Swift
- JSONNeverDie (⭐450) - Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die.
Localization / Barcode
- Localize-Swift (⭐3.1k) - Localize apps using e.g. regular expressions in Localizable.strings.
36. Awesome Elixir
Cloud Infrastructure and Management
- IElixir (⭐362) - Jupyter's kernel for Elixir programming language.
- mdef (⭐49) - Easily define multiple function heads in Elixir.
- ex_machina - Flexible test factories for Elixir. Works out of the box with Ecto and Ecto associations.
- - Beginner friendly, in-depth, step by step screencasts.
37. Awesome Clojure
38. Awesome Javascript
SDK / Other
- Spotify SDK (⭐229) - Entity oriented SDK to work with the Spotify Web API.
Misc / Other
- Superhero.js - A collection of resources about creating, testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base.
39. Awesome Codepoints
Code Points that Affect Others
Skin color of emoji: There are five code points, that control the skin color of emoji, U+1F3FB to U+1F3FF. They are called “Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type” 1 to 6, with 1 the palest and 6 the darkest. If one of these characters follows an emoji, that emoji is meant to be rendered in the appropriate skin color of the Fitzpatrick scale. If no such modifier is added, the skin tone should be unnatural, e. g., bright yellow. Fun fact: Since the Fitzpatrick modifiers are normal code points, emoji with such skin colors have the length 2, which Twitter users noticed first. Here is a comparison chart directly from the specification:
40. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Mad science
- turf (⭐9.6k) - Modular geospatial processing and analysis engine.
Packages / Filesystem
- find-up (⭐594) - Find a file by walking up parent directories.
- load-json-file (⭐245) - Read and parse a JSON file.
- write-json-file (⭐222) - Stringify and write JSON to a file atomically.
Packages / Streams
- get-stream (⭐345) - Get a stream as a string or buffer.
Packages / Parsing
- parse-json (⭐351) - Parse JSON with more helpful errors.
Packages / Testing
- tape (⭐5.8k) - TAP-producing test harness.
Packages / Process management
- PM2 (⭐42k) - Advanced Process Manager.
Packages / Miscellaneous
- node-pre-gyp (⭐1.1k) - Makes it easy to publish and install Node.js C++ addons from binaries.
- Prev: Nov 09 - Nov 15, 2015
- Next: Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2015