Awesome List Updates on Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2015

35 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Mqtt



Operating System / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Monitoring / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Logging / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Smart Home Hardware Interfaces / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Home Entertainment / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Messaging / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

2. Awesome Talks

Functional Programming

3. Awesome AutoIt

Websites / OpenOffice

4. Awesome Microservices

Elasticity / Scala

5. Awesome Groovy


6. Awesome Dotnet


Micro Framework


7. Awesome R

Parallel Computing

8. Awesome Tech Videos

Programming Languages / JavaScript

Motivation / Scala

9. Awesome Framer



10. Awesome Iot


Software / Operating systems

Software / Libraries and Tools

Articles / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]

Papers / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]

11. Awesome Security

Network / Scanning / Pentesting

Network / Monitoring / Logging

Network / IDS / IPS / Host IDS / Host IPS

Network / Honey Pot / Honey Net

Endpoint / Mobile / Android / iOS

Threat Intelligence / Forensics

Web / Web Application Firewall

Web / Scanning / Pentesting

Big Data / Development

Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists

Other Awesome Lists / Other Common Awesome Lists

12. Awesome Artificial Intelligence

Misc / Commerical Tools

13. Engineering Blogs

Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals

Individuals/Group Contributors / W individuals

14. Awesome Appsec


Node.js Security Checklist - Rising Stack Blog (2015)

Released: October 13, 2015

Covers a lot of useful information for developing secure Node.js applications.

15. Sublime Bookmarks

Extensions / Python Profile

16. Rbooks

Data Science

Mastering Data Science with R [Packt]

This book will give you the guidance you need to build and develop your knowledge and expertise. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book will help you to understand and use data for a competitive advantage.

Beginning with taking you through essential data mining and management tasks such as munging, fetching, cleaning, and restructuring, the book then explores different model designs and the core components of effective analysis. You will then discover how to optimize your use of machine learning algorithms for classification and recommendation systems beside the traditional and more recent statistical methods.

17. Amas

Ask these people anything!

18. Awesome Polymer

General resources

19. Awesome Javascript

Editors / Runner

Video/Audio / Other

20. Awesome AutoHotkey

Mouse / Web

Debugging / Web

Web Syntax Highlighters / Web

21. Awesome Android

GUI / Navigation

Other / Custom Dialog

22. Awesome Pascal


23. Awesome Ruby

Code Analysis and Metrics

Core Extensions

24. Awesome Swift

UI / Barcode

25. Awesome Vue

Resources / Official Resources

Resources / Community

Resources / Official Examples

26. Awesome Elixir

Date and Time

Examples and funny stuff


Natural Language Processing (NLP)

27. Awesome Flexbox

Presentations / Videos

Sketching with CSS Flexbox Guide by @sfioritto / Slides and Notes

Libraries and Frameworks / Slides and Notes

Featured Projects / Slides and Notes

28. Awesome Codepoints

Standalone Code Points

Code Points that Affect Others

Code Points that Affect Others / Breaking and Gluing other characters

Record Holders and Extremes / Breaking and Gluing other characters

For Funsies / Breaking and Gluing other characters

29. Awesome Linux Containers



30. Awesome Rails Gem

Admin Panel / Omniauth

Testing / Security

31. Awesome Shell

Applications / Directory Navigation

32. Awesome Aws

Social / Twitter Influencers

Latest KPIs and Stats / Conferences

33. Awesome Neo4j

REST API / Other

34. Awesome Jquery


Plugins / Paid Books

Forms / Paid Books

Images, Maps and Charts / Paid Books

35. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

C# / Non-X86

Prolog / Zend

TypeScript / Vapor