Awesome List Updates on Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2015
35 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Mqtt
- pubsubclient (⭐3.4k) - A client library for the Arduino Ethernet Shield that provides support for MQTT.
- rpi2mqtt (⭐21) - Connect a RaspberryPis GPIOs and 1-Wire Temperature Sensors to MQTT.
- logic4mqtt (⭐17) - Java based Logic and scripting engine for use with MQTT. Uses Java's general scripting interface, so scripts can be written in a multitude of languages like Javascript, Groovy etc.
Operating System / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-os-status (⭐17) - Operating-system related data, published to an MQTT broker at fixed intervals.
Monitoring / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- check-mqtt (⭐55) - A Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking connectivity to an MQTT broker.
Logging / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- influx4mqtt (⭐34) - Subscribe to MQTT topics and insert into InfluxDB.
Smart Home Hardware Interfaces / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- cul2mqtt (⭐10) - Interface between Busware CUL (868MHz RF-Devices like ELV FS20, HMS, EM, ...) and MQTT.
- eno2mqtt (⭐9) - Interface between an Enocean USB300 (TCM310) adapter and MQTT.
Home Entertainment / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- airtunes2mqtt (⭐47) - MQTT controlled Multi-Room Audio with Airplay/Airtunes Devices.
- onkyo2mqtt (⭐29) - Interface between Onkyo AVR's EISCP network remote protocol and MQTT. Uses the onkyo-eiscp library.
Messaging / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- twitter-to-mqtt (⭐17) - A python daemon that uses the Twitter Streaming API to access tweets and republishes them to an MQTT topic.
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-panel (⭐373) - A web interface for MQTT.
2. Awesome Talks
Functional Programming
- Propositions as Types by Philip Wadler (Strange Loop 2015) [42:42]
3. Awesome AutoIt
Websites / OpenOffice
4. Awesome Microservices
Elasticity / Scala
- Helix - Generic cluster management framework used for the automatic management of partitioned, replicated and distributed resources hosted on a cluster of nodes.
5. Awesome Groovy
- RxGroovy (⭐158) - RxJava bindings for Groovy
6. Awesome Dotnet
- DbUp (⭐2.4k) - .NET library that helps you to deploy changes to SQL Server databases. It tracks which SQL scripts have been run already, and runs the change scripts that are needed to get your database up to date
Micro Framework
- .NET Micro Framework Interpreter (⭐484) - Microsoft® .NET Micro Framework (NETMF) for developing embedded applications on small devices using Visual Studio
- ExcelDna (⭐1.3k) - ExcelDna makes it easier to create and deploy Excel Add-Ins using C#, F# or VB .NET
7. Awesome R
Parallel Computing
- DistributedR (⭐163) - A scalable high-performance platform from HP Vertica Analytics Team.
8. Awesome Tech Videos
Programming Languages / JavaScript
- .promise() to show you .when() to use Deferreds By Alex McPherson
Motivation / Scala
- Writing Software By David Heinemeier Hansson
9. Awesome Framer
- framer.placehold (⭐10) - This is a module for framer that provides a library of different image placeholder services.
- FramerNavigationComponent (⭐29) - Reusable and customizable navigation component for Framer, based on iOS.
- Framer-AudioPlayer (⭐148) - AudioPlayer Module for Framer.
- Kinetics (⭐29) - Test spring animations on any layer in your Framer Studio project without having to reload.
- Input-Framer (⭐339) - Framer module to easily turn your designs inputs into real inputs.
- framer-equally-rotate-images (⭐37) - Give this module an array of images, and it will rotate them equally around in a circular path.
- SpeechSynth (⭐12) - Framer module for Web SpeechSynthesis.
10. Awesome Iot
- OLinuXino - OLinuXino is an Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware low cost (EUR 30) Linux Industrial grade single board computer with GPIOs capable of operating from -25°C to +85°C.
Software / Operating systems
- NodeOS - NodeOS is an operating system entirely written in Javascript, and managed by npm on top of the Linux kernel.
- Windows 10 IoT Core - Windows 10 IoT is a family of Windows 10 editions targeted toward a wide range of intelligent devices, from small industrial gateways to larger more complex devices like point of sales terminals and ATMs.
Software / Libraries and Tools
- Node-RED - A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things.
Articles / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]
- A Simple Explanation Of 'The Internet Of Things' (Forbes) - This article attempts to give an answer to what exactly is the “Internet of things” and what impact it is going to have on us.
- IoT security. Is there an app for that ? - The Internet of Things World conference investigates IoT application development, security, and business models.
Papers / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]
- Developing solutions for the Internet of Things - Intel's vision in enabling secure and seamless solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT).
- Evaluation of indoor positioning based on Bluetooth Smart technology - Master of Science Thesis in the Programme Computer Systems and Networks.
11. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- Pompem (⭐953) - Pompem is an open source tool, which is designed to automate the search for exploits in major databases. Developed in Python, has a system of advanced search, thus facilitating the work of pentesters and ethical hackers. In its current version, performs searches in databases: Exploit-db, 1337day, Packetstorm Security...
Network / Monitoring / Logging
- passivedns (⭐1.6k) - A tool to collect DNS records passively to aid Incident handling, Network Security Monitoring (NSM) and general digital forensics. PassiveDNS sniffs traffic from an interface or reads a pcap-file and outputs the DNS-server answers to a log file. PassiveDNS can cache/aggregate duplicate DNS answers in-memory, limiting the amount of data in the logfile without loosing the essens in the DNS answer.
Network / IDS / IPS / Host IDS / Host IPS
- Suricata - Suricata is a high performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security Monitoring engine. Open Source and owned by a community run non-profit foundation, the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF). Suricata is developed by the OISF and its supporting vendors.
Network / Honey Pot / Honey Net
- Bifrozt - Bifrozt is a NAT device with a DHCP server that is usually deployed with one NIC connected directly to the Internet and one NIC connected to the internal network. What differentiates Bifrozt from other standard NAT devices is its ability to work as a transparent SSHv2 proxy between an attacker and your honeypot. If you deployed an SSH server on Bifrozt’s internal network it would log all the interaction to a TTY file in plain text that could be viewed later and capture a copy of any files that were downloaded. You would not have to install any additional software, compile any kernel modules or use a specific version or type of operating system on the internal SSH server for this to work. It will limit outbound traffic to a set number of ports and will start to drop outbound packets on these ports when certain limits are exceeded.
Endpoint / Mobile / Android / iOS
- SecMobi Wiki - A collection of mobile security resources which including articles, blogs, books, groups, projects, tools and conferences. *
Threat Intelligence / Forensics
- - ZeuS Tracker / SpyEye Tracker / Palevo Tracker / Feodo Tracker tracks Command&Control servers (hosts) around the world and provides you a domain- and an IP-blocklist.
- SBL / XBL / PBL / DBL / DROP / ROKSO - The Spamhaus Project is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to track the Internet's spam operations and sources, to provide dependable realtime anti-spam protection for Internet networks, to work with Law Enforcement Agencies to identify and pursue spam and malware gangs worldwide, and to lobby governments for effective anti-spam legislation.
Web / Web Application Firewall
- ModSecurity - ModSecurity is a toolkit for real-time web application monitoring, logging, and access control.
- NAXSI (⭐4.8k) - NAXSI is an open-source, high performance, low rules maintenance WAF for NGINX, NAXSI means Nginx Anti Xss & Sql Injection.
Web / Scanning / Pentesting
- ZAP - The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is an easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications. It is designed to be used by people with a wide range of security experience and as such is ideal for developers and functional testers who are new to penetration testing. ZAP provides automated scanners as well as a set of tools that allow you to find security vulnerabilities manually.
Big Data / Development
- Workbench - A scalable python framework for security research and development teams.
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome Linux Containers (⭐1.7k) - A curated list of awesome Linux Containers frameworks, libraries and software.
Other Awesome Lists / Other Common Awesome Lists
- awesome-awesomeness (⭐31k) - awesome-* or *-awesome lists.
12. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Misc / Commerical Tools
- Open Cognition Project - We're undertaking a serious effort to build a thinking machine
- AITopics - Large aggregation of AI resources
13. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals
- James Hague
- Jamis Buck
Individuals/Group Contributors / W individuals
- Wilfred Hughes
14. Awesome Appsec
Node.js Security Checklist - Rising Stack Blog (2015)
Released: October 13, 2015
Covers a lot of useful information for developing secure Node.js applications.
15. Sublime Bookmarks
Extensions / Python Profile
- MagicPython (⭐1.4k) — Syntax highlighter for cutting edge Python for Sublime Text and Atom.
16. Rbooks
Data Science
Mastering Data Science with R [Packt]

This book will give you the guidance you need to build and develop your knowledge and expertise. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book will help you to understand and use data for a competitive advantage.
Beginning with taking you through essential data mining and management tasks such as munging, fetching, cleaning, and restructuring, the book then explores different model designs and the core components of effective analysis. You will then discover how to optimize your use of machine learning algorithms for classification and recommendation systems beside the traditional and more recent statistical methods.
17. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Zeno Rocha (⭐71) - Developer Advocate at Liferay.
- Kahlil Lechelt (⭐0) - JavaScript developer, organizes KarlsruheJS, co-host of the Descriptive Podcast and the Reactive Podcast, vocalist.
18. Awesome Polymer
General resources
- Project All things related to the Polymer project - Roadmap, Code of Conduct, How to Contribute, and more.
19. Awesome Javascript
Editors / Runner
- trix (⭐19k) - A rich text editor for everyday writing. By Basecamp.
Video/Audio / Other
- SoundJS (⭐4.5k) - A library to make working with audio on the web easier. It provides a consistent API for playing audio in different browsers.
20. Awesome AutoHotkey
Mouse / Web
- MouseGestureL - Control applications by mouse gestures. Gestures and actions can be defined via customizable interface. Documentation in English and Japanese - Japanese Homepage link
Debugging / Web
- Yunit (⭐41) - by Uberi and infogulch - Simple unit testing framework for AutoHotkey.
Web Syntax Highlighters / Web
- highlight.js - A syntax highlighter written in JavaScript supporting more than 130 languages (including AutoHotkey).
21. Awesome Android
GUI / Navigation
- SlidingTutorial (⭐2.5k) - Simple library that helps to create awesome sliding android app tutorials.
Other / Custom Dialog
- Caffeine (⭐415) - A collection of utility classes that help make Android development faster.
22. Awesome Pascal
- Delphi.gitignore (⭐147k). .gitignore templates for Delphi. There is also one for Lazarus.
23. Awesome Ruby
Code Analysis and Metrics
- Traceroute (⭐901) - A Rake task gem that helps you find the dead routes and actions for your Rails 3+ app
Core Extensions
- Finishing Moves (⭐204) - Small, focused, incredibly useful methods added to core Ruby classes. Includes the endlessly useful
24. Awesome Swift
UI / Barcode
- FlagKit (⭐3.1k) - Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
25. Awesome Vue
Resources / Official Resources
Resources / Community
Resources / Official Examples
26. Awesome Elixir
Date and Time
- good_times (⭐46) - Expressive and easy to use datetime functions.
Examples and funny stuff
- lolcat (⭐7) - This is the clone of busyloop/lolcat. But it does not support animation and some features of the original.
- jose (⭐316) - JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Erlang and Elixir.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- gibran (⭐65) - Gibran is an Elixir port of WordsCounted (⭐159), a natural language processor that extracts useful statistics from text.
27. Awesome Flexbox
Presentations / Videos
Sketching with CSS Flexbox Guide by @sfioritto / Slides and Notes
Libraries and Frameworks / Slides and Notes
Featured Projects / Slides and Notes
28. Awesome Codepoints
Standalone Code Points
- U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER - when a character cannot be displayed (e.g., decoding an erroneous UTF-8 sequency), this code point steps into the breach.
Code Points that Affect Others
- U+FE0E VARIATION SELECTOR-15 - force black-&-white emoji. If this code point follows an emoji, an explicit monochrome rendering of the emoji is requested (if the client supports it).
Code Points that Affect Others / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE - force adjacent
characters to stick together. Well known as
in HTML.
) like ZERO WIDTH SPACE, but show a hyphen if (and only if) a break occurs.
- U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE - the inverse to U+00A0: create no space, but allow word breaking.
- U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER - force adjacent characters to be joined together (e.g., arabic characters or supported emoji). Apple uses this to compose some emoji like different families.
- U+2060 WORD JOINER - the same as
U+00A0, but completely invisible. Good for writing
on Twitter.
Record Holders and Extremes / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- U+0000 <control> - first code point.
For Funsies / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- U+1DD2 COMBINING US ABOVE - this is the most romantic code point.
- U+F8FF PRIVATE USE CODEPOINT - this private use code point is rendered as Apple logo on many Apple devices.
29. Awesome Linux Containers
- Cloud Foundry Foundation
The Cloud is our foundry.
- Jelastic
Unlimited PaaS and Container-Based IaaS in a Joint Cloud Solution for DevOps.
30. Awesome Rails Gem
Admin Panel / Omniauth
- Typus - Typus is a control panel for Ruby on Rails applications to allow trusted users edit structured content.
Testing / Security
- bundle-audit (⭐2.5k) - bundler-audit is a patch-level verification tool for Bundler which checks for vulnerable versions of gems and insecure gem sources.
31. Awesome Shell
Applications / Directory Navigation
- iponmap (⭐303) - Draw point on world map using ip address
32. Awesome Aws
Social / Twitter Influencers
- @mza - Matt Wood: Product Strategy.
Latest KPIs and Stats / Conferences
- 2 million new EBS volumes created per day.4
33. Awesome Neo4j
REST API / Other
- store-utils (⭐91) - Utilities to compact, copy, fix, analyse Neo4j stores.
34. Awesome Jquery
- Snoopcode - jQuery tutorials.
Plugins / Paid Books
- jQuery Unheap - A tidy repository of jQuery plugins.
Forms / Paid Books
- Payform (⭐427) - A library (with jQuery plugin) for building credit card forms, validating inputs, and formatting numbers.
- Pickadate (⭐7.7k) - The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight date & time input picker.
Images, Maps and Charts / Paid Books
- Cropper (⭐7.8k) - A simple image cropping plugin.
35. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C# / Non-X86
- Dissecting a C# Application - Christian Holm, Bernhard Spuida, Mike Kruger
Prolog / Zend
- Coding Guidelines for Prolog - Michael A. Covington, Roberto Bagnara, Richard A. O'Keefe, Jan Wielemaker, Simon Price
TypeScript / Vapor
- Prev: Nov 02 - Nov 08, 2015
- Next: Oct 19 - Oct 25, 2015