Awesome List Updates on Oct 19 - Oct 25, 2015
38 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Shell
Applications / Directory Navigation
- SAWS (⭐5.2k) - A Supercharged AWS CLI
2. Awesome Swift
Math / Barcode
- Arithmosophi (⭐67) - Set of protocols for Arithmetic and Logical operations.
3. Awesome Linux Containers
Security / Links
4. Awesome Hadoop
Search Engine Framework
- Apache Nutch - Apache Nutch is a highly extensible and scalable open source web crawler software project.
5. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- data-science-ipython-notebooks (⭐28k) - Continually updated Data Science Python Notebooks: Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS, AWS, Kaggle, scikit-learn, matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and various command lines.
6. Awesome Vorpal
Extensions / POSIX implementations
- grep (⭐12) - Implementation of the
7. Awesome Bigdata
Search engine and framework
- Sphinx Search Server - fulltext search engine.
8. Awesome Rails Gem
Coding Style / Omniauth
- Metric Fu (⭐608) - A fist full of code metrics
Testing / Omniauth
- VCR (⭐5.4k) - Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
9. Awesome Laravel
Books / Videos
- Laravel: Code Happy by Dayle Rees
- Laravel: Code Bright by Dayle Rees
- Laravel: From Apprentice To Artisan by Taylor Otwell
- Laravel 4 Cookbook by Christopher Pitt and Taylor Otwell
- Laravel Testing Decoded by Jeffrey Way
- Implementing Laravel by Chris Fidao
- Getting Stuff Done with Laravel 4 by Chuck Heintzelman
- Build APIs You Won't Hate by Phil Sturgeon
- Integrating Front end Components with Web Applications by Maksim Surguy
- Building Web Applications Using Parse REST API by Mhd Zaher Ghaibeh
- Laravel - My First Framework by Maksim Surguy
- Easy Laravel 5 by W. Jason Gilmore
- Laravel 5 Essentials by Martin Bean
- Easy E-Commerce Using Laravel and Stripe by W. Jason Gilmore and Eric L. Barnes
- Laravel 5.1 Beauty by Chuck Heintzelman
- Design Patterns with PHP and Laravel by Kelt Dockins
- Mastering Laravel by Christopher John Pecoraro
- Laravel 5 Learn Easy by Sanjib Sinha
- Laravel and AngularJS by Daniel Schmitz and Daniel Pedrinha Georgii
10. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Email
- emailjs (⭐2.2k) - Send text/HTML emails with attachments to any SMTP server.
11. Toolsforactivism
Projects to keep an eye on (ie projects in development)
- Stencil Validator (code (⭐12)) - a design tool for determining if your artwork is a valid stencil
12. Awesome D3
Miscellaneous / Third Party
- d3.sketchy (⭐241) - Creates sketchy backgrounds, shapes and lines
13. Awesome Codepoints
Standalone Code Points
The code points of the Unicode blocks Box Drawing (U+2500 to U+257F) and Block Elements (U+2580 to U+259F) cover most of your monospace command-line visualization needs.
╭───────╮ │Unicode│ │rules! │ ╰┬─────┬╯
- U+2E2E REVERSED QUESTION MARK - the “irony mark” to express irony/sarcasm. A useful character⸮
- U+D800 to U+DFFF - surrogate code points. They are only reserved to ease UTF-16 encoding.
- U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE - it’s name suggests, that it can be used like U+2060 WORD JOINER. And in fact the latter was introduced to inherit its semantics. This is because U+FEFF had become a special beacon called the byte order mark, that was placed on the beginning of some UTF-8 files. In complying software (including many text editors) this character is stripped from the start of a file and handled as metadata. In non-complying software (like the PHP interpreter) this leads to all sorts of fun behaviour.
- U+1D455 is missing. It would be an italic small “h”. It was not encoded, because it would be identical to the Planck constant ℎ (U+210E).
Code Points that Affect Others
Diacritics and combining marks: There is a host of characters, that add to the characters before. Those are called Combining Marks. Unicode provides a handy FAQ on the details, but in a nutshell: If you add one after a character, it is placed on top of that previous one. So,
a + ̊ = å
. This may lead to all kinds of funny problems, because for some combinations there are pre-composed characters. Our littleå
here can also be encoded as U+00E5. You might note, that while this has a length of one character, the combination ofa
and combining ring has a length of two characters.Of course, one can also do fun things with those characters like this answer on StackOverflow.
Record Holders and Extremes / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- U+1F402 OX - shortest name.
- U+FDFA ARABIC LIGATURE SALLALLAHOU ALAYHE WASALLAM - longest decomposition form: 18 characters.
- U+5146 and U+16B61 - code points that represent the highest “single-digit” number. In both cases that’s 1,000,000,000,000, a trillion.
- U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO - code point that represents the lowest “single-digit” number and at the same time the only negative one, -½.
- The trophy for most useless code points goes to U+0080, U+0081 and U+0099. These so-called C1 control characters are more or less unspecified. They got into Unicode, because they were present in the very first version of what should later become ISO 10646, the ISO-standardized version of Unicode. They were meant to be part of an upgrade to ISO 2022, that never came to be.
For Funsies / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- U+1680 OGHAM SPACE MARK - a space that looks
like a dash. Great to bring programmers close to madness:
1 + 2 === 3
- U+037E GREEK QUESTION MARK - a look-alike to the semicolon. Also a fun way to annoy developers.
- U+1F574 MAN IN BUSINESS SUIT LEVITATING - A rather curious character, that only made it into Unicode for its appearance in the Webdings font (for reasons of backwards compatibility).
- U+1F596 RAISED HAND WITH PART BETWEEN MIDDLE AND RING FINGERS - the Vulcan salute. Live long and prosper!
- U+1F918 SIGN OF THE HORNS - Rock on! 落
For Funsies / Games
- Card suits and even a whole deck of cards complete with joker and back of card.
14. Papers We Love
Info / How To Read a Paper
15. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Spreaker Studio - Audio recording and broadcasting.
16. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
- A beginners Guide to Deep Neural Networks By Natalie Hammel and Lorraine Yurshansky
Researchers / Miscellaneous
17. Es6 Tools
Module Loaders / Brunch Plugins
18. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / S individuals
- Stack Abuse
Individuals/Group Contributors / U individuals
- Undocumented Matlab
19. Awesome Courses
Courses / Programming Languages / Compilers
- PCPP Practical Concurrent and Parallel Programming IT University of Copenhagen
- In this MSc course you learn how to write correct and efficient concurrent and parallel software, primarily using Java, on standard shared-memory multicore hardware.
- The course covers basic mechanisms such as threads, locks and shared memory as well as more advanced mechanisms such as parallel streams for bulk data, transactional memory, message passing, and lock-free data structures with compare-and-swap.
- It covers concepts such as atomicity, safety, liveness and deadlock.
- It covers how to measure and understand performance and scalability of parallel programs.
- It covers tools and methods to find bugs in concurrent programs.
20. Awesome Github
Resources for those already familiar with GitHub
- GitHub Desktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop.
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- GitHub Integrations Directory - Use your favorite tools with GitHub.
Novel uses of GitHub
- Mozilla Festival (⭐44) - Mozfest 2015 Program on GitHub.
- Open Source Society University (⭐126k) - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science.
- Clef's Handbook (⭐2.7k) - An employee handbook built for inclusion.
21. Awesome Microservices
Node.js / Scala
- Koa - Next generation web framework for Node.js
REST / Scala
- Spring REST Docs - Document RESTful services by combining hand-written documentation with auto-generated snippets produced with Spring MVC Test.
Security / Scala
- RFC7642 - SCIM: Definitions, overview, concepts, and requirements.
- RFC7643 - SCIM: Core Schema, provides a platform-neutral schema and extension model for representing users and groups.
- RFC7644 - SCIM: Protocol, an application-level, REST protocol for provisioning and managing identity data on the web.
22. Awesome Jquery
Plugins / Paid Books
- jQuery Rain - Top & Best jQuery plugins, tutorials, cool effects, examples, demos.
Server-side Integrations / Paid Books
- PHP:
- PHP front end setup without Node - Tutorial how to combine BowerPHP, Mini-Asset and into a PHP front end asset building pipeline.
- symfony-collection (⭐444) - jQuery Plugin that manages adding, deleting and moving elements from a Symfony2 collection.
23. Awesome Iot
Software / Miscellaneous
- Amazon Dash - Amazon Dash Button is a Wi-Fi connected device that reorders your favorite item with the press of a button.
Standards / - XMPP (IETF)
- ETSI M2M - The ETSI Technical Committee is developing standards for Machine to Machine Communications.
- OneM2M - The purpose and goal of oneM2M is to develop technical specifications which address the need for a common M2M Service Layer that can be readily embedded within various hardware and software, and relied upon to connect the myriad of devices in the field with M2M application servers worldwide.
Alliances / - XMPP (IETF)
- AIOTI - The Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) aims to strengthen links and build new relationships between the different IoT players (industries, SMEs, startups) and sectors.
- IPSO Alliance - The IPSO Alliance provides a foundation for industry growth by fostering awareness, providing education, promoting the industry, generating research, and creating a better understanding of IP and its role in the Internet of Things.
- LoRa Alliance - The LoRa Alliance is an open, non-profit association of members that believes the internet of things era is now. It was initiated by industry leaders with a mission to standardize Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) being deployed around the world to enable Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M), smart city, and industrial applications.
- Thread Group - The Thread Group, composed of members from Nest, Samsung, ARM, Freescale, Silicon Labs, Big Ass Fans and Yale, drives the development of the Thread network protocol.
- Wi-Fi Alliance - Wi-Fi Alliance® is a worldwide network of companies composed of several companies forming a global non-profit association with the goal of driving the best user experience with a new wireless networking technology – regardless of brand.
- Zigbee Alliance - The ZigBee Alliance is an open, non-profit association of approximately 450 members driving development of innovative, reliable and easy-to-use ZigBee standards.
- Z-Wave Alliance - Established in 2005, the Z-Wave Alliance is comprised of industry leaders throughout the globe that are dedicated to the development and extension of Z-Wave as the key enabling technology for 'smart' home and business applications.
24. Awesome Devenv
Shell / Extensions
- oh-my-fish (⭐8.9k) - Framework for managing your fish shell configuration inspired by oh-my-zsh.
Terminal / Extensions
- Pipe Viewer - a tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
25. Vertx Awesome
Development Tools
- Vert.x Hot (⭐47) - A Maven plugin for the hot-deploy of Maven Vert.x projects.
26. Awesome Malware Analysis
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- AndroTotal - Free online analysis of APKs against multiple mobile antivirus apps.
27. Awesome Projects Boilerplates
- Django Starter Template (⭐146) An easy to use project template for Django that follows best practices.
28. Awesome Network Js
High level
- airpaste (⭐794) – 1-1 network pipe that auto discovers other peers using mdns.
- blecat (⭐94) – 1-1 pipe over bluetooth low energy.
29. Awesome Ruby
Third-party APIs
- google-api-ads-ruby (⭐297) - Google Adwords Ruby client
30. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Community
Contents / Resources
- Going from Lua 5.2 to PICO-8's Lua - This document is here to help folks with a proficiency in Lua understand the limitations and discrepencies between Lua and PICO-8's Lua.
Contents / Tools
- Spritesheets and tools for the PICO-8 Palette - Compilation of works assest and tools using the PICO-8 palette.
31. Awesome Flexbox
Featured Projects / Slides and Notes
- React-flexbox (⭐162) - Implementation of css flexbox in react with inline styles.
32. Awesome R
HTML Widgets
- scatterD3 (⭐160) - Interactive scatterplots with D3.
33. Awesome Aws
The Fiery Meter of AWSome
- Repo with 0100+ Stars: 🔥
- Repo with 0200+ Stars: 🔥🔥
- Repo with 0500+ Stars: 🔥🔥🔥
- Repo with 1000+ Stars: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Repo with 2000+ Stars: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
SDKs and Samples / Android SDK
SDKs and Samples / C++ SDK
SDKs and Samples / Clojure SDK
SDKs and Samples / Go SDK
SDKs and Samples / iOS SDK
SDKs and Samples / IoT SDK
SDKs and Samples / Java SDK
SDKs and Samples / JavaScript SDK
SDKs and Samples / Perl SDK
SDKs and Samples / PHP SDK
SDKs and Samples / Python SDK
SDKs and Samples / Ruby SDK
SDKs and Samples / Scala SDK
SDKs and Samples / Unity SDK
SDKs and Samples / Xamarin SDK
SDKs and Samples / .NET SDK
IDE Toolkits / Visual Studio Toolkit
Command Line Tools / Universal Command Line Interface
Open Source Repos / CLI
- donnemartin/saws 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐5.1k) - A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface.
- aws-cli 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐14k) - Universal Command Line Interface.
- awscli-cookbook (⭐38) - Installs the CLI tools and provides a set of LWRPs for use within chef cookbooks.
- achiku/jungle 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐844) - Operations by EC2 and ELB cli should be simpler.
- timkay/aws 🔥🔥 (⭐407) - Easy command line access to Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, ELB, and SDB.
Command Line Tools / Windows PowerShell
IDE Toolkits / Eclipse Toolkit
Open Source Repos / API Gateway
- aws-apigateway-sdk-java (⭐30) - SDK for Java.
Social / Conferences
- re:Invent - Annual user conference. The event features keynote announcements, training and certification opportunities, over 250 technical sessions, a partner expo, after hours activities, and more.
- Summits - Global one-day events that are designed to educate new customers about the AWS platform and offer existing customers deep technical content to be more successful with AWS.
Open Source Repos / CloudFormation
- aws-cfn-custom-resource-examples (⭐85) - Custom resource examples.
- aws-cfn-resource-bridge (⭐71) - Custom resource framework.
- cfncluster-cookbook (⭐94) - Sample Cookbook.
Open Source Repos / CloudSearch
- cloudsearchable (⭐51) - An ActiveRecord-style ORM query interface.
Open Source Repos / CloudTrail
- aws-cloudtrail-processing-library (⭐81) - Easily consume and process log files.
- AppliedTrust/traildash 🔥🔥 (⭐363) - Slick dashboard.
Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service
- ecs-cloudwatch-logs (⭐69) - Assets from the blog using Amazon ECS and Amazon CloudWatch logs.
- ecs-mesos-scheduler-driver 🔥 (⭐169) - Integrates Apache Mesos.
- ecs-task-kite (⭐61) - Simple ambassador container for inter-task communication.
- py-flask-signup-docker (⭐80) - Python sample app.
Open Source Repos / CloudWatch
- logstash-output-cloudwatchlogs (⭐38) - A logstash plugin that sends logs to CloudWatch.
- newrelic-platform/newrelic_aws_cloudwatch_plugin 🔥 (⭐156) - New Relic plugin.
Open Source Repos / OpsWorks
- opsworks-cloudwatch-logs-cookbooks (⭐8) - CloudWatch sample cookbook.
- opsworks-elasticsearch-cookbook (⭐36) - Elasticsearch sample cookbook.
- opsworks-attribute-customization (⭐4) - Attribute customization example.
- opsworks-capistrano (⭐9) - Capistrano with instances.
- opsworks-demo-php-photo-share-app (⭐16) - Simple PHP photo share app.
- opsworks-demo-php-simple-app (⭐45) - Simple PHP app.
- opsworks-demo-rails-photo-share-app (⭐15) - A sample Rails app.
- opsworks-first-cookbook (⭐9) - Cookbook used to demonstrate simple recipes.
- opsworks-windows-demo- (⭐31) - A sample Node.JS app.
- opsworks-windows-demo-cookbooks (⭐9) - Cookbooks for Windows.
- todo-sample-app-cookbooks (⭐5) - Custom cookbooks associated with the todo-sample-app.
Open Source Repos / Code Pipeline
- aws-codepipeline-custom-job-worker (⭐33) - Develop your own job worker when creating a custom action.
- aws-codepipeline-jenkins-aws-codedeploy_linux (⭐46) - Four-stage pipeline for Linux.
- aws-codepipeline-plugin-for-jenkins (⭐83) - Jenkins plugin.
- AWSCodePipeline-Jenkins-AWSCodeDeploy_Windows (⭐13) - Four-stage pipeline for Windows.
- AWSCodePipeline-S3-AWSCodeDeploy_Windows (⭐8) - Simple pipeline for Windows.
Open Source Repos / Cognito
- amazon-cognito-android (⭐31) - Sync SDK for Android.
- amazon-cognito-developer-authentication-sample (⭐98) - Authentication sample.
- amazon-cognito-dotnet (⭐9) - Sync SDK for .NET.
- amazon-cognito-ios (⭐34) - Sync SDK for iOS.
- amazon-cognito-streams-sample (⭐9) - Consuming Streams sample.
Open Source Repos / Device Farm
- aws-device-farm-appium-tests-for-sample-app (⭐87) - Appium TestNG Android tests.
- aws-device-farm-calabash-tests-for-sample-app (⭐9) - Calabash Android tests.
- aws-device-farm-gradle-plugin (⭐59) - Gradle plugin.
- aws-device-farm-jenkins-plugin (⭐87) - Jenkins plugin.
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- aws-dotnet-session-provider (⭐32) - A session state provider for ASP.NET apps.
- aws-dotnet-trace-listener (⭐14) - A trace listener for System.Diagnostics that can be used to log events.
- aws-dynamodb-mars-json-demo (⭐50) - Stores and indexes NASA JPL Mars images.
- aws-dynamodb-session-tomcat (⭐95) - Session store for Apache Tomcat.
- aws-sessionstore-dynamodb-ruby (⭐67) - Handles sessions for Ruby web apps.
- dynamodb-import-export-tool (⭐91) - Import and export examples.
- dynamodb-online-index-violation-detector (⭐9) - Finds violations on an online GSI's hash key and range key.
- dynamodb-tictactoe-example-app (⭐48) - Lightweight python app.
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- dynamodb-streams-kinesis-adapter (⭐89) - DynamoDB Streams Adapter.
- amazon-kinesis-client-net (⭐57) - Client Library for .NET.
- amazon-kinesis-learning (⭐105) - Learning Kinesis Development.
- kinesis-log4j-appender (⭐62) - Log4J Appender.
- kinesis-poster-worker (⭐69) - Simple multi-threaded Python Poster and Worker.
- mqtt-kinesis-bridge (⭐40) - Simple MQTT bridge in Python.
Open Source Repos / Elastic Beanstalk
- aws-eb-glassfish-dockerfiles (⭐32) - GlassFish docker files.
- aws-eb-python-dockerfiles (⭐58) - Python docker files.
- eb-docker-multiple-ports (⭐56) - Simple Node.js and Tomcat apps using Docker images.
- eb-docker-virtual-hosting (⭐29) - Simple PHP, Tomcat, and Nginx applications using Docker images.
- eb-node-express-signup (⭐77) - Express framework and Bootstrap Node.js sample app.
- eb-node-express (⭐8) - Sample app referenced in the Developer Guide.
- eb-py-flask-signup-worker (⭐45) - Python app that illustrates worker roles.
- eb-python-flask (⭐37) - Simple Python and Flask app.
- eb-wif-sample (⭐18) - Sample login app with Web Identity Federation.
- alienfast/elastic-beanstalk 🔥 (⭐194) - Gem with rake configuration and deployment for rails apps.
Open Source Repos / Elastic Compute Cloud
- ConradIrwin/aws-name-server 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐556) - DNS server that lets you look up instances by name.
- skavanagh/EC2Box 🔥🔥 (⭐422) - A web-based SSH console to manage multiple instances simultaneously.
- wbailey/claws 🔥 (⭐163) - CLI-driven console with capistrano integration.
Open Source Repos / Elastic File System
- amazon-ecs-amazon-efs (⭐67) - Persist data from ECS.
Open Source Repos / Elastic Search
- elastic/elasticsearch-cloud-aws 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐580) - Plugin for Elasticsearch.
Open Source Repos / Elasticache
- aws-elasticache-cluster-client-libmemcached (⭐22) - Libmemcached library support.
- aws-elasticache-cluster-client-memcached-for-java (⭐83) - Client for Java.
- aws-elasticache-cluster-client-memcached-for-php (⭐58) - Enhanced PHP library connecting to ElastiCache.
- elasticache-cluster-config-net (⭐28) - Config object for Enyim's MemcachedClient to enable auto discovery.
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- create-thumbnails-lambda (⭐28) - Uses the grunt-aws-lambda plugin to help you develop and test.
- mentum/lambdaws 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.3k) - Deploy, run and get results in a breeze.
Open Source Repos / Mobile Analytics
- aws-sdk-mobile-analytics-js (⭐80) - JavaScript SDK.
Open Source Repos / Redshift
- everythingMe/redshift_console (⭐92) - A simple tool to monitor and manage a Redshift cluster. The first release has basic tools to monitor running queries, WLM queue and your tables/schemas.
Open Source Repos / S3
- grippy/node-s3 (⭐96) - Node.js app to manage buckets.
- marcel/aws-s3 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐782) - Ruby implementation of Amazon's S3 REST API.
- MathieuLoutre/grunt-aws-s3 🔥🔥 (⭐294) - Grunt plugin.
- tongwang/s3fs-c 🔥 (⭐132) - Mounts buckets for use on a local file system.
Open Source Repos / Simple Workflow
- aws-flow-ruby 🔥 (⭐139) - Creates background jobs and multistep workflows.
- aws-flow-ruby-samples (⭐66) - AWS Flow Framework for Ruby samples.
- aws-flow-ruby-opsworks-helloworld (⭐6) - Hello World sample.
Open Source Repos / SimpleDB
- rjrodger/simpledb 🔥 (⭐136) - Node.js library.
Open Source Repos / Data
- donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐25k) - Big data/data science notebooks.
- everpeace/vagrant-mesos 🔥🔥 (⭐437) - Spin up your Mesos Cluster with Vagrant.
- jhorey/ferry 🔥🔥 (⭐252) - Define, run, and deploy big data apps using Docker.
Open Source Repos / Security
- aws-sha256-agentcs (⭐6) - SHA256 Agent Compatibility Ccanner.
- aws-tvm-anonymous (⭐33) - Token Vending Machine for Anonymous Registration.
- aws-tvm-identity (⭐38) - Token Vending Machine for Identity Registration.
- s2n 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐4.3k) - An implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols.
Open Source Repos / Accompanying Repos
- aws-demo-php-simple-app (⭐12) - PHP apps from the AWS Blogs.
- aws-mobile-sample-wif (⭐3) - Samples from the AWS Mobile SDK blog.
- aws-mobile-self-paced-labs-samples (⭐15) - Android Snake Game from a self-paced lab.
- java-meme-generator-sample (⭐54) - Meme generation app from re:Invent 2012.
- railsconf2013-tech-demo 🔥 (⭐167) - Seahorse demo from RailsConf 2013.
- reinvent2013-js-blog-demo (⭐30) - Demo blogging app from re:Invent 2013.
- reinvent2013-mobile-photo-share (⭐23) - Mobile photo share app from re:Invent 2014.
- reinvent2014-scalable-site-management (⭐54) - Scalable site management sample from re:Invent 2014.
- reinvent2015-dev309 (⭐7) - Large Scale Metrics Analysis from re:Invent 2015.
- timely-security-analytics (⭐28) - Security analytics sample from 2015 re:Invent 2015.
- todo-sample-app (⭐27) - Simple "Todo" app from RailsConf 2014.
- startup-class/setup 🔥🔥 (⭐296) - EC2 setup files for Startup Engineering MOOC.
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- amediamanager (⭐62) - Media manager.
- aws-hal-client-java (⭐15) - Java client for the Hypertext Application Language.
- aws-model-validators (⭐9) - Tools for validating the AWS service JSON model files.
- aws-sdk-js-sample-video-transcoder (⭐22) - Sample cross-platform video transcoder app.
- bcoe/thumbd 🔥🔥 (⭐442) - Node.js/ImageMagick-based image thumbnailing service.
- jpillora/grunt-aws 🔥 (⭐174) - Grunt interface into the Node.JS SDK.
- meducation/propono 🔥🔥 (⭐316) - Easy-to-use pub/sub in Ruby.
- mozilla/awsbox 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐812) - A featherweight PaaS on top of EC2 for deploying node apps.
- Netflix/aws-autoscaling 🔥🔥 (⭐427) - Tools for using auto scaling and documentation best practices.
- Netflix/SimianArmy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐7.9k) - Tools to keep your cloud operating in top form.
- niftylettuce/gulp-aws-splash 🔥🔥 - Open-source LaunchRock alternative. Build beautiful splash pages.
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / Getting Started Guides
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / General Guides
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / Whitepapers
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / Documentation
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / Training
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / Case Studies: Powered by AWS
Social / Blogs
- All Things Distributed - Werner Vogels, AWS CTO.
- Things I Like... - Jeff Barr, AWS Chief Evangelist.
Social / Twitter Influencers
- @awscloud - Official Twitter feed.
- @AWSreInvent - Official Twitter account for re:Invent.
Social / Facebook Pages
- amazonwebservices - Official Facebook page.
- awsreinvent - Official Facebook page for re:Invent.
Social / YouTube Channels
Social / LinkedIn Groups
Social / Subreddits
Latest KPIs and Stats / Conferences
- 500+ major new features and services launched since 2014.1
- Customers have launched more than 15 million Hadoop clusters.3
- Every day, AWS adds enough new server capacity to support all of Amazon's global infrastructure when it was a $7B annual revenue enterprise (in 2004).2
Appendix of Core Services / Services in Plain English
- Amazon Web Services in Plain English - Entertaining and educational, a community contribution.
34. Awesome Tech Videos
Programming Languages / Java
Talks on Papers / Scala
- Propositions as Types By Michal Bernstein
- One VM to Rule Them All - By Aysylu Greenberg
Databases / Scala
- SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends By Ken Ashcraft and Alfred Fuller
Architecture / Scala
- Microservices Anti-Patterns By Tammer Saleh
Motivation / Scala
- Myth of the Genius Programmer By Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman
- How to Teach Yourself Code By Mattan Griffel
- How to Write a Great Research Paper By Simon Peyton Jones
- The Top 10 Ways To Scam The Modern American By Zed A. Shaw
- The Imaginative Programmer By Zed A. Shaw
- Impossible Programming By Tom Stuart
Diversity / Scala
- Quiet By Susan Cain
35. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- parallel_stream (⭐100) - A parallel stream implementation for Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- gcmex (⭐7) - Google Cloud Messaging client library for elixir.
- ElixirSlack - Elixir Slack Community.
- Elixir Fountain - The Elixir Fountain podcast.
36. Awesome Talks
Web Development
- 10 Things I Learned from the jQuery Source by Paul Irish [53:40]
37. Awesome Javascript
Sliders / Runner
- Flickity (⭐7.5k) - Touch, responsive, flickable galleries.
Table/Grid / Other
- jTable (⭐1.1k) - A jQuery plugin to create AJAX based CRUD tables.
- floatThead (⭐1.2k) - (jQuery plug-in) lock any table's header while scrolling within the body. Works on any table and requires no custom html or css.
38. Awesome Perl
Queueing / NoSQL Databases
Science/Numerics / NoSQL Databases
- Chart::Clicker - Powerful, extensible charting
Web Scraping / Middlewares
- Prev: Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2015
- Next: Oct 12 - Oct 18, 2015