Awesome List Updates on Aug 17 - Aug 23, 2015

30 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Linux Containers







Partial Access

Security / Links

Security / Levels of security problems

Security / Technologies for security

2. Awesome Erlang


3. Awesome Typescript

Offline / Other (Plugins || Cross-platform || OSS || Free)

💵 Paid Courses / Chrome Extensions

4. Engineering Blogs

Companies / L companies

5. Awesome Influxdb

Projects / Dedicated

Libraries / Non-dedicated

6. Awesome Salesforce

Mobile Development with Salesforce / Mobile SDK

Troubleshooting and queries / Official Salesforce Twitter Accounts

Troubleshooting and queries / Technical Blogs

7. Awesome Elixir

Framework Components

Text and Numbers

8. Awesome Sketch

Videos / Tutorial-only

Videos / Process of designing dashboards, mobile apps

Videos / General screencasts

Community / Tutorials

Plugins / Must-have ❤️

Plugins / Nice-to-have 👍

Other / Nice-to-have 👍

9. Awesome Python

HTML Manipulation



Third-party APIs

10. Awesome Answers

Programming Languages / JavaScript

Programming Languages / Python

11. Awesome Polymer



12. Awesome Dotnet

Machine Learning and Data Science

SDK and API Clients

13. Awesome Jvm

Garbage collectors


Nix tools



Virtual Machines





14. Awesome Html5

Development APIs / Permissions

Web Workers / WebRTC

15. Awesome Transit

Software for Creating APIs

Web Apps (open source)

GTFS Realtime Libraries & Demo Apps / Rust

GTFS Libraries / Java

GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust

GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust

16. Awesome Android

GUI / Animations

17. Awesome Microservices

REST / Scala

World Wide Web / Scala

HTTP/1.1 / Scala

HTTP/2 / Scala

Unicode / Scala

18. BEM Resources


19. Toolsforactivism

Open-source host-it-yourself:

Software as a service:

How do I contribute to this list

20. Awesome Cpp




21. Awesome Javascript

MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner

22. Awesome Canvas

Canvas / Examples

Resources / Twitter

23. Awesome Standard


24. Amas

Ask these organizations anything!

25. Awesome Appsec


Why Invest in Application Security? (2015)

Released: June 21, 2015

Running a business requires being cost-conscious and minimizing unnecessary spending. The benefits of ensuring in the security of your application are invisible to most companies, so often times they neglect to invest in secure software development as a cost-saving measure. What these companies don't realize is the potential cost (both financial and to brand reputation) a preventable data compromise can incur.

The average data breach costs millions of dollars in damage.

Investing more time and personnel to develop secure software is, for most companies, worth it to minimize this unnecessary risk to their bottom line.

A Guide to Secure Data Encryption in PHP Applications (2015)

Released: August 2, 2015

Discusses the importance of end-to-end network-layer encryption (HTTPS) as well as secure encryption for data at rest, then introduces the specific cryptography tools that developers should use for specific use cases, whether they use libsodium, Defuse Security's secure PHP encryption library (⭐3.5k), or OpenSSL.

Books and ebooks

SEI CERT Android Secure Coding Standard (2015)

Released: February 24, 2015

A community-maintained Wiki detailing secure coding standards for Android development.

SEI CERT C Coding Standard (2006)

Released: May 24, 2006

A community-maintained Wiki detailing secure coding standards for C programming.

SEI CERT Java Coding Standard (2007)

Released: January 12, 2007

A community-maintained Wiki detailing secure coding standards for Java programming.

Useful libraries

paragonie/random_compat (⭐8k)

PHP 7 offers a new set of CSPRNG functions: random_bytes() and random_int(). This is a community effort to expose the same API in PHP 5 projects (forward compatibility layer). Permissively MIT licensed.

psecio/gatekeeper (⭐365)

A secure authentication and authorization library that implements Role-Based Access Controls and Paragon Initiative Enterprises' recommendaitons for secure "remember me" checkboxes.

26. Tips

Before deleting untracked files/directory, do a dry run to get the list of these files/directories

git clean -n

Forcefully remove untracked files

git clean -f

Forcefully remove untracked directory

git clean -f -d

Show all commits in the current branch yet to be merged to master

git cherry -v master


git cherry -v master <branch-to-be-merged>

27. Awesome Json Datasets

GitHub API


More Awesome Lists

28. Awesome Ruby

Code Analysis and Metrics

29. Awesome Electron

Articles / Other

30. Awesome Bigdata

Distributed Filesystem