Awesome List Updates on Aug 03 - Aug 09, 2015
26 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Db
- OrigoDB - An in-memory embedded database engine for NET/Mono
2. Awesome Phalcon
- Phosphorum (⭐366) - The source for official Phalcon Forum
3. Awesome Talks
Web Development
- The Better Parts by Douglas Crockford [01:00:52]
4. Awesome Flexbox
5. Awesome R
HTML Widgets
- DataTables - Displays R matrices or data frames as interactive HTML tables.
- MetricsGraphics - Enables easy creation of D3 scatterplots, line charts, and histograms.
6. Awesome Postgres
Contents / CLI
- pgcli (⭐12k) - Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
7. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / P individuals
- Paul Lewis
8. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Websites
Researchers / Frameworks
9. Awesome Shell
Shell Package Management / Directory Navigation
- dotfiler (⭐238) – Shell agnostic git based dotfiles package manager, written in Python.
10. Awesome Polymer
11. Awesome Pascal
Single controls
- EasyListView (seems abandoned, active fork on GH here (⭐35)).
Part of VirtualShellTools for the Listview but can be used for a TListview Replacement that is faster and more customizable. // Feature-rich Listview implementing virtual (callback-based) MVC paradigm.
- SpiderMonkey (⭐742).
Binding for Mozilla JavaScript engine, including JIT and multi-threading, with easy objects access via Delphi variants. // Spidermonkey DLL required
RAD Studio IDE plugins/wizards
- IDE Fix Pack. Collection of unofficial bug fixes and performance optimizations for the RAD Studio IDE, Win32/Win64 compiler and Win32 debugger. IDE Fix Pack is an IDE plugin for RAD Studio 2009-XE6 that fixes IDE bugs at runtime. All changes are done in memory. No files on disk are modified. None of your projects are modified or benefit from the IDE Fix Pack other than being compiled faster. Only the IDE gets the fixes and optimizations. // Supports all RAD Studio versions since 2007. Removes lots of annoying bugs that EMBT haven't fixed for years. Yay!
- CnWizards. Free Plug-in Tool Set for Delphi/C++ Builder/CodeGear RAD Studio to Improve Development Efficiency.
12. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In French
- Blogue Linux - French (Quebec) podcast talking about Linux technologies.
13. Awesome Cpp
- MIRACL (⭐664) - A Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic Cryptographic Library. [AGPL]
- access_profiler (⭐75) - A tool to count accesses to member variables in c++ programs. [GPL3]
14. Awesome Php
Configuration / PHP Conferences
- PHP UK Conference - A collection of videos from the PHP UK Conference.
15. Awesome Sketch
Videos / Tutorial-only
Videos / Process of designing dashboards, mobile apps
Guides / General screencasts
Articles / Tutorials
Community / Tutorials
- TeamSketch, a community for Sketch designers powered by Slack
- SketchTalk, unofficial forum
16. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Rob Furlong (⭐0) - Maker of cool things with the web, freelancer.
17. Awesome Mad Science
- vantage.js (⭐3.5k) - CLI + SSH + REPL for Node
18. Tools
19. Awesome Elixir
- figaro_elixir (⭐11) - Environmental variables manager for Elixir.
- hypermock (⭐24) - HTTP request stubbing and expectation Elixir library.
Text and Numbers
- inet_cidr (⭐49) - Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for Elixir that is compatible with :inet and supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
Third Party APIs
- coinbase (⭐13) - A unofficial Coinbase API v1 Client.
- yaml_elixir (⭐174) - Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation.
20. Awesome Typescript
Awesome TypeScript Essential Resources
- 📚 Handbook - Welcome to TypeScript the official resource for learning TypeScript
- 🐙 Microsoft/TypeScript on Github (⭐102k) fork TypeScript on Github! Or... just read the code
- 📚 TypeScript Team Blog with announcements and recent updates
Build Systems / Playground
- Grunt tasks:
- grunt-ts - Grunt-ts is an npm package that handles TypeScript compilation work in GruntJS build scripts
Module Bundlers / Playground
- Webpack - supports CommonJS and AMD module bundling
Mobile / Playground
- 🐙 NativeScript (⭐24k) - Open Source framework for building cross-platform truly native iOS, Android and Windows mobile apps using JavaScript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 palantir/plottable (⭐3k) - A library of modular chart components, built on
(see also:
21. Awesome Hadoop
- Apache Phoenix - A SQL skin over HBase supporting secondary indices
SQL on Hadoop
- Apache Phoenix A SQL skin over HBase supporting secondary indices
- Lingual - SQL interface for Cascading (MR/Tez job generator)
Data Management
- Apache Atlas - Metadata tagging & lineage capture suppoting complex business data taxonomies
Workflow, Lifecycle and Governance
- Luigi - Python package that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs
Realtime Data Processing
Machine learning and Big Data analytics
- RHadoop (⭐762) including RHDFS, RHBase, RMR2, plyrmr
22. Awesome Dataviz
Android tools / Misc
- MPAndroidChart (⭐36k) - A powerful & easy to use chart library.
R tools / Misc
- rgl - 3D Visualization Using OpenGL
Other tools / Misc
- Spark (⭐5.9k) - Sparklines for the shell. It have several implementations in different languages (⭐5.9k).
Twitter accounts / Misc
23. Awesome Answers
Functional Programming
Programming Languages / Haskell
Programming Languages / JavaScript
24. Awesome Android
Other / Custom Dialog
- Android Scripting (⭐2.3k) - Allows to run scripting languages on Android.
25. Tips
List of all files changed in a commit
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r <commit-ish>
Unstaged changes since last commit
git diff
Show both staged and unstaged changes
git diff HEAD
Revert: Undo a commit by creating a new commit
git revert <commit-ish>
Reset: Discard commits, advised for private branch
git reset <commit-ish>
Reword the previous commit message
git commit -v --amend
See all commits made since forking from master
git log --no-merges --stat --reverse master..
Git Aliases
git config --global alias.<handle> <command>
git config --global status
Show list of all saved stashes
git stash list
Apply any stash without deleting from the stashed list
git stash apply <stash@{n}>
Apply last stashed state and delete it from stashed list
git stash pop
git stash apply stash@{0} && git stash drop stash@{0}
Delete all stored stashes
git stash clear
git stash drop <stash@{n}>
Show all tracked files
git ls-files -t
Show all untracked files
git ls-files --others
Show all ignored files
git ls-files --others -i --exclude-standard
Create new working tree from a repository (git 2.5)
git worktree add -b <branch-name> <path> <start-point>
Create new working tree from HEAD state
git worktree add --detach <path> HEAD
26. Awesome Machine Learning
Java / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- H2O (⭐7k) - ML engine that supports distributed learning on Hadoop, Spark or your laptop via APIs in R, Python, Scala, REST/JSON.
Scala / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- H2O Sparkling Water (⭐968) - H2O and Spark interoperability.
- Prev: Aug 10 - Aug 16, 2015
- Next: Jul 27 - Aug 02, 2015