Awesome List Updates on May 25 - May 31, 2015
26 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Cpp
- cppbestpractices (⭐8.3k) - Collaborative Collection of C++ Best Practices.
2. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Leanote (⭐1.5k) - Cloud notepad.
3. Awesome Dart
IDEs, Editors, and Plugins
- Atom Plugin - Dart support for Atom.
- DartPad - Online lightweight editor.
4. Awesome Slack
5. Awesome Android
GUI / Navigation
- MaterialDrawer (⭐12k) - Simple take on a material design navigation drawer.
6. Awesome Courses
Courses / Misc
- SCICOMP An Introduction to Efficient Scientific Computation Universität Bremen
- This is a graduate course in scientific computing created and taught by Oliver Serang in 2014, which covers topics in computer science and statistics with applications from biology. The course is designed top-down, starting with a problem and then deriving a variety of solutions from scratch.
- Topics include memoization, recurrence closed forms, string matching (sorting, hash tables, radix tries, and suffix tries), dynamic programming (e.g. Smith-Waterman and Needleman-Wunsch), Bayesian statistics (e.g. the envelope paradox), graphical models (HMMs, Viterbi, junction tree, belief propagation), FFT, and the probabilistic convolution tree.
- Lecture videos on Youtube and for direct download
7. Tools
8. Awesome Flexbox
Cross Browser / Articles
9. Awesome IoT Hybrid
Hybrid Mobile / Resources-websites-projects
10. Js Must Watch
11. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- RunAs Radio - A weekly Internet Audio Talk Show for IT Professionals working with Microsoft products.
- Software Engineering Radio - The podcast for professional software developers.
In Portuguese
- Hack n' Cast - Podcast about technology and Open Source/Free software
12. Awesome Elm
Articles / Why Elm?
- FP with games in Elm (⭐1.6k) - Switching from imperative to functional programming with games in Elm.
Package managers / Individual Podcast episodes
- elm-package (⭐213) - Command line tool to share Elm libraries.
More awesome / Games
13. Awesome Computer Vision
Contour Detection and Image Segmentation / Edge-preserving image processing
Object Detection / Localization & Mapping:
14. FOSS for Dev
Source Code Repos
- GitLab (⭐23k) - Version control for your server
- CodeBox (⭐4.1k) - Open source cloud & desktop IDE
Collaboration Tools
- SparkleShare (⭐4.8k) - An Open Source collaboration and sharing tool
- lets chat (⭐9.7k) - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
Code Quality
- sonarqube (⭐8.4k) - Put your technical debt under control
- gerrit - Code Review
- Jenkins (⭐22k) - open-source continuous integration server
- Travis CI (⭐8.4k) - Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects
Security and PKI
- Ralasafe - Access Control Middleware
- OpenXPKI (⭐492) - an enterprise-grade PKI/Trustcenter software
Bug trackers
- Bugzilla (⭐608) - web-based bug-tracking software
- Mantis (⭐1.6k) - issue tracker that provides a delicate balance between simplicity and power
- OpenShift (⭐8.4k) - build, deploy, and manage your applications with Docker and Kubernetes
15. Awesome Groovy
Web Frameworks
- gServ (⭐49) - A Groovy toolkit for creating SPAs and REST based micro-services without the need for a container (Tomcat, JBoss, etc.).
16. Awesome Dotnet
- libsodium-net - libsodium for .NET - A secure cryptographic library
17. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / E-commerce
- OmniPay (⭐6k) - A framework agnostic multi-gateway payment processing library.
18. Awesome D3
Utils / Third Party
- d3-extended (⭐272) - Extends d3 with some common jQuery functions
19. Awesome Answers
Programming Languages / JavaScript
Programming Languages / Python
Programming Languages Theory / Ruby
20. BEM Resources
Slides & Videos / Videos
Slides & Videos / Other Awesome Lists
21. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Templating
- EJS (⭐7.8k) - Simple unopinionated templating language.
Packages / Parsing
- Stylecow (⭐163) - Parse, manipulate and convert modern CSS to make it compatible with all browsers. Extensible with plugins.
22. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Websites
Researchers / Frameworks
23. Awesome Backbone
Tutorials and articles
- Integrating React With Backbone by Ben Lewis
24. Awesome Malware Analysis
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- pestudio - Perform static analysis of Windows executables.
Memory Forensics / Other Resources
- VolDiff (⭐192) - Run Volatility on memory images before and after malware execution, and report changes.
25. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / JavaScript Interoperability
- CLJSJS – An easy way for Clojurescript developers to depend on Javascript libraries.
- Jayq (⭐410) – A ClojureScript wrapper for jQuery.
Awesome ClojureScript / Miscellaneous
- Automat (⭐580) – A Clojure(Script) library for defining and using finite-state automata, inspired by Ragel.
- core.async (⭐1.9k) – A Clojure(Script) library designed to provide facilities for async programming and communication.
Awesome ClojureScript / Reactive Programming
- rx-cljs (⭐44) – A ClojureScript wrapper for Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Javascript.
- Yolk – A thin ClojureScript wrapper around bacon.js.
Awesome ClojureScript / Web Framework & Template
- Mies (⭐370) – A minimal ClojureScript project template.
26. Awesome Ruby
CLI Utilities
- Ruby/Progressbar (⭐1.6k) - The most flexible text progress bar library for Ruby.
- Prev: Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2015
- Next: May 18 - May 24, 2015