Awesome List Updates on Jan 12 - Jan 18, 2015
17 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Guides
Styling / CSS
Styling / Sass
Markup / HTML
2. Awesome Android
- WilliamChart (⭐4.9k) - Chart library with good motion capabilities.
3. Awesome Fonts
Programming fonts / Fonts
JavaScript libs / Programming fonts with ligatures
4. Awesome Gametalks
GDC Talks / Table of Contents
- [2014] Antichamber: An Overnight Success, Seven Years in the Making: Alexander Bruce
- [2014] Antichamber: Three Years of Hardcore Iteration: Alexander Bruce
- [2014] A Study in Transparency: How Board Games Matter: Soren Johnson (Mohawk Games)
- [2014] Hearts and Minds: Frank Lantz (NYU Game Center)
- [2014] Interpreting Feedback and Maintaining Your Vision: Andy Nguyen (Pocketwatch Games)
- [2014] Why Is Gone Home a Game?: Steve Gaynor (The Fullbright Company)
- [2014] Jiro Dreams of Game Design: Brenda Romero (UC Santa Cruz)
- [2013, Europe] #1ReasonToBe: Annakaisa Kultima, Auriea Harvey, Brenda Romero, Zuraida Buter, Henrike aka Riker Lode, Siobhan Reddy, Leigh Alexander (Panel)
- [2013] Obsessive-Compulsive Development: Retro/Grade Postmortem: Matt Gilgenbach (24 Caret Games)
- [2013] The Western Games That Conquered China: Henry Fong (Yodo1)
- [2012] A Theory of Fun 10 Years Later: Raph Koster (Playdom)
- [2012] Classic Game Postmortem: Harvest Moon: Yasuhiro Wada (Toy Box, Inc.)
- [2012] The 5 Domains of Play: Applying Psychology's Big 5 Motivation Domains to Games: Jason VandenBerghe (Ubisoft)
- [2011] Dynamics: The State of the Art: Clint Hocking (LucasArts)
- [2011] The Road Ahead: Cliff Bleszinski (Epic Games)
- [2011] Truth in Game Design: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2010] Design in Detail: Changing the Time Between Shots for the Sniper Rifle from 0.5 to 0.7 Seconds for Halo 3: Jaime Griesemer (Bungie)
- [2010, Keynote] Everything You Know is Wrong: by Sid Meier (Firaxis Games)
- [2009] Everything I Learned About Level Design I Learned from Disneyland: Scott Rogers (THQ)
- [2007] Indie Prototyping: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2007] Innovation in Indie Games: Kyle Gabler, Jenova Chen, Jon Mak, Jon Blow (Panel)
Other Talks / TED Talks
- [2014, University of Virginia] A Fireside Chat with Rich Hilleman: Rich Hilleman (EA)
- [2014, Tallinn University] Innovation in Game Design: Richard Bartle
- [2013, PRACTICE 2013] Desigining a Legacy Game: Rob Daviau (IronWall Games)
- [2013, BAFTA] From Shodan, to Big Daddy, to Elizabeth: The Evolution of AI Companions: Ken Levine (Irrational Games)
- [2013, Creative Mornings] Game Design: The Medium is the Message: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2013, Game Connection Europe] Great Level Design and the Artistic Expression of Mathematics: Hamish Todd
- [2013, Unite Nordic] Sir, You Are Being Proceudrally Generated: Tom Betts, James Carey (Big Robot)
- [2013, INDIGO] The Art of Screenshake: Jan Willem Nijman (Vlambeer)
- [2012, NY Film Academy] Functional Theory for Game Design: Keith Burgun (Dinofarm Games)
- [2012, Eurogamer Expo] How to Give Yourself a Job in the Games Industry: Chet Faliszek (Valve)
- [2012 - Nordic Game Indie Night] Juice It Or Lose It: Martin Jonasson, Petri Purho (Indie)
- [2012, Indie Connect] Sensible Nonsense: Rami Ismail, Jan Willem Nijman (Vlambeer)
- [2011, NYU Game Center] Lecture Series: Portal 2: Erik Wolpaw (Valve)
- [2011, Google Tech Talks] Getting Gamification Right: Sebastian Deterding (PLAIT Lab)
- [2011, Games for Change] G4LI Keynote: Gabe Newell (Valve)
- [2011, Games for Change] Make Games, Not War: Jesse Schell (Schell Games)
- [2011, IndieCade] Designing the Universe: Jonathan Blow, Marc Ten Boch
- [2010, Rice Univerisity] Video Games and the Human Condition: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2008, MIGS] Fundamental Conflicts in Contemporary Game Design: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2008, Google Tech Talks] Designing a Pandemic: Lessons Learned: Matt Leacock
- [2007, Freeplay] How and Why: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2007, MIGS] Design Reboot: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2003, Computer History Museum] Lessons from Game Design: Will Wright (Maxis)
Lists / TED Talks
5. Awesome Linguistics
6. Awesome Bigdata
Data Visualization
- Echarts (⭐55k) - Baidus enterprise charts.
7. Awesome Marionette
Tutorials and articles
- Polymer Web Components with Marionette.js by Jeremy Fairbank
8. Awesome R
Language API
- htmlwidgets - Bring the best of JavaScript data visualization to R.
9. Awesome Perl
Database / DSP
- DBIx::Connector - Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
Logging / NoSQL Databases
ORM / NoSQL Databases
Package Management / NoSQL Databases
- Pinto - Powerful local CPAN repos
Protocol / NoSQL Databases
- HTTP::Tiny - Minimal and fast client. Included in the standard packages.
Template Engines / NoSQL Databases
- Text::MicroTemplate - Fast, simple and safe template engine written in pure-Perl and core modules.
- Text::MicroTemplate::Extended - Extended Text::MicroTemplate.
Tools / Coverage
- App::Nopaste - Post to various pastebins from the CLI
10. Awesome Canvas
Resources / Books
- Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment by Rob Hawkes
11. Awesome Lua
Resources / Implementations, Interpreters, and Bindings
- lupa (⭐841) - Python bindings to LuaJIT2.
- golua (⭐598) - Golang bindings to the Lua C API.
12. Awesome Ruby
API Builder and Discovery
- Blanket (⭐462) - A dead simple API wrapper.
- Huginn (⭐44k) - Huginn is a system for building agents that perform automated tasks for you online.
DevOps Tools
- BOSH (⭐2k) - Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services.
- Ohm (⭐1.4k) - Object-hash mapping library for Redis.
- ROM (⭐2.1k) - Ruby Object Mapper (ROM) is an experimental Ruby library with the goal to provide powerful object mapping capabilities without limiting the full power of your datastore.
13. Awesome Cpp
- retter (⭐101) - A collection of hash functions, ciphers, tools, libraries, and materials related to cryptography.
Inter-process communication
- libjson-rpc-cpp (⭐956) - JSON-RPC framework for C++ servers and clients. [MIT]
- nanomsg (⭐6k) - A simple high-performance implementation of several "scalability protocols". [MIT] website
- xmlrpc-c - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP. [BSD]
14. Awesome Elixir
- tracker_request (⭐14) - Dealing with bittorrent tracker requests and responses.
Build Tools
- dismake (⭐4) - Mix compiler running make.
- reaxt (⭐374) - React template into your Elixir application for server rendering.
- elixir_tea (⭐3) - TEA implementation in Elixir.
- rsa (⭐35) -
cryptography wrapper for Elixir.
- tea_crypto (⭐0) - Tiny Encryption Algorithm implementation.
- ex_doc_dash (⭐64) - Formatter for ExDoc to generate docset documentation for use in
- hexdocset (⭐22) - Convert hex doc to's docset format.
Framework Components
- plug_rails_cookie_session_store (⭐95) - Rails compatible Plug session store.
- plugs (⭐19) - Collection of Plug middleware for web applications.
- plugsnag (⭐66) - Bugsnag notifier for Elixir's plug.
- pact (⭐76) - Better dependency injection in Elixir for cleaner code and testing.
- ExPcap (⭐32) - PCAP parser written in Elixir.
ORM and Datamapping
- craterl (⭐8) - Erlang client for crate.
- templates (⭐6) - Helper library for adding templating to web applications.
- pavlov (⭐128) - BDD framework for your Elixir projects.
Text and Numbers
- hexate (⭐30) - Simple module for Hex encoding / decoding in Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- amazon_product_advertising_client (⭐38) - Amazon Product Advertising API client for Elixir.
- cleverbot (⭐3) - Simple implementation of the Cleverbot API in Elixir.
- digoc (⭐12) - Digital Ocean API v2 Elixir Client.
- exgrid (⭐8) - interact with Sendgrid's API.
- fluent_client (⭐8) - Minimalistic fluentd client.
- slack (⭐677) - Slack real time messaging client in Elixir.
15. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen (Dec 2014)
Table of Contents / Courses
- Machine Learning - Stanford by Andrew Ng in Coursera (2010-2014)
- Machine Learning - Caltech by Yaser Abu-Mostafa (2012-2014)
- Machine Learning - Carnegie Mellon by Tom Mitchell (Spring 2011)
- Neural Networks for Machine Learning by Geoffrey Hinton in Coursera (2012)
- Neural networks class by Hugo Larochelle from Université de Sherbrooke (2013)
- Deep Learning Course by CILVR lab @ NYU (2014)
- A.I - Berkeley by Dan Klein and Pieter Abbeel (2013)
- A.I - MIT by Patrick Henry Winston (2010)
- Vision and learning - computers and brains by Shimon Ullman, Tomaso Poggio, Ethan Meyers @ MIT (2013)
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
- The Next Generation of Neural Networks By Geoffrey Hinton at GoogleTechTalks
- The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn By Jeremy Howard at TEDxBrussels
Researchers / Frameworks
16. Awesome Android Ui
List / Grid
Name: RecyclerView Animators (⭐11k)
License: Apache License V2
Label / Form
Name: TextJustify-Android (⭐1.9k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Dspec (⭐563)
License: Apache License V2
17. Awesome Swift
Alert / Barcode
- SweetAlert (⭐2.1k) - Alert system.
- Prev: Jan 19 - Jan 25, 2015
- Next: Jan 05 - Jan 11, 2015