Awesome List Updates on May 11 - May 17, 2015

23 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome IoT Hybrid

Hybrid Desktop / Resources-websites-projects

2. Es6 Tools

Editors / Brunch Plugins

3. Awesome Swift


4. Awesome Flexbox

W3C Specification

Cross Browser / Preprocessors in action

Tools / Slides and Notes

5. Awesome Malware Analysis

Malware Collection / Anonymizers

Malware Collection / Honeypots

Malware Collection / Malware Corpora

Open Source Threat Intelligence / Other Resources

Detection and Classification / Other Resources

Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources

Domain Analysis / Other Resources

Browser Malware / Other Resources

Documents and Shellcode / Other Resources

File Carving / Other Resources

Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources

Network / Other Resources

Memory Forensics / Other Resources

Windows Artifacts / Other Resources

Storage and Workflow / Other Resources

Miscellaneous / Other Resources

Books / Other Resources

Other / Other Resources

6. Awesome Courses

Courses / Machine Learning

7. Awesome Gametalks

GDC Talks / Table of Contents

8. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

9. Awesome Electron

Videos / Other

10. Awesome R

Integrated Development Environments

11. Awesome Appsec


nonfree Cryptography Engineering (2010)

Released: March 15, 2010

Develops a sense of professional paranoia while presenting crypto design techniques.


Offensive Computer Security (CIS 4930) FSU

A vulnerability research and exploit development class by Owen Redwood of Florida State University.

Be sure to check out the lectures!


Secure passwords in several languages/frameworks.

Security News Feeds Cheat-Sheet

A list of security news sources.

Open Security Training

Video courses on low-level x86 programming, hacking, and forensics.


Paragon Initiative Enterprises Blog

The blog of our technology and security consulting firm based in Orlando, FL

ircmaxell's blog

A blog about PHP, Security, Performance and general web application development.

Pádraic Brady's Blog

Pádraic Brady is a Zend Framework security expert


20 Point List For Preventing Cross-Site Scripting In PHP (2013)

Released: April 22, 2013

Padriac Brady's advice on building software that isn't vulnerable to XSS

25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins (2011)

Released: November 23, 2011

Though this article is a few years old, much of its advice is still relevant as we veer around the corner towards PHP 7.

PHP data encryption primer (2014)

Released: June 16, 2014

@timoh6 explains implementing data encryption in PHP

Books and ebooks

nonfree Securing PHP: Core Concepts

Securing PHP: Core Concepts acts as a guide to some of the most common security terms and provides some examples of them in every day PHP.

Useful libraries

thephpleague/oauth2-server (⭐6.6k)

A secure OAuth2 server implementation

12. Awesome Ocaml

Regular Expressions

13. Awesome Ripple

Hosted Tools

14. Awesome Purescript

Build Tooling

UI Libraries

Learning Resources

15. Awesome Rest

Ruby Clients

Go Clients

Python / Symfony2

16. Awesome Json


17. Awesome Android Ui



Label / Form



18. BEM Resources


Repos, CodePens and Things / Repos

19. Awesome Atom


20. Motion Ui Design

Libraries / SVG

Guidelines / SVG

21. Awesome Clojurescript

Awesome ClojureScript / Testing

22. Awesome Answers

Programming Languages / Ruby

23. Awesome Ruby

CLI Builder

DevOps Tools

Profiler and Optimization