Awesome List Updates on Apr 27 - May 03, 2015
20 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Ctf
- Ophcrack - Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables.
- Audacity - Analyze sound files (mp3, m4a, whatever).
apt-get install audacity
- Bkhive and Samdump2 - Dump SYSTEM and SAM files.
apt-get install samdump2 bkhive
- Foremost - Extract particular kind of files using headers.
apt-get install foremost
- BinWalk (⭐8.6k) - Analyze, reverse engineer, and extract firmware images.
- Pngtools - For various analysis related to PNGs.
apt-get install pngtools
2. Awesome Perl
Database Drivers / Relational Databases
- DBD::Oracle - Oracle database driver for the DBI module
List Manipulation / NoSQL Databases
- List::MoreUtils - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
3. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Architecture Tutorial (⭐4.2k) - How to create modular Elm code that scales nicely with your app.
4. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Slack - Desktop version.
- Avocode - Share design and collaborate.
Boilerplates / Other
- generator-electron (⭐718) - Scaffold out an app boilerplate.
Community / Other
5. Awesome Laravel
Conferences / Third-party Service Integration
Community / Videos
6. Awesome R
Data Manipulation
- ff - Data structures designed to store large datasets.
HTML Widgets
Language API
- jvmr (⭐16) - Integration of R, Java, and Scala.
- rpy2 - Python interface for R.
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
- pheatmap - Pretty heatmaps made easy.
7. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Mad science
- webcat (⭐445) - p2p pipe across the web using WebRTC that uses your GitHub private/public key for authentication.
Packages / Command-line apps
- wallpaper (⭐1.1k) - Change the desktop wallpaper.
Packages / Text
- camelcase (⭐684) - Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBar.
Packages / Data validation
- is-my-json-valid (⭐965) - JSON Schema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast.
Resources / Miscellaneous
- node-module-boilerplate (⭐737) - Boilerplate to kickstart creating a node module.
- generator-nm (⭐742) - Scaffold out a node module.
8. Awesome Open Company
Similar lists / Videos
- The Open 100: a competition held in 2009-2010 to find the top 100 open innovation companies
- (defunct — these links are from the Web Archive)
9. Awesome Broadcasting
Multimedia content processing
- L-SMASH (⭐234) - A rigidly spec-compliant ISOBMFF library, which has full DASH muxing support.
10. Awesome Dotnet
Assembly Manipulation
- Mono.Cecil (⭐2.8k) - Cecil is a library to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL form.
11. Git Cheat Sheet
Configuration Files
Configuration Files
Repository specific configuration file [--local]:
User-specific configuration file [--global]:
System-wide configuration file [--system]:
Clone an existing repository:
There are two ways:
$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/repo.git
$ git clone
Create a new local repository in the current directory:
$ git init
Create a new local repository in a specific directory:
$ git init <directory>
Local Changes
Local Changes
Changes in working directory:
$ git status
Changes to tracked files:
$ git diff
See changes/difference of a specific file:
$ git diff <file>
Add all current changes to the next commit:
$ git add .
Add some changes in <file> to the next commit:
$ git add -p <file>
Add only the mentioned files to the next commit:
$ git add <filename1> <filename2>
Commit all local changes in tracked files:
$ git commit -a
Commit previously staged changes:
$ git commit
Commit with message:
$ git commit -m 'message here'
Commit skipping the staging area and adding message:
$ git commit -am 'message here'
Commit to some previous date:
$ git commit --date="`date --date='n day ago'`" -am "<Commit Message Here>"
Change last commit:
Don't amend published commits!
$ git commit -a --amend
Amend with last commit but use the previous commit log message
Don't amend published commits!
$ git commit --amend --no-edit
Change committer date of last commit:
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="date" git commit --amend
Change Author date of last commit:
$ git commit --amend --date="date"
Move uncommitted changes from current branch to some other branch:
$ git stash
$ git checkout branch2
$ git stash pop
Restore stashed changes back to current branch:
$ git stash apply
Restore particular stash back to current branch:
- {stash_number} can be obtained from
git stash list
$ git stash apply stash@{stash_number}
Remove the last set of stashed changes:
$ git stash drop
A text search on all files in the directory:
$ git grep "Hello"
In any version of a text search:
$ git grep "Hello" v2.5
Show commits that introduced a specific keyword
$ git log -S 'keyword'
Show commits that introduced a specific keyword (using a regular expression)
$ git log -S 'keyword' --pickaxe-regex
Commit History
Commit History
Show all commits, starting with newest (it'll show the hash, author information, date of commit and title of the commit):
$ git log
Show all the commits(it'll show just the commit hash and the commit message):
$ git log --oneline
Show all commits of a specific user:
$ git log --author="username"
Show changes over time for a specific file:
$ git log -p <file>
Display commits that are present only in remote/branch in right side
$ git log --oneline <origin/master>..<remote/master> --left-right
Who changed, what and when in <file>:
$ git blame <file>
Show Reference log:
$ git reflog show
Delete Reference log:
$ git reflog delete
Branches & Tags
Branches & Tags
List all local branches:
$ git branch
List local/remote branches
$ git branch -a
List all remote branches:
$ git branch -r
Switch HEAD branch:
$ git checkout <branch>
Checkout single file from different branch
$ git checkout <branch> -- <filename>
Create and switch new branch:
$ git checkout -b <branch>
Switch to the previous branch, without saying the name explicitly:
$ git checkout -
Create a new branch from an exiting branch and switch to new branch:
$ git checkout -b <new_branch> <existing_branch>
Checkout and create a new branch from existing commit
$ git checkout <commit-hash> -b <new_branch_name>
Create a new branch based on your current HEAD:
$ git branch <new-branch>
Create a new tracking branch based on a remote branch:
$ git branch --track <new-branch> <remote-branch>
Delete a local branch:
$ git branch -d <branch>
Rename current branch to new branch name
$ git branch -m <new_branch_name>
Force delete a local branch:
You will lose unmerged changes!
$ git branch -D <branch>
Apply specific commit from another branch:
git cherry-pick <commit hash>
with a tag:
$ git tag <tag-name>
with a tag and open the editor to include a message:
$ git tag -a <tag-name>
with a tag that includes a message:
$ git tag <tag-name> -am 'message here'
List all tags:
$ git tag
List all tags with their messages (tag message or commit message if tag has no message):
$ git tag -n
Merge & Rebase
Merge & Rebase
Merge branch into your current HEAD:
$ git merge <branch>
List merged branches
$ git branch --merged
Rebase your current HEAD onto <branch>:
Don't rebase published commit!
$ git rebase <branch>
Abort a rebase:
$ git rebase --abort
Continue a rebase after resolving conflicts:
$ git rebase --continue
Use your editor to manually solve conflicts and (after resolving) mark file as resolved:
$ git add <resolved-file>
$ git rm <resolved-file>
Squashing commits:
$ git rebase -i <commit-just-before-first>
Now replace this,
pick <commit_id>
pick <commit_id2>
pick <commit_id3>
to this,
pick <commit_id>
squash <commit_id2>
squash <commit_id3>
Discard all local changes in your working directory:
$ git reset --hard HEAD
Get all the files out of the staging area(i.e. undo the last git add
$ git reset HEAD
Discard local changes in a specific file:
$ git checkout HEAD <file>
Revert a commit (by producing a new commit with contrary changes):
$ git revert <commit>
Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit and discard all changes since then:
$ git reset --hard <commit>
Reset your HEAD pointer to a remote branch current state.
$ git reset --hard <remote/branch> e.g., upstream/master, origin/my-feature
Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit and preserve all changes as unstaged changes:
$ git reset <commit>
Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit and preserve uncommitted local changes:
$ git reset --keep <commit>
Remove files that were accidentally committed before they were added to .gitignore
$ git rm -r --cached .
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "remove xyz file"
12. Awesome Answers
Functional Programming
Learning to program
Programming Languages / Python
Miscellaneous / Ruby
13. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- jsawk (⭐1.4k) - Like awk, but for JSON.
JSON Schema Tools
- DLL.js (⭐67) - Gets you a JSON Schema from PostgreSQL or SQLite3.
14. Awesome Polymer
- Polyserve (⭐191) A simple web server for using bower components locally.
- Vulcanize (⭐1.2k) Build tool for HTMLimports and web components.
15. Awesome Machine Learning
General-Purpose Machine Learning / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- MAChineLearning (⭐37) - An Objective-C multilayer perceptron library, with full support for training through backpropagation. Implemented using vDSP and vecLib, it's 20 times faster than its Java equivalent. Includes sample code for use from Swift.
16. Awesome Ruby
Natural Language Processing
- pocketsphinx-ruby (⭐258) - Ruby speech recognition with Pocketsphinx.
17. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- isaac (⭐4) - Isaac is an elixir module for ISAAC: a fast cryptographic random number generator.
- dragonfly_server (⭐41) - Elixir app to serve Dragonfly images.
- github_oauth (⭐4) - A simple github oauth library.
Build Tools
- active (⭐68) - Recompilation and Reloading on FileSystem changes.
- mad (⭐173) - Small and Fast Rebar Replacement.
- csv (⭐503) - CSV Decoding and Encoding for Elixir.
Date and Time
- milliseconds (⭐2) - Simple library to work with milliseconds in Elixir.
- eper (⭐437) - Erlang performance and debugging tools.
Files and Directories
- ex_minimatch (⭐13) - Globbing paths without walking the tree!.
- fs (⭐236) - Erlang FileSystem Listener.
- forms (⭐39) - Erlang Business Documents Generator.
Framework Components
- phoenix_live_reload (⭐318) - Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix.
- phoenix_pubsub_postgres (⭐27) - Postgresql PubSub adapter for Phoenix apps.
- phoenix_pubsub_rabbitmq (⭐45) - RabbitMQ adapter for Phoenix's PubSub layer.
- plug_statsd (⭐49) - A plug for automatically sending timing and count metrics to statsd.
- rest (⭐83) - Micro-REST framework with typed JSON.
- mochiweb (⭐1.9k) - MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
- chunky_svg (⭐32) - A library for drawing things with SVG.
- json_pointer (⭐11) - Implementation of RFC 6901 which defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JSON document.
- world_json (⭐8) - topojson country and state/province collections for elixir/erlang.
Lexical analysis
- ex_abnf (⭐61) - Parser for ABNF Grammars in Elixir.
- huex (⭐64) - Elixir client for Philips Hue connected light bulbs.
ORM and Datamapping
- ecto_migrate (⭐35) - Ecto auto migration library. It allows to generate and run migrations for initial and update migrations.
- immortal (⭐175) - Immortal is a small collection of helper modules intended to make it easier to build a fault-tolerant OTP application.
- adap (⭐16) - Create a data stream across your information systems to query, augment and transform data according to Elixir matching rules.
- hulaaki (⭐114) - An MQTT 3.1.1 client library written in Elixir.
- mqs (⭐27) - RabbitMQ client library, routing keys, RPC over MQ and other stuff.
- detergentex (⭐65) - Elixir binding to Detergent erlang library used to call WSDL/SOAP Services.
- mustache (⭐63) - Mustache templates for Elixir.
- ecto_it (⭐3) - Ecto plugin with default configuration for repos for testing different ecto plugins with databases.
- mix_erlang_tasks (⭐20) - Common tasks for Erlang projects that use Mix.
Text and Numbers
- elixir_bencode (⭐8) - Bencode implemented in Elixir.
- ex_brace_expansion (⭐5) - Brace expansion, as known from sh/bash, in Elixir.
- ex_rfc3986 (⭐10) - RFC3986 URI/URL parser.
- expr (⭐12) - An Elixir library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.
- palette (⭐2) - A handy library for colouring strings in Elixir.
- ref_inspector (⭐14) - Referer parser library in Elixir. Fetching info from URLs.
- ua_inspector (⭐129) - User agent parser library like
Third Party APIs
- ex_twilio (⭐337) - Twilio API client for Elixir.
- google_sheets (⭐40) - Elixir library for fetching and polling Google spreadsheet data in CSV format.
- mmExchangeRate (⭐0) - A simple exchange rate checker and calculator based on Central Bank of Myanmar Api.
- opbeat (⭐7) - Elixir client for Opbeat.
- qiniu (⭐60) - Qiniu SDK for Elixir.
Translations and Internationalizations
- parabaikElixirConverter (⭐3) - ParabaikElixirConverter is just a Elixir version of Parabaik converter. It can convert from Unicode to Zawgyi-One and Zawgyi-One to Unicode vice versa.
Version Control
- gitex (⭐68) - Elixir implementation of the Git object storage, but with the goal to implement the same semantic with other storage and topics.
18. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Filesystem
- Tahoe-LAFS - decentralized cloud storage system.
19. Tools
Image compression
20. Awesome Dart
Game Development
- DartRocket (⭐52) - DartRocket is a HTML5 game framework written in Dart and which uses the StageXL rendering engine.
- html - A library for working with HTML documents. Previously known as html5lib.
- image (⭐1k) - Provides server and web apps the ability to load, manipulate, and save images with various image file formats including PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP, TIFF, TGA, PSD, PVR, and OpenEXR.
- Prev: May 04 - May 10, 2015
- Next: Apr 20 - Apr 26, 2015