Awesome List Updates on Apr 20 - Apr 26, 2015
15 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Laravel
Application Deployment / Third-party Service Integration
- Envoyer - Zero down-time Deployer for PHP & Laravel projects
2. Awesome Dart
- test - Provides a standard way of writing and running tests in Dart.
3. Awesome Computer Vision
Deep Learning
- Machine Learning Summer School - Reykjavik, Iceland 2014
- Deep Learning Session 1 - Yoshua Bengio (Universtiy of Montreal)
- Deep Learning Session 2 - Yoshua Bengio (University of Montreal)
- Deep Learning Session 3 - Yoshua Bengio (University of Montreal)
General Purpose Computer Vision Library
Multiple-view Computer Vision
- openMVG: open Multiple View Geometry - Multiple View Geometry; Structure from Motion library & softwares
Simultaneous localization and mapping / SLAM community:
Simultaneous localization and mapping / Tracking/Odometry:
Simultaneous localization and mapping / Graph Optimization:
- GTSAM: General smoothing and mapping library for Robotics and SFM -- Georgia Institute of Technology
Simultaneous localization and mapping / Loop Closure:
Simultaneous localization and mapping / Localization & Mapping:
Optimization / Nearest Neighbor Field Estimation
- Ceres Solver - Nonlinear least-square problem and unconstrained optimization solver
- NLopt- Nonlinear least-square problem and unconstrained optimization solver
- OpenGM - Factor graph based discrete optimization and inference solver
- GTSAM - Factor graph based lease-square optimization solver
4. Awesome Ruby
- chewy (⭐1.9k) - High-level Elasticsearch Ruby framework based on the official elasticsearch-ruby client.
5. Awesome Polymer
Polymer Communities
6. Awesome Json
Frontend components
- JSON Formatter (⭐369) - Angular directive for collapsible JSON in HTML. (AngularJS)
JSON Schema Frontend components
- JSON Editor (⭐5.8k) - JSON Schema Based Editor. (jQuery)
- JSON Schema View (⭐49) - An AngularJS directive for rendering JSON Schema in HTML (AngularJS)
- Angular JSON Schema Form (⭐30) - Angular directive for making forms out of JSON Schema. (AngularJS)
7. Awesome Android Ui
Name: FlipViewPager.Draco (⭐1.8k)
License: Apache License V2
8. Awesome Elixir
Examples and funny stuff
- koans (⭐249) - Learn Elixir by using elixir-koans.
- rollex - Elixir library using a Pratt Parser algorithm to calculate dice rolls.
Framework Components
- plug_response_header (⭐12) - easy manipulation of HTTP response headers.
- uk_postcode (⭐10) - UK postcode parsing and validation library.
- vex (⭐598) - An extensible data validation library for Elixir.
9. Awesome Gametalks
GDC Talks / Table of Contents
- [2015] A Live Art Demonstration of Creating Worlds through Design Thinking: Feng Zhu (Feng Zhu Design)
- [2000] It's Great to be Back! Fast Code, Game Programming, and Other Thoughts from 20 (Minus Two) Years in the Trenches: Michael Abrash (Rad Game Tools)
10. Awesome Bigdata
Data Ingestion
- Linkedin Gobblin (⭐2.1k) - linkedin's universal data ingestion framework.
11. Awesome Open Company
What is an open company?
- releasing its products as free and open source software, open content, or open source hardware
- using open standards and inter-operable formats
- developing its products openly, using public communication channels
- publishing as much financial and operational data as possible, without compromising customer privacy.
- etc.
- Open business: Wikipedia article
- Open business: from the P2P Foundation wiki
Resources / Books
- Don Tapscott, Anthony D. Williams: Wikinomics
Resources / Articles
- Chris Anderson: A business model for open source hardware
- The Economist: Open-source business: Open, but not as usual
Resources / Videos
12. BEM Resources
13. Awesome Answers
Learning to program
Programming Languages / C/C++
Programming Languages / Haskell
14. Awesome Pascal
- Delphi-OpenCV (⭐433).
Translation of OpenCV library header files in Delphi // Includes FFMPEG headers
15. Awesome Canvas
Resources / Websites and Tutorials
- Mozilla Developer Network Canvas Tutorial - This tutorial describes how to use the element to draw 2D graphics, starting with the basics. The examples provided should give you some clear ideas what you can do with canvas and will provide code snippets that may get you started in building your own content.
- Dev.Opera: HTML5 Canvas — the Basics - This article takes you through the basics of implementing a 2D canvas context, and using the basic canvas functions, including lines, shape primitives, images, text, and more. You are assumed to have mastered JavaScript basics already.
- Prev: Apr 27 - May 03, 2015
- Next: Apr 13 - Apr 19, 2015