Awesome List Updates on Mar 16 - Mar 22, 2015
11 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Lua
Resources / Implementations, Interpreters, and Bindings
- MoonSharp (⭐1.2k) - A Lua interpreter written entirely in C# for the .NET, Mono and Unity platforms.
Resources / Analysis Tools and ASTs
- luadec51 (⭐288) - Lua Decompiler for Lua version 5.1.
2. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Miscellaneous
- dotenv (⭐19k) - Load environment variables from .env file.
3. Es6 Tools
Webpack plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: traceur-compiler-loader (⭐4)
4. Awesome Mad Science
- peerwiki - all of wikipedia on bittorrent
- simple-peer - send video/voice/data p2p in the browser (with webrtc)
- file-type - detect file content types by checking their magic numbers
- strip-html - strip html from a stream
- minimist - simple argument parser
5. Awesome Courses
Courses / Systems
- 15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS) Carnegie-Mellon University
- The ICS course provides a programmer's view of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate. It enables students to become more effective programmers, especially in dealing with issues of performance, portability and robustness. It also serves as a foundation for courses on compilers, networks, operating systems, and computer architecture, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues is required. Topics covered include: machine-level code and its generation by optimizing compilers, performance evaluation and optimization, computer arithmetic, memory organization and management, networking technology and protocols, and supporting concurrent computation.
- This is the must-have course for everyone in CMU who wants to learn some computer science no matter what major are you in. Because it's CMU (The course number is as same as the zip code of CMU)!
- Lecture Notes
- Videos
- Assignments
6. Awesome Computer Vision
Computational Photography
- Revealing the Invisible - Frédo Durand (MIT) 2012
7. Awesome Clojure
8. Awesome Backbone
Tutorials and articles
- Getting Started with Backbone by Koren Leslie Cohen
- Hello Backbone.js by Artur Adib
- Backbone Cleanup by Naor Yehodaey
- Lazy loading Backbone collections with Promises by Timothée Boucher
- 5 Ways to Level-Up Your Backbone.js Code by David Aragon
- Backbone.js Patterns and Best Practices by Swarnendu De
9. Awesome Elixir
- pooler (⭐310) - An OTP Process Pool Application.
Algorithms and Data structures
- dlist (⭐5) - Deque implementations in Elixir.
- configparser_ex (⭐19) - A simple Elixir parser for the same kind of files that Python's configparser library handles.
Date and Time
- tzdata (⭐308) - The timezone database in Elixir.
- estree (⭐103) - A implementation of the SpiderMonkey Parser API in Elixir.
- mailman (⭐204) - Mailman provides a clean way of defining mailers in your Elixir applications.
- goldrush (⭐93) - Small, Fast event processing and monitoring for Erlang/OTP applications.
Framework Components
- corsica (⭐525) - Elixir library for dealing with CORS requests.
- phoenix_ecto (⭐504) - Phoenix and Ecto integration.
- phoenix_token_auth (⭐163) - Token authentication solution for Phoenix. Useful for APIs or single page apps.
- bump (⭐4) - A BMP file writer in pure Elixir.
- lager (⭐41) - A logging framework for Erlang/OTP by
- lager_logger (⭐29) - A lager backend that forwards all log messages to Elixir's Logger.
ORM and Datamapping
- eredis (⭐628) - Erlang Redis client.
- ex_bitcask (⭐12) - Elixir wrapper of Basho's Bitcask Key/Value store.
- mariaex (⭐263) - MariaDB/MySQL driver for Elixir.
- elixir_talk (⭐19) - An Elixir client for beanstalkd.
- white_bread (⭐225) - Story based BDD in Elixir using the gherkin syntax.
Text and Numbers
- base62 (⭐20) - Base62 encoder/decoder in pure Elixir.
- custom_base (⭐22) - Allow you to make custom base conversion in Elixir.
- porterstemmer (⭐6) - Porter Stemmer in Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- ex_twiml (⭐39) - Generate TwiML for your Twilio integration, right inside Elixir.
- mixpanel_data_client (⭐4) - Client for interacting with the Mixpanel Data Export API.
- BEAM Community - From distributed systems, to robust servers and language design on the Erlang VM.
10. Typography
11. Scalable Css Reading List
- Atomic Design, by Brad Frost (6/10/13) -- which isn't really about CSS code, exactly; but so many people have found it a valuable way to think about frontend component architecture that it fits in well with this list.
- Prev: Mar 23 - Mar 29, 2015
- Next: Mar 09 - Mar 15, 2015