Awesome List Updates on Oct 13, 2015
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Microservices
Security / Scala
- RFC7642 - SCIM: Definitions, overview, concepts, and requirements.
- RFC7643 - SCIM: Core Schema, provides a platform-neutral schema and extension model for representing users and groups.
- RFC7644 - SCIM: Protocol, an application-level, REST protocol for provisioning and managing identity data on the web.
2. Awesome Jquery
Plugins / Paid Books
- jQuery Rain - Top & Best jQuery plugins, tutorials, cool effects, examples, demos.
3. Awesome Iot
Standards / - XMPP (IETF)
- OneM2M - The purpose and goal of oneM2M is to develop technical specifications which address the need for a common M2M Service Layer that can be readily embedded within various hardware and software, and relied upon to connect the myriad of devices in the field with M2M application servers worldwide.
Alliances / - XMPP (IETF)
- IPSO Alliance - The IPSO Alliance provides a foundation for industry growth by fostering awareness, providing education, promoting the industry, generating research, and creating a better understanding of IP and its role in the Internet of Things.
- LoRa Alliance - The LoRa Alliance is an open, non-profit association of members that believes the internet of things era is now. It was initiated by industry leaders with a mission to standardize Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) being deployed around the world to enable Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M), smart city, and industrial applications.
- Thread Group - The Thread Group, composed of members from Nest, Samsung, ARM, Freescale, Silicon Labs, Big Ass Fans and Yale, drives the development of the Thread network protocol.
- Wi-Fi Alliance - Wi-Fi Alliance® is a worldwide network of companies composed of several companies forming a global non-profit association with the goal of driving the best user experience with a new wireless networking technology – regardless of brand.
- Z-Wave Alliance - Established in 2005, the Z-Wave Alliance is comprised of industry leaders throughout the globe that are dedicated to the development and extension of Z-Wave as the key enabling technology for 'smart' home and business applications.
4. Awesome Aws
Social / Conferences
Appendix of Core Services / Services in Plain English
- Amazon Web Services in Plain English - Entertaining and educational, a community contribution.
5. Awesome Tech Videos
Talks on Papers / Scala
- One VM to Rule Them All - By Aysylu Greenberg
6. Awesome Devenv
Shell / Extensions
- oh-my-fish (⭐8.9k) - Framework for managing your fish shell configuration inspired by oh-my-zsh.
Terminal / Extensions
- Pipe Viewer - a tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
7. Vertx Awesome
Development Tools
- Vert.x Hot (⭐47) - A Maven plugin for the hot-deploy of Maven Vert.x projects.
8. Awesome Malware Analysis
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- AndroTotal - Free online analysis of APKs against multiple mobile antivirus apps.
9. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tools
- Spritesheets and tools for the PICO-8 Palette - Compilation of works assest and tools using the PICO-8 palette.
- Prev: Oct 14, 2015
- Next: Oct 12, 2015