Awesome List Updates on Sep 23, 2015
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Github
Infomation for people who are new to GitHub
- Code School's Try Git - If you'd like to better understand Git, one of the technologys that makes GitHub possible, this is a great place to start. No GitHub account required.
- Writing on GitHub - GitHub's own guide to using GitHub for more than just software development.
- GitHubGuides - GitHub Training & Guides on YouTube.
- GitHub Government Community (⭐163) - Information on joining GitHub's government community — a collaborative community for sharing best practices in furtherance of open source, open data, and open government efforts.
Resources for those already familiar with GitHub
- Atom - Did you know that GitHub makes an editor? Use it to write, code, and more.
- GitHub Buttons - Showcase your GitHub repo's success with hotlinkable GitHub star, fork, or follow buttons.
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- Penflip - Collaborative writing and version control, powered by GitLab (similar to GitHub).
- Gatekeeper (⭐748) - Enables client-side applications to dance OAuth with GitHub.
- Ghizmo (⭐77) - A command line for GitHub, allowing access to all APIs.
2. Awesome Jvm
Garbage collectors
- Shenandoah - Ultra-Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector.
3. Awesome Elixir
ORM and Datamapping
- ectophile (⭐42) - Ecto extension to instantly support file uploads in models.
4. Awesome Ruby
Queues and Messaging
- RocketJob - Enterprise Batch Processing System focused on performance, scalability, reliability, and visibility of every job in the system. Outgrown existing solutions? Or, start small and scale up later.
5. Awesome Rails Gem
Searching / Omniauth
- searchkick (⭐6k) - Intelligent search made easy with Rails and Elasticsearch.
6. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Framework Extras
- CakePHP CRUD (⭐374) - A Rapid Application Development (RAD) plugin for CakePHP.
7. Awesome Computer Vision
Visual Tracking / Nearest Neighbor Field Estimation
8. Awesome Dotnet
Push Notifications
- PushSharp (⭐4.4k) - A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS, OSX, Android, Chrome, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Blackberry, and Amazon devices.
9. Awesome Emails
Design / Misc
- CSS Support - A complete breakdown of the CSS support for every popular mobile, web and desktop email client on the planet.
Resources / Misc
10. Sublime Bookmarks
Fun stuff / Alternative Icons
Fun stuff / Monospace Fonts
11. Awesome Phalcon
Application Skeleton
- MVC (⭐812) - Examples of Phalcon MVC file structures
Command Line
- phalcon-cron (⭐78) - Cron component for Phalcon
12. Awesome Jquery
Testing / Paid Books
- Qunit - A JavaScript Unit Testing framework, used by the jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery mobile projects.
13. Rbooks
Beginner Books
R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics [Amazon]

Drawing on his unsurpassed experience teaching new users, professional data scientist Jared P. Lander has written the perfect tutorial for anyone new to statistical programming and modeling. Organized to make learning easy and intuitive, this guide focuses on the 20 percent of R functionality you’ll need to accomplish 80 percent of modern data tasks. Book's self-contained chapters start with the absolute basics, offering extensive hands-on practice and sample code. You’ll download and install R; navigate and use the R environment; master basic program control, data import, and manipulation; and walk through several essential tests. Then, building on this foundation, you’ll construct several complete models, both linear and nonlinear, and use some data mining techniques.
- Prev: Sep 24, 2015
- Next: Sep 22, 2015