Awesome List Updates on Sep 20, 2015
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Microservices
Messaging / Scala
- STOMP - Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol.
Articles & Papers / Scala
- Canary Release - Technique to reduce the risk of introducing a new software version in production by slowly rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure and making it available to everybody.
- Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture - Approaches for managing the additional testing complexity of multiple independently deployable components.
2. Awesome Transit
Agency Tools
- Remix - A webapp that lets transit agencies easily plan routes.
3. Awesome Jvm
- Jitescript (⭐182) - Bytecode generation library similar to BiteScript.
Memory and concurrency
- hppc (⭐875) - High Performance Primitive Collections.
- low-gc-membuffers (⭐132) - In-memory circular buffers that use direct ByteBuffers to minimize GC overhead.
- comcast (⭐9.7k) - Simulating shitty network connections.
- gor (⭐16k) - HTTP traffic replay in real-time.
- jRT (⭐45) - Measures response time of a java application to socket-based requests.
- K3PO (⭐44) - Create arbitrary network traffic and behavior to certify whether a network endpoint behaves correctly.
- muxy (⭐810) - Simulating real-world distributed system failures.
- pig (⭐426) - A Linux packet crafting tool.
- tcpdump - Packet analyzer for network traffic capture.
- tcpflow (⭐1.4k) - Captures TCP connections flows in a way that is convenient for protocol analysis and debugging.
- tcpreplay (⭐928) - Pcap editing and replay tools.
- allocation-instrumenter (⭐433) - Java agent that rewrites bytecode to instrument allocation sites.
- aprof (⭐210) - Java memory allocation profiler.
- hawkshaw - Tools for tracking down memory / JVM problems & generating predictable-as-possible VM behaviour.
- heapster (⭐387) - Production heap profiling for the JVM.
- jamm (⭐617) - Measure actual object memory use including JVM overhead.
- java-sizeof (⭐123) - Memory consumption estimator for Java.
- MAT - Java heap analyzer that help find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.
- leakcanary (⭐28k) - A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.
- perf-map-agent (⭐1.5k) - Generate method mappings to use with the linux
- perfj (⭐356) - Linux perf for java programs.
- polarbear (⭐20) - A tool to help diagnose OutOfMemoryError conditions.
- statsd-jvm-profiler (⭐329) - JVM agent profiler that sends profiling data to StatsD.
4. Awesome Promises
Convenience Utilities / sindresorhus's many Promise utilities ( see notes )
- pify (⭐1.5k) - Promisify ("denodify") a callback-style function.
Convenience Utilities / Others
- lie-fs - Promise wrappers for Node's FS API.
5. Awesome Workshopper
Module Name: learn-generators (⭐261)
Description: JavaScript ES(6|2015) generators workshopper. Learn in practice. 🤘
6. Awesome Elm
Articles / Outdated articles (Not relevant for current Elm architecture)
- Elm for Web Developers (⭐56) - A collection of notes for web developers looking into moving to Elm.
7. Awesome Github
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- github-secret-keeper (⭐83) - Microservice to enable GitHub login for multiple server-less applications.
8. Awesome Jquery
Forms / Paid Books
- Justified Gallery (⭐1.7k) - Allows you to create a gallery with a justified grid.
Images, Maps and Charts / Paid Books
- jQuery Mapael (⭐1k) - Plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps.
Tables / Paid Books
- Filter Table (⭐174) - Live searching/filtering for HTML tables.
- FooTable (⭐2.1k) - Make HTML tables responsive.
- Isotope (⭐11k) - Filter & sort magical layouts.
- HighchartTable (⭐270) - Simple way to convert HTML data tables to Highcharts graphs.
- jQuery treetable (⭐739) - Show a tree structure in a table.
- jsGrid (⭐1.5k) - Lightweight grid plugin.
- Stackable.js (⭐1k) - Stacking tables on small screens.
- Stupid Table Sort (⭐709) - A stupidly small and simple jQuery table sorter plugin.
Validation / Paid Books
- FormValidation - Form fields validator, designed for Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, Semantic UI, UIKit and other frameworks.
- h5Validate (⭐576) - An HTML5 form validation plugin for jQuery.
- jQuery Form Validator (⭐972) - Validate user input while keeping your HTML markup clean from JavaScript code.
- jQuery.validationEngine (⭐2.6k) - Validation of form fields in the browser.
- Prev: Sep 21, 2015
- Next: Sep 19, 2015