Awesome List Updates on Sep 17, 2015
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Jquery
- API documentation - Official jQuery documentation.
- Style guides - jQuery's code style guides when contributing to jQuery projects.
Miscellaneous Resources / Paid Books
- jQuery Foundation - Providing jQuery and many other projects home and support.
- TodoMVC (⭐29k) - Helps you select JavaScript framework. Same Todo application created in multiple popular JavaScript MV* frameworks including jQuery.
Modals and Popups / Paid Books
- animatedModal.js (⭐962) - Plugin for creating fullscreen modals with CSS3 transitions. You can use the transitions from
or create your own.
- Avgrund (⭐1.8k) - Plugin for your modal boxes and popups with new concept of showing depth between popup and page.
- Bootstrap Modal (⭐5k) - Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable and ajax.
- jBox (⭐1.4k) - Powerful and flexible plugin which takes care of all modal windows, tooltips and notices.
- jQuery Modal (⭐2.6k) - Simple and lightweight method of displaying modal windows.
- jQuery Popup Overlay (⭐508) - Responsive and accessible modal windows and tooltips.
- Magnific Popup (⭐11k) - Fast, light and responsive lightbox plugin.
- vex (⭐6.9k) - A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style.
Looking for more lists like this? / Paid Books
- Awesome lists:
- awesome (⭐326k) - Awesome lists
- awesome-all (⭐207) - Awesome lists
- emijrp/awesome-awesome (⭐2.8k) - Awesome lists
- erichs/awesome-awesome (⭐272) - Awesome lists
- GetAwesomeness - Awesome lists
- lists (⭐9.9k) - Awesome lists
- awesome-javascript (⭐33k) - Awesome JavaScript list
- awesome-javascript-books (⭐126) - Awesome JavaScript books
- js-must-watch (⭐13k) - List of must-watch videos devoted to JavaScript
2. Awesome Elixir
Third Party APIs
- airbrakex (⭐27) - Elixir client for the Airbrake service.
3. Awesome Rails Gem
User / Authorization
- cancancan (⭐5.2k) - Continuation of CanCan, the authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.CanCan is an authorization library for Ruby on Rails which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access. All permissions are defined in a single location (the Ability class) and not duplicated across controllers, views, and database queries.
- rolify (⭐3k) - Role management library with resource scoping.
File Uploading / Omniauth
- refile (⭐2.5k) - Refile is a modern file upload library for Ruby applications. It is simple, yet powerful.
Searching / Omniauth
- pg_search (⭐967) - pg_search builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full text search
Logging / Omniauth
- Impressionist (⭐1.5k) - Impressionist can log page impressions (technically action impressions), but it is not limited to that. You can log impressions multiple times per request. And you can also attach it to a model. The goal of this project is to provide customizable stats that are immediately accessible in your application as opposed to using Google Analytics and pulling data using their API.
Debug / Omniauth
- RailsPanel (⭐3.7k) - RailsPanel is a Chrome extension for Rails development that will end your tailing of development.log.
4. Awesome Emails
Statistics / Misc
- Myemma Email Stats - 18 must-know stats for modern email marketers by Emma, Inc.
- Campaign Monitor 2015 Report - 2015 Report: The new rules of email marketing.
5. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / URL
- url-unshort (⭐117) - Expand shortened URLs.
- embedza (⭐64) - Create HTML snippets/embeds from URLs using info from oEmbed, Open Graph, meta tags.
6. Awesome Mad Science
virtual machines
- doppio (⭐2.1k) - actively updated jvm in node.js, written in TypeScript
7. Awesome Github
Resources for those already familiar with GitHub
- Electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies
8. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Maxime Thirouin (⭐3) - Freelance front-end/UI/UX developer. Open Source addict & compulsive coder.
- Prev: Sep 18, 2015
- Next: Sep 16, 2015