Awesome List Updates on Sep 02, 2015
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polymer
2. Awesome Jvm
- jvmkill (โญ160) - Agent that forcibly terminates the JVM when it is unable to allocate memory or create a thread.
3. Awesome Cpp
- UnitTest++ (โญ563) - A lightweight unit testing framework for C++. [MIT/X Consortium license]
4. Tips
Deploying git tracked subfolder to gh-pages
git subtree push --prefix subfolder_name origin gh-pages
Adding a project to repo using subtree
git subtree add --prefix=<directory_name>/<project_name> --squash [email protected]:<username>/<project_name>.git master
Get latest changes in your repo for a linked project using subtree
git subtree pull --prefix=<directory_name>/<project_name> --squash [email protected]:<username>/<project_name>.git master
5. Awesome Computer Vision
Object Detection / Localization & Mapping:
6. Awesome Math
Learning Platforms
Questions and Answers
- MathOverflow - for professional mathematicians
- Basics of Algebra, Topology, and Differential Calculus - Jean Gallier (University of Pennsylvania)
Foundations of Mathematics / Set Theory
- ๐ An Introduction to Set Theory - William A. R. Weiss
Foundations of Mathematics / Logic
- ๐ A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic - Stefan Bilaniuk (Trent University)
- ๐ Mathematical Logic - Helmut Schwichtenberg
- ๐ Mathematical Logic - Stephen G. Simpson (Pennsylvania State University)
- ๐ Formal Logic - Miguel Palomino
Foundations of Mathematics / Category Theory
- ๐ Introduction to Category Theory and Categorical Logic - Thomas Streicher
- ๐ An Introduction to Category Theory - Harold Simmons
Foundations of Mathematics / Homotopy Type Theory
- ๐ Homotopy Type Theory
Number Theory / Analytic Number Theory
- ๐ Elements of Analytic Number Theory - P. S. Kolesnikov, E. P. Vdovin (Novosibirsk)
- ๐ Analytic Number Theory - Lecture Notes based on Davenportโs book - Andreas Strรถmbergsson
Algebra / Abstract Algebra
- ๐ Algebraic Methods - F. Oggier
- ๐ An Undergraduate Course in Abstract Algebra - Robert Howlett
Algebra / Group Theory
- ๐ Group Theory - J.S. Milne
- ๐ Notes on Finite Group Theory - Peter J. Cameron
Algebra / Linear Algebra
- ๐ Fundamentals of Linear Algebra - James B. Carrell
- ๐ Vector Space Theory - Robert Howlett
Algebra / Galois Theory
- ๐ Galois theory - Miles Reid
Combinatorics / Lie Algebras
- ๐ Basic Combinatorics - Carl G. Wagner (University of Tennessee)
- ๐ Applied Combinatorics - Mitchel T. Keller, William T. Trotter
- ๐ Notes on Combinatorics - Peter J. Cameron
- ๐ Analytic Combinatorics - Philippe Flajolet, Robert Sedgewick
Combinatorics / Graph Theory
- ๐ Graph Theory: Lecture Notes - Christopher Griffin
- ๐ Graph Theory - Reinhard Diestel
Geometry and Topology / Graph Theory
- ๐ Fundamentals of Geometry - Oleg A. Belyaev
Geometry and Topology / Differential Geometry
- ๐ Introduction to Differential Geometry - Joel W. Robbin, Dietmar A. Salamon
- ๐ Topics in Differential Geometry - Peter W. Michor
- ๐ Lectures on Differential Geometry - Wulf Rossmann
- ๐ An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry - Sigmundur Gudmundsson (Lund University)
Geometry and Topology / Algebraic Geometry
- ๐ Introduction to Algebraic Geometry - Igor V. Dolgachev
- ๐ Foundations of Algebraic Geometry - Ravi Vakil
- ๐ Algebraic Geometry - Jean Gallier, Stephen S. Shatz (University of Pennsylvania)
- ๐ Algebraic Geometry - J.S. Milne
- ๐ Algebraic Geometry - Andreas Gathmann (University of Kaiserslautern)
Geometry and Topology / Topology
- ๐ Introduction to Topology - Alex Kรผronya
- ๐ Introductory Topology - Jim L. Brown
- ๐ General Topology - Pierre Schapira (Paris VI University)
- ๐ General Topology - Jesper M. Mรธller
Geometry and Topology / Algebraic Topology
- ๐ Algebraic Topology - Allen Hatcher
- ๐ A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology - J. P. May
- ๐ Introduction to Algebraic Topology - Martin Cadek
- ๐ Algebra and Topology - Pierre Schapira (Paris VI University)
- ๐ Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology - James F. Davis, Paul Kirk (Indiana University)
- ๐ Algebraic Topology - Michael Starbird
- ๐ Lecture Notes on Algebraic Topology - Jie Wu
Analysis / Real Analysis
- ๐ Introduction to Real Analysis - William F. Trench (Trinity University, Texas)
- ๐ Real Analysis - C. McMullen
Analysis / Functional Analysis
- ๐ Functional Analysis - Alexander C. R. Belton
Probability and Statistics / Probability Theory
- ๐ Introduction to Probability - Charles M. Grinstead, J. Laurie Snell
- ๐ Introduction to Probability - Dimitri P. Bertsekas, John N. Tsitsiklis (MIT)
- ๐ A Short Introduction to Probability - Dirk P. Kroese (University of Queensland)
- ๐ Probability: Theory and Examples - Rick Durrett
Probability and Statistics / Statistics
- ๐ Lecture Notes on Statistical Theory - Ryan Martin (University of Illinois)
- ๐ Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis for Physicists - Gerhard Bohm, Gรผnter Zech
- ๐ Probability and Mathematical Statistics - Prasanna Sahoo (University of Louisville)
- ๐ Lectures on Statistics - William G. Faris
- ๐ Statistical Theory - Adolfo J. Rumbos
- ๐ Theory of Statistics - Joseph C. Watkins (University of Arizona)
Probability and Statistics / Statistical Learning
- ๐ An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R - Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
- ๐ The Elements of Statistical Learning - Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman
Numerical Analysis / Stochastic processes
- ๐ A Concise Introduction to Numerical Analysis - Douglas N. Arnold (University of Minnesota)
- ๐ Numerical Analysis - L. Ridgway Scott
7. Awesome Opengl
- Computer Graphics by John F. Hughes, et al. - Computer Graphics is indeed a must for anyone being involved in the design and implementation of Computer Graphics algorithms. However, this is not a OpenGL focused book, but contains valuable demonstrations of the technology.
- OpenGL ES 3.0 Programming Guide by Dan Ginsburg, et al. - It presents all the necessary information to use the OpenGL ES 3.0 API in a clear manner.
8. Awesome Git Addons
imerge start
$ git imerge start --name=next --goal=merge --first-parent 4.0
Attempting automerge of 1-1...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-29...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-44...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-51...success.
imerge continue
$ git add --all
$ git commit
[imerge/next e442618] imerge 'next': manual merge 10-26
$ git imerge continue
Merge has been recorded for merge 10-26.
Attempting automerge of 10-27...success.
Attempting automerge of 10-42...failure.
Attempting automerge of 10-34...failure.
Attempting automerge of 10-30...success.
Recording autofilled block MergeState('next', tip1='master', tip2='4.0', goal='merge')[18:20,34:58].
Merge is complete!
imerge finish
$ git imerge finish
Previous HEAD position was fcbe161... imerge 'next': automatic merge 19-57
Switched to branch 'next'
[next 23362e6] Merge 4.0 into master (using imerge)
Date: Wed Sep 2 10:59:56 2015 +1000
imerge diagram
$ git imerge diagram
imerge list
$ git imerge list
* next
imerge init
$ git imerge init --name=next --goal=merge --first-parent 4.0
imerge record
$ git imerge record
Merge has been recorded for merge 10-26.
Attempting automerge of 10-27...success.
Attempting automerge of 10-42...failure.
Attempting automerge of 10-34...failure.
imerge autofill
$ git imerge autofill
Attempting automerge of 1-1...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-29...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-44...success.
imerge simplify
$ git imerge simplify
Previous HEAD position was 4d19598... imerge 'next': automatic merge 20-57
Switched to branch 'next'
[next 6c308aa] Merge 4.0 into master (using imerge)
Date: Wed Sep 2 13:37:31 2015 +1000
imerge remove
$ git imerge remove
imerge reparent
$ git imerge reparent
- Prev: Sep 03, 2015
- Next: Sep 01, 2015