Awesome List Updates on Sep 02, 2015

8 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Polymer


2. Awesome Jvm


3. Awesome Cpp


4. Tips

Deploying git tracked subfolder to gh-pages

git subtree push --prefix subfolder_name origin gh-pages

Adding a project to repo using subtree

git subtree add --prefix=<directory_name>/<project_name> --squash [email protected]:<username>/<project_name>.git master

Get latest changes in your repo for a linked project using subtree

git subtree pull --prefix=<directory_name>/<project_name> --squash [email protected]:<username>/<project_name>.git master

5. Awesome Computer Vision

Object Detection / Localization & Mapping:

6. Awesome Math

Learning Platforms

Questions and Answers




Foundations of Mathematics / Set Theory

Foundations of Mathematics / Logic

Foundations of Mathematics / Category Theory

Foundations of Mathematics / Homotopy Type Theory

Number Theory / Analytic Number Theory

Algebra / Abstract Algebra

Algebra / Group Theory

Algebra / Linear Algebra

Algebra / Galois Theory

Combinatorics / Lie Algebras

Combinatorics / Graph Theory

Geometry and Topology / Graph Theory

Geometry and Topology / Differential Geometry

Geometry and Topology / Algebraic Geometry

Geometry and Topology / Topology

Geometry and Topology / Algebraic Topology

Analysis / Real Analysis

Analysis / Functional Analysis

Probability and Statistics / Probability Theory

Probability and Statistics / Statistics

Probability and Statistics / Statistical Learning

Numerical Analysis / Stochastic processes

7. Awesome Opengl


8. Awesome Git Addons


imerge start

$ git imerge start --name=next --goal=merge --first-parent 4.0
Attempting automerge of 1-1...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-29...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-44...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-51...success.

imerge continue

$ git add --all
$ git commit
[imerge/next e442618] imerge 'next': manual merge 10-26
$ git imerge continue
Merge has been recorded for merge 10-26.
Attempting automerge of 10-27...success.
Attempting automerge of 10-42...failure.
Attempting automerge of 10-34...failure.
Attempting automerge of 10-30...success.
Recording autofilled block MergeState('next', tip1='master', tip2='4.0', goal='merge')[18:20,34:58].
Merge is complete!

imerge finish

$ git imerge finish
Previous HEAD position was fcbe161... imerge 'next': automatic merge 19-57
Switched to branch 'next'
[next 23362e6] Merge 4.0 into master (using imerge)
 Date: Wed Sep 2 10:59:56 2015 +1000

imerge diagram

$ git imerge diagram

imerge list

$ git imerge list
* next

imerge init

$ git imerge init --name=next --goal=merge --first-parent 4.0

imerge record

$ git imerge record
Merge has been recorded for merge 10-26.
Attempting automerge of 10-27...success.
Attempting automerge of 10-42...failure.
Attempting automerge of 10-34...failure.

imerge autofill

$ git imerge autofill
Attempting automerge of 1-1...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-29...success.
Attempting automerge of 1-44...success.

imerge simplify

$ git imerge simplify
Previous HEAD position was 4d19598... imerge 'next': automatic merge 20-57
Switched to branch 'next'
[next 6c308aa] Merge 4.0 into master (using imerge)
 Date: Wed Sep 2 13:37:31 2015 +1000

imerge remove

$ git imerge remove


imerge reparent

$ git imerge reparent