Awesome List Updates on Aug 31, 2015

10 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Json Datasets


TV Shows

2. Awesome Polymer


3. Awesome Ruby



4. Awesome Transit

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Ruby

5. Awesome Math

Foundations of Mathematics / Set Theory

Foundations of Mathematics / Category Theory

Number Theory / Surreal Numbers

Number Theory / Algebraic Number Theory

Number Theory / Analytic Number Theory

Algebra / Abstract Algebra

Algebra / Ring Theory

Algebra / Galois Theory

Analysis / Real Analysis

Analysis / Harmonic Analysis

Analysis / Complex Analysis

Analysis / Functional Analysis

Analysis / Measure Theory

Analysis / Ordinary Differential Equations

Analysis / Partial Differential Equations

Probability and Statistics / Statistical Learning

6. Vertx Awesome

Web Frameworks

7. Awesome Android Ui

List / Grid

8. Awesome Dojo

Themes / Dojo 2

9. Awesome Elixir

Algorithms and Data structures

Text and Numbers

10. Awesome AutoIt

Other Awesome Lists / OpenOffice