Awesome List Updates on Aug 07, 2015
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Play1
- [play1-chart] Play1-Chart (⭐2)
The Chart module allows for easy generation of chart images.
2. Awesome Knockout
- WebSockets (⭐87) - Example of real time collaborative web app using WebSockets and Knockout
3. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- BSDNow - A Weekly BSD Podcast - News, Interviews and Tutorials.
- BSDTalk - Talking about the BSD family of free operating systems.
- CppCast - The first podcast by C++ developers for C++ developers.
- Creative Coding Podcast - about programming for visual and creative applications.
- GitMinutes - The show for proficient Git users.
- Harry Potter and the methods of rationality - This is an alternate universe story, where Petunia married a scientist. Harry enters the wizarding world armed with Enlightenment ideals and the experimental spirit.
- Mind the Cloud Podcast - The podcast about the developers and companies using the cloud to create the future.
- PHP Town Hall - Town Hall a way for PHP developers to raise questions about current events (or upcoming things) in the PHP community, with different guests each week.
- That Podcast - Beau and Dave talking about life as dads, programmers, and entrepreneurs.
- The Big Web Show - It's everything web that matters.
- The Cognicast - The Cognicast previously ThinkRelevance: The Podcast is the podcast from the Cognitect family.
- The Laravel Podcast - The Laravel Podcast brings you Laravel and PHP development news and discussion.
- The Web Ahead - Conversations with world experts on changing technologies and future of the web. The Web Ahead is your shortcut to keeping up.
- This Developer's Life - A podcast about developers and their lives.
- Thoughtbot - We record and release weekly podcasts from thoughtbot on design, Ruby on Rails, iOS, running software companies, and maintaining work/life balance.
In Spanish
- 85% Cocoa - Podcast sobre Cocoa y programación.
- A hombros de gigantes - Programa de divulgación científica.
4. FOSS for Dev
Code Quality
- Codecov - Continuous Code Coverage
5. Awesome Javascript
- modulejs (⭐128) - Lightweight JavaScript module system.
6. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Salesforce Developer Free Edition Signup
- Signup for Free Developer Account - Signup for Free Developer Account.
7. Awesome Polymer
8. Tips
Saving current state of tracked files without commiting
git stash
git stash push
Saving current state including untracked files
git stash -u
git stash push -u
git stash push --include-untracked
9. Awesome Backbone
Tutorials and articles
- Bringing Meteor’s reactive collections to Backbone by Jeff Wear
- Prev: Aug 08, 2015
- Next: Aug 06, 2015