Awesome List Updates on Aug 03, 2015
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
Image Processing
- MetadataExtractor (⭐965) - Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image files.
2. Awesome D
Game Bindings / XML
- DerelictOrg - A GitHub organization hosting all Derelict bindings including:
- OpenGL 3 (DerelictGL3),
- Bgfx (DerelictBgfx),
- ENet (DerelictENet),
- SDL 2 (DerelictSDL2),
- GLFW 3 (DerelictGLFW3),
- OpenGLES (DerelictGLES),
- Free Image (DerelictFI),
- Assimp3 (DerelictASSIMP3),
- libtheora (DerelictTheora),
- libogg (DerelictOgg),
- libvorbis (DerelictVorbis),
- SFML 2 (DerelictSFML2),
- libpq (DerelictPQ),
- PhysicsFS (DerelictPHYSFS),
- Open Dynamics Engine (DerelictODE),
- Lua (DerelictLua),
- DevIL (DerelictIL),
- OpenAL (DerelictAL),
- ALURE (DerelictALURE).
Game Frameworks / XML
- DSFML (⭐95) - A static binding of SFML in a way that makes sense for D. see
3. Awesome Slack
4. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Search
- Algolia Search (⭐241) - Integrates the Algolia Search API to the Laravel Eloquent ORM
5. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Architectural
- Pipeline (⭐971) - A pipeline pattern implementation.
6. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / S individuals
- Stefan Parker
7. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Parsing
- kevinmehall/rust-peg (⭐1.5k) - Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator
8. Awesome Salesforce
BugReport-PullRequest / Podcasts
- Add your link as per the top-level Category page within the topic sub-section(s), in alphabetical order, with notes (if any) in the markdown files.
- For broken links or outdated information, submit a bug report (BR), or make the necessary changes and submit a PR. Both are welcome. Please submit separate PR's for each link or change added.
9. Awesome Elixir
- json_web_token_ex (⭐143) - An Elixir implementation of the JSON Web Token (JWT) Standards Track (RFC 7519).
- Prev: Aug 04, 2015
- Next: Aug 02, 2015