Awesome List Updates on Jul 21, 2015
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Typography
Font Combinations
2. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Non-dedicated
- heka (⭐3.4k) - General purpose data collection and processing tool
3. Awesome Rest
- Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures - Roy Fielding's dissertation defining REST
PHP Clients
- Buzz (⭐1.9k) - Another lightweight HTTP client.
- unirest for PHP (⭐1.3k) - Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
JavaScript Clients
- restangular (⭐7.9k) - AngularJS service to handle REST API properly and easily.
- restful.js (⭐965) - JS client for interacting with server-side RESTful resources.
Node.js Clients
- restler (⭐2k) - REST client library for node.js.
- unirest for Node.js (⭐955) - Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
Directly On Top Of A RMDB
- postgrest (⭐25k) - Serve a fully RESTful API directly from an existing PostgreSQL database.
- MySQL HTTP plugin - Simple REST-like / CRUD server for any MySQL database.
- mers (⭐343) - Express service exposing Mongoose finders as RESTful API.
- flatiron/resourceful (⭐355) - Isomorphic Resource engine for JavaScript.
- Microrest (⭐185) - Micro-web application providing a REST API on top of any relational database.
- Negotiation (⭐1.4k) - Content negotiation library.
- Drest (⭐87) - Library for exposing Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints.
- Restler (⭐1.4k) - Lightweight framework to expose PHP methods as RESTful web API.
- HAL (⭐203) - Hypertext Application Language (HAL) builder library.
- Apigility (⭐444) - API builder built with Zend Framework 2.
- phprest (⭐306) - Specialized REST microframework for PHP.
- Hateoas (⭐1k) - PHP library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web services.
PHP / Symfony2
- FOSRestBundle (⭐2.8k) - Bundle handling view, routing, error handling, etc. for your REST API.
- stanlemon/rest-bundle (⭐122) - Build a REST API based on Doctrine entities using conventions over configuration.
- lakion/Lionframe - Glu between several community libraries to ease API development.
- BazingaHateoasBundle (⭐295) - Integrate the Hateoas (⭐1k) library into a Symfony2 application.
- Symfony REST Edition (⭐632) - Start with a Symfony2 application with all REST-friendly bundles pre-configured.
- NgAdminGeneratorBundle (⭐75) - Boostrap ng-admin configuration based on
- DunglasApiBundle (⭐2.5k) - Build a REST API which follow Hydra/JSON-LD specification.
Python / Symfony2
- flask-restless - Flask extension for generating ReSTful APIs for database models defined with SQLAlchemy (or Flask-SQLAlchemy).
Go / Symfony2
- go-json-rest (⭐3.5k) - Thin layer on top of
that helps building RESTful APIs easily.
- sleepy (⭐675) - RESTful micro-framework written in Go.
- restit (⭐55) - Go micro framework to help writing RESTful API integration test.
- go-relax (⭐153) - Framework of pluggable components to build RESTful API's.
- go-rest (⭐128) - Small and evil REST framework for Go.
- Goat (⭐155) - Minimalistic REST API server in Go.
- Resoursea (⭐35) - REST framework for quickly writing resource based services.
Java / Symfony2
- RestExpress (⭐937) - Netty-based, highly performant, lightweight, container-less, plugin-extensible, framework that is ideal for microservice architectures.
Querying / Symfony2
- resty (⭐2.6k) - Little command line REST client that you can use in pipelines (bash or zsh).
- jq (⭐31k) - Command line JSON processor, to use in combination with a command-line HTTP client like cURL.
Mocking / Symfony2
- FakeRest (⭐443) - Redirect fetch() calls to a client-side fake REST API.
- json-server (⭐74k) - Serve a REST API from fixture files using quick prototyping.
SaaS Tools / Symfony2
- Runscope - Automated API Monitoring & Testing.
Miscellaneous / Symfony2
- ng-admin (⭐3.9k) - Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API.
4. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Kyle Robinson Young (⭐1) - Makes stuff and likes bears.
5. Awesome Computer Vision
Simultaneous localization and mapping / Tracking/Odometry:
6. Awesome Opengl
Related lists
- gamedev (⭐12k) - A awesome list about game development.
- graphics-resources (⭐1.7k) - A list of graphic programming resources.
- Prev: Jul 22, 2015
- Next: Jul 20, 2015