Awesome List Updates on Jul 17, 2015

10 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Elixir


ORM and Datamapping

2. Awesome Data Engineering

Monitoring / Prometheus

3. Amas

Ask these people anything!

4. Awesome Ruby

HTTP Clients and tools

5. Awesome Ciandcd

Online Build System

6. Awesome Gif

Scripts / High quality GIF

7. Scalable Css Reading List


8. Awesome Flexbox

Presentations / Videos

9. Tips

Get list of all remote references

git remote


git remote show

Get list of all local and remote branches

git branch -a

Get only remote branches

git branch -r

Get git bash completion

curl -L > ~/.git-completion.bash && echo '[ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ] && . ~/.git-completion.bash' >> ~/.bashrc

10. Awesome Opensource Documents

Programming Languages / Ruby

Programming Languages / Forth