Awesome List Updates on Jul 16, 2015
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Material
Icons, Fonts and Colors
- material-design-icons (⭐47k) — Material Design icons by Google.
- material-design-iconic-font (⭐1.4k) — Material Design Iconic Font and CSS toolkit.
- material-design-fonticons (⭐74) — Material Design Fonticons is a font converted version of the Google Material Design Icon set.
- material-colors (⭐265) — Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders.
- material-color (⭐134) — The colour palette, based on Google's Material Design, for use in your project.
- LESS-Material-design-colors — A .less file with al the Google material design colors.
- sass-material-colors (⭐131) — An easy way to use Google's Material Design colors in your Sass/Scss project.
- Google-Material-Design-Font-Icon (⭐5) — Font Icon based on Google Material Design Icon set.
- SVG-Morpheus (⭐2.7k) — JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions.
- Material-Design-ColorPicker (⭐11) — A Material Design Color Picker.
- material-design-color-palette (⭐170) — Material Design Color Palette: LESS/CSS toolkit.
- md-date-time (⭐174) — A Date-Time picker based on Googles Material Design Spec.
- ng-material-floating-button (⭐468) — Material design floating menu with action buttons implemented as an Angularjs directive.
- Surface (⭐347) — A lightweight, CSS only framework based on Material Design.
- material-ui (⭐82k) — A CSS Framework and a Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material Design.
- bootstrap-material-design (⭐22) — Material design theme for Bootstrap 3.
- materialize (⭐39k) — Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design.
- materialBootstrap (⭐69) — Twitter Bootstrap theme for Google material design.
- material-playground (⭐256) — Polymer material design playground.
- material-framework (⭐388) — An easy to use material design based framework.
- ember-paper (⭐879) — The Ember approach to Material Design.
- material-design-lite (⭐32k) — Material Design Lite Components in HTML/CSS/JS.
- google-material-design (⭐16) — Small SASS library inspired by google material design guidelines.
- MaterialPress (⭐107) — MaterialPress is a WordPress theme, influenced heavily by Google's Material Design philosophy.
- materialwp (⭐460) — Material Design WordPress Theme.
- material-color-scheme (⭐70) — Sublime Text syntax theme based off the Material Design color palette.
- framaterial (⭐42) — A Framework to create Material Design projects.
- Material Design Templates — Various material design inspired themes and templates on ThemeForest.
- Material Palette — Choose your favorite colors and generate your Material Design palette.
- Paper Polymer Elements — Paper elements are a set of visual elements that implement Google's Material Design.
2. Awesome IoT Hybrid
Hybrid Mobile / Resources-websites-projects
3. Awesome Backbone
Examples and boilerplates
- Backbone TodoMVC example - Simple todo app built using Backbone and Backbone.localStorage.
4. Awesome Dotnet
- Shouldly (⭐2.8k) - Shouldly is an assertion framework which focuses on giving great error messages when the assertion fails while being simple and terse.
5. Tips
Stage parts of a changed file, instead of the entire file
git add -p
6. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / P individuals
- Petr Mitrichev
7. Awesome Data Engineering
Monitoring / Prometheus
- (⭐55k) - An open-source service monitoring system and time series database.
- Prev: Jul 17, 2015
- Next: Jul 15, 2015