Awesome List Updates on Jul 06, 2015
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Courses
Courses / Introduction to CS
- CS 61AS Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs [Racket] UC Berkeley
- A self-paced version of the CS61 Course but in Racket / Scheme. 61AS is a great introductory course that will ease you into all the amazing concepts that future CS courses will cover, so remember to keep an open mind, have fun, and always respect the data abstraction
- Lecture Videos
- Assignments and Notes
2. Awesome Dotnet
Authentication and Authorization
- IdentityModel - Helper library for identity & access control in .NET 4.5 and MVC4/Web API.
- IdentityServer - Extensible OAuth2 and OpenID Connect provider framework.
3. Awesome Opengl
Related lists
- awesome (⭐264k) - A curated list of awesome lists.
- awesome-computer-vision (⭐19k) - A curated list of awesome computer vision resources.
4. Awesome Android Ui
Name: AndroidSlidingUpPanel (⭐9.4k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: android-transition (⭐616)
License: Apache License V2
5. Js Must Watch
6. Engineering Blogs
Companies / T companies
- Transferwise
Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals
- Jessie Frazelle
Individuals/Group Contributors / M individuals
- Mike Fogus
- Prev: Jul 07, 2015
- Next: Jul 05, 2015