Awesome List Updates on Jul 05, 2015
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Haskell
Concurrency & Parallelism
Parallelism - a collaborative Hackage list.
- Concurrency & Parallelism - (Book) Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell
2. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Pascal Hartig (⭐33) - Polyglot. Engineer at Twitter. Contributor to Yeoman, TodoMVC, WSK.
- Mark Otto (⭐94) - Designer at GitHub. Creator of Bootstrap.
- Zach Holman (⭐731) - Developer and speaker. Previously worked at GitHub.
- Kent C. Dodds (⭐685) - JavaScript dev, open source contributor, community builder, and speaker.
3. Awesome Elixir
- pdf2htmlex (⭐89) - Convert PDF docs to beautiful HTML files without losing text or format.
4. Awesome Android Ui
Name: Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh (⭐4k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Pull-to-Refresh.Tours (⭐1.7k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Bubbles for Android (⭐1.5k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Folder-ResideMenu (⭐372)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Decor (⭐305)
License: Apache License V2
5. Awesome Cpp
- GLFW (⭐13k) - A simple, cross-platform OpenGL wrangling library. [zlib/libpng]
- OpenSubdiv (⭐2.9k) - Pixar's library for evaluating and rendering subdivision surfaces on CPU and GPU. [Modified Apache2]
- OpenVDB - Library and tools for storing, editing, and rendering volumetric datasets. [MPL2]
- Partio (⭐466) - Library for wrangling particle data, with support for most common file formats. [Modified BSD]
Image Processing
- OpenEXR - Cross-platform library for high dynamic range imaging. [Modified BSDF]
- OpenImageIO (⭐2k) - Powerful image and texture wrangling library with support for a wide number of common lossy and RAW formats. [Modified BSD]
- Prev: Jul 06, 2015
- Next: Jul 04, 2015