Awesome List Updates on Jun 21, 2015
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Unity
- A Gentle Introduction to Shaders in Unity3D - This series of posts will introduce you to shader coding, and is oriented to developers with little to no knowledge about shaders.
2. Awesome Computer Vision
Deep Learning / Nearest Neighbor Field Estimation
Material Recognition / Image Super-resolutions
Visual Recognition / Pedestrian Detection
Action Recognition / Video-based
Action Recognition / Image Deblurring
3. Awesome Devenv
Shell / Extensions
- zsh - A shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.
4. Awesome Android
Resources / Custom Dialog
- android-blogs (⭐498) - List with blogs about Android.
5. Awesome Elixir
Files and Directories
- elixgrep (⭐28) - A framework for doing Hadoop style Map/Reduce operations on collections of files.
6. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / Natural Language Processing
- MeTA (⭐702) - MeTA : ModErn Text Analysis is a C++ Data Sciences Toolkit that facilitates mining big text data.
7. Awesome Microservices
Articles & Papers / Scala
- AKF Scale Cube - Model depicting the dimensions to scale a service.
- CAP Theorem - States that it is impossible for a distributed computer system to simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees: Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance.
- Reactive Manifesto - Reactive systems definition.
- Reactive Streams - Initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure.
8. Awesome Cpp
- Mach7 (⭐1.3k) - A Pattern-matching library for C++. [BSD]
9. Awesome Flexbox
Presentations / Videos
- Prev: Jun 22, 2015
- Next: Jun 20, 2015