Awesome List Updates on May 30, 2015
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Gametalks
GDC Talks / Table of Contents
- [2015] Hearthstone: How to Create an Immersive User Interface: Derek Sakamoto (Blizzard)
- [2013] Classic Game Postmortem: Myst: Robyn Miller (Zoo Break Gun Club)
2. Awesome Phalcon
- Prophiler (⭐443) - PHP Profiler & Developer Toolbar (built for Phalcon)
3. Awesome Geojson
- whereonearth-airport (⭐14): outlines of every airport
- whereonearth-building (⭐9): building outlines
- whereonearth repos: other features output from GeoPlanet by Aaron Straup Cope
- tgn-geojson (⭐15): The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) As GeoJSON.
4. Awesome Talks
Web Development
- Critical rendering path - Crash course on web performance by Ilya Grigorik [41:10]
5. Awesome Elixir
- locker (⭐152) - Atomic distributed "check and set" for short-lived keys.
Command Line Applications
- getopt (⭐252) - Command-line options parser for Erlang.
Framework Components
- phoenix_pubsub_redis (⭐176) - The Redis PubSub adapter for the Phoenix framework.
- scaffold (⭐7) - A mix task for creating new projects based on templates fetched from a Git-repo.
- trot (⭐420) - An Elixir web micro-framework.
ORM and Datamapping
- database_url (⭐9) - Parse database URL and return keyword list for use with Ecto.
- isn (⭐10) - Ecto types for the postgreSQL isn extension.
- level (⭐5) - Level for Elixir implements various helper functions and data types for working with Googles Level data store.
- sqlite_ecto (⭐77) - SQLite3 adapter for Ecto.
- proper (⭐886) - PropEr (PROPerty-based testing tool for ERlang) is a QuickCheck-inspired open-source property-based testing tool for Erlang.
Third Party APIs
- reddhl (⭐4) - An headline and link puller for Reddit and its various subreddits.
- telephonist (⭐41) - Elixir state machines for Twilio calls.
- tentacat (⭐448) - Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API.
- ar2ecto (⭐13) - Ar2ecto is a set of mix tasks to help you migrate from ActiveRecord to Ecto.
- yomel (⭐6) - libyaml interface for Elixir.
6. Awesome Polymer
7. Awesome Unity
- Spine (Paid) - A skeletal animation editor with a Unity library.
- A* Pathfinding Project - Lightning fast pathfinding with heavily optimized algorithms and a large feature set.
- InControl (⭐694) - An input manager that tames makes handler cross-platform. controller input easy.
- InputBinder (⭐76) - Bind game inputs to methods via code or using the inspector to add event driven input handling to your project.
- TouchKit (⭐907) - Makes it easy to recognize gestures and other touch input.
8. Awesome Computer Vision
Blogs / Image Deblurring
- Learn OpenCV - Satya Mallick
- Tombone's Computer Vision Blog - Tomasz Malisiewicz
- Computer vision for dummies - Vincent Spruyt
- Andrej Karpathy blog - Andrej Karpathy
- Prev: May 31, 2015
- Next: May 29, 2015