Awesome List Updates on May 12, 2015

5 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Deep Learning

Researchers / Frameworks

2. Awesome Appsec


nonfree Gray Hat Python: Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers (2009)

Released: May 3, 2009

nonfree The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities (2006)

Released: November 30, 2006

nonfree C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software (1996)

Released: August 30, 1996

nonfree Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering (2005)

Released: April 15, 2005

nonfree JavaScript: The Good parts (2008)

Released: May 1, 2008

nonfree Windows Internals: Including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, Fifth Edition (2007)

Released: June 17, 2007

nonfree The Mac Hacker's Handbook (2009)

Released: March 3, 2009

Released: August 22, 2008

nonfree Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. II: ANSI C Version: Design, Implementation, and Internals (3rd Edition) (1998)

Released: June 25, 1998

nonfree Network Algorithmics,: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices (2004)

Released: December 29, 2004

nonfree Computation Structures (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) (1989)

Released: December 13, 1989

nonfree Surreptitious Software: Obfuscation, Watermarking, and Tamperproofing for Software Protection (2009)

Released: August 3, 2009

Websites is dedicated to educating developers about security with topics relating to general security fundamentals, emerging technologies and PHP-specific information

3. Awesome Material


4. Awesome Malware Analysis

Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools

5. Awesome Flexbox

Who to Follow / Slides and Notes