Awesome List Updates on May 09, 2015
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Swift
- AudioPlayer (⭐731) - A wrapper around AVPlayer with some cool features.
2. Awesome Flexbox
W3C Specification
Cross Browser / Preprocessors in action
Tools / Slides and Notes
3. Awesome Ruby
CLI Builder
- Commander (⭐824) - The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables.
4. Awesome Malware Analysis
Malware Collection / Anonymizers
- - A free, web based anonymizer.
- OpenVPN - VPN software and hosting solutions.
- Privoxy - An open source proxy server with some privacy features.
- Tor - The Onion Router, for browsing the web without leaving traces of the client IP.
Malware Collection / Honeypots
- Mnemosyne (⭐44) - A normalizer for honeypot data; supports Dionaea.
- Thug (⭐967) - Low interaction honeyclient, for investigating malicious websites.
Malware Collection / Malware Corpora
- Contagio - A collection of recent malware samples and analyses.
- Exploit Database - Exploit and shellcode samples.
- Zeltser's Sources - A list of malware sample sources put together by Lenny Zeltser.
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Other Resources
- hpfeeds (⭐208) - Honeypot feed protocol.
- Internet Storm Center (DShield) - Diary and searchable incident database, with a web API. (unofficial Python library (⭐24)).
- malc0de - Searchable incident database.
- Malware Domain List - Search and share malicious URLs.
- ZeuS Tracker - ZeuS blocklists.
Detection and Classification / Other Resources
- AnalyzePE (⭐201) - Wrapper for a variety of tools for reporting on Windows PE files.
- chkrootkit - Local Linux rootkit detection.
- ExifTool - Read, write and edit file metadata.
- hashdeep (⭐694) - Compute digest hashes with a variety of algorithms.
- nsrllookup (⭐110) - A tool for looking up hashes in NIST's National Software Reference Library database.
- Rootkit Hunter - Detect Linux rootkits.
- TrID - File identifier.
- YARA - Pattern matching tool for analysts.
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- Cuckoo Sandbox - Open source, self hosted sandbox and automated analysis system.
- Recomposer (⭐130) - A helper script for safely uploading binaries to sandbox sites.
- VirusTotal - Free online analysis of malware samples and URLs
- Zeltser's List - Free automated sandboxes and services, compiled by Lenny Zeltser.
Domain Analysis / Other Resources
- Dig - Free online dig and other network tools.
- IPinfo (⭐95) - Gather information about an IP or domain by searching online resources.
- Whois - DomainTools free online whois search.
- Zeltser's List - Free online tools for researching malicious websites, compiled by Lenny Zeltser.
Browser Malware / Other Resources
- Java Decompiler - Decompile and inspect Java apps.
- Java IDX Parser (⭐39) - Parses Java IDX cache files.
- JSDetox - JavaScript malware analysis tool.
- jsunpack-n (⭐158) - A javascript unpacker that emulates browser functionality.
- Malzilla - Analyze malicious web pages.
- RABCDAsm (⭐427) - A "Robust ActionScript Bytecode Disassembler."
- swftools - Tools for working with Adobe Flash files.
- xxxswf - A Python script for analyzing Flash files.
Documents and Shellcode / Other Resources
- AnalyzePDF (⭐171) - A tool for analyzing PDFs and attempting to determine whether they are malicious.
- diStorm - Disassembler for analyzing malicious shellcode.
- JS Beautifier - JavaScript unpacking and deobfuscation.
- libemu - Library and tools for x86 shellcode emulation.
- malpdfobj (⭐51) - Deconstruct malicious PDFs into a JSON representation.
- OfficeMalScanner - Scan for malicious traces in MS Office documents.
- olevba - A script for parsing OLE and OpenXML documents and extracting useful information.
- Origami PDF - A tool for analyzing malicious PDFs, and more.
- PDF Tools - pdfid, pdf-parser, and more from Didier Stevens.
- PDF X-Ray Lite (⭐34) - A PDF analysis tool, the backend-free version of PDF X-RAY.
- peepdf - Python tool for exploring possibly malicious PDFs.
- Spidermonkey - Mozilla's JavaScript engine, for debugging malicious JS.
File Carving / Other Resources
- bulk_extractor (⭐1k) - Fast file carving tool.
- EVTXtract (⭐176) - Carve Windows Event Log files from raw binary data.
- Foremost - File carving tool designed by the US Air Force.
- Scalpel (⭐612) - Another data carving tool.
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- Evan's Debugger (EDB) - A modular debugger with a Qt GUI.
- GDB - The GNU debugger.
- IDA Pro - Windows disassembler and debugger, with a free evaluation version.
- Immunity Debugger - Debugger for malware analysis and more, with a Python API.
- ltrace - Dynamic analysis for Linux executables.
- objdump - Part of GNU binutils, for static analysis of Linux binaries.
- OllyDbg - An assembly-level debugger for Windows executables.
- Process Monitor - Advanced monitoring tool for Windows programs.
- Pyew (⭐380) - Python tool for malware analysis.
- Radare2 - Reverse engineering framework, with debugger support.
- Udis86 (⭐999) - Disassembler library and tool for x86 and x86_64.
- Vivisect (⭐908) - Python tool for malware analysis.
Network / Other Resources
- INetSim - Network service emulation, useful when building a malware lab.
- Malcom (⭐1.1k) - Malware Communications Analyzer.
- mitmproxy - Intercept network traffic on the fly.
- NetworkMiner - Network forensic analysis tool, with a free version.
- ngrep (⭐864) - Search through network traffic like grep.
- Tcpdump - Collect network traffic.
- tcpick - Trach and reassemble TCP streams from network traffic.
- tcpxtract - Extract files from network traffic.
- Wireshark - The network traffic analysis tool.
Memory Forensics / Other Resources
- FindAES - Find AES encryption keys in memory.
- Muninn (⭐51) - A script to automate portions of analysis using Volatility, and create a readable report. Orochi (⭐208) - Orochi is an open source framework for collaborative forensic memory dump analysis.
- Rekall - Memory analysis framework, forked from Volatility in 2013.
- TotalRecall (⭐49) - Script based on Volatility for automating various malware analysis tasks.
- Volatility (⭐7k) - Advanced memory forensics framework.
Windows Artifacts / Other Resources
- python-evt (⭐46) - Python library for parsing Windows Event Logs.
- python-registry - Python library for parsing registry files.
Storage and Workflow / Other Resources
- Malwarehouse (⭐131) - Store, tag, and search malware.
- Viper - A binary management and analysis framework for analysts and researchers.
Miscellaneous / Other Resources
- REMnux - Linux distribution and docker images for malware reverse engineering and analysis.
Books / Other Resources
- Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD - Tools and Techniques for Fighting Malicious Code.
- The Art of Memory Forensics - Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows, Linux, and Mac Memory.
- The IDA Pro Book - The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler.
Other / Other Resources
- Honeynet Project - Honeypot tools, papers, and other resources.
- Malicious Software - Malware blog and resources by Lenny Zeltser.
- Malware Analysis Search - Custom Google search engine from Corey Harrell.
- WindowsIR: Malware - Harlan Carvey's page on Malware.
- /r/Malware - The malware subreddit.
- /r/ReverseEngineering - Reverse engineering subreddit, not limited to just malware.
5. Awesome Courses
Courses / Machine Learning
- CS 224d Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Stanford University
- Natural language processing (NLP) is one of the most important technologies of the information age. Understanding complex language utterances is also a crucial part of artificial intelligence. Applications of NLP are everywhere because people communicate most everything in language: web search, advertisement, emails, customer service, language translation, radiology reports, etc. There are a large variety of underlying tasks and machine learning models powering NLP applications. Recently, deep learning approaches have obtained very high performance across many different NLP tasks. These models can often be trained with a single end-to-end model and do not require traditional, task-specific feature engineering. In this spring quarter course students will learn to implement, train, debug, visualize and invent their own neural network models. The course provides a deep excursion into cutting-edge research in deep learning applied to NLP.
- Syllabus
- Lectures and Assignments
6. Awesome Appsec
Offensive Computer Security (CIS 4930) FSU
A vulnerability research and exploit development class by Owen Redwood of Florida State University.
Be sure to check out the lectures!
- Prev: May 10, 2015
- Next: May 08, 2015