Awesome List Updates on May 08, 2015
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Gametalks
GDC Talks / Table of Contents
- [2015] Scroll Back: The Theory and Practice of Cameras in Side-Scrollers: Itay Keren (Untame)
2. Awesome Electron
Videos / Other
3. Awesome R
Integrated Development Environments
- StatET - An Eclipse based IDE for R.
4. Awesome Appsec
Cryptography Engineering (2010)
Released: March 15, 2010
Develops a sense of professional paranoia while presenting crypto design techniques.
Open Security Training
Video courses on low-level x86 programming, hacking, and forensics.
Paragon Initiative Enterprises Blog
The blog of our technology and security consulting firm based in Orlando, FL
ircmaxell's blog
A blog about PHP, Security, Performance and general web application development.
PƔdraic Brady's Blog
PƔdraic Brady is a Zend Framework security expert
Books and ebooks
Securing PHP: Core Concepts
Securing PHP: Core Concepts acts as a guide to some of the most common security terms and provides some examples of them in every day PHP.
Useful libraries
thephpleague/oauth2-server (ā6.2k)
A secure OAuth2 server implementation
- Prev: May 09, 2015
- Next: May 07, 2015