Awesome List Updates on Apr 02, 2015
2 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Courses
Courses / Programming Languages / Compilers
- CS 4400 Programming Languages Northeastern University
- This is a course on the study, design, and implementation of programming languages.
- The course works at two simultaneous levels: first, we will use a programming language that can demonstrate a wide variety of programming paradigms. Second, using this language, we will learn about the mechanics behind programming languages by implementing our own language(s). The two level approach usually means that we will often see how to use a certain feature, and continue by implementing it.
- Syllabus
- Lecture Notes/Resources
2. Awesome Android Ui
Name: Dragger (⭐1.3k)
License: Apache License V2
List / Grid
Name: RecyclerViewFastScroller (⭐1.1k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: CropImageView (⭐657)
License: Apache License V2
- Prev: Apr 03, 2015
- Next: Apr 01, 2015