Awesome List Updates on Mar 08, 2015
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Spanish Nlp
Part of Speech Taggers (POS Taggers)
Name Entity Recognition (NER)
Corpora / Shared tasks
Corpora / Corpora
Misc / Corpora
2. Awesome Unity
- Amit’s Game Programming Information - An great collection of general purpose game programming content.
3. Awesome Clojure
Machine Learning
4. Es6 Tools
Browser plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Scratch JS (⭐349) - A Chrome/Opera DevTools extension to run ES6 on a page with either Babel or Traceur
5. Awesome Courses
Courses / Computer Graphics
- CAP 5415 Computer Vision University of Central Florida
- An introductory level course covering the basic topics of computer vision, and introducing some fundamental approaches for computer vision research.
- Lectures and Videos
- Assignments
- Prev: Mar 09, 2015
- Next: Mar 07, 2015