Awesome List Updates on Jan 28, 2015
3 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- datastructures (⭐216) - A collection of protocols, implementations and wrappers to work with data structures.
- the_fuzz (⭐77) - Fuzzy string-matching algorithm implementations.
- poxa (⭐1.1k) - Open Pusher implementation, compatible with Pusher libraries.
- oauth2cli (⭐4) - Simple OAuth2 client written for Elixir.
- wire (⭐19) - Encode and decode bittorrent peer wire protocol messages with Elixir.
Build Tools
- remix (⭐148) - Automatic recompilation of Mix code on file change.
- sass_elixir (⭐1) - A sass plugin for Elixir projects.
Code Analysis
- exprof (⭐179) - A simple code profiler for Elixir, using eprof.
Command Line Applications
- anubis (⭐130) - Command-Line application framework for Elixir.
Date and Time
- chronos (⭐90) - An Elixir date/time library.
- booter (⭐23) - Boot an Elixir application, step by step.
- exrun (⭐119) - Distributed tracing for Elixir with rate limiting and simple macro-based interface.
- mailibex (⭐62) - Library containing Email-related implementations in Elixir: dkim, spf, dmark, mimemail, smtp.
Files and Directories
- cassius - Monitor Linux file system events.
- Radpath (⭐22) - Path library for Elixir, inspired by Python's Enhpath.
Framework Components
- cors_plug (⭐406) - An Elixir plug that adds CORS headers to requests and responds to preflight requests (OPTIONS).
- plug_accesslog (⭐31) - Plug for writing access logs.
- trailing_format_plug (⭐25) - An Elixir plug to support legacy APIs that use a rails-like trailing format.
- exvcr (⭐733) - HTTP request/response recording library for Elixir, inspired by VCR.
- exexif (⭐43) - Pure Elixir library to extract TIFF and EFIX metadata from jpeg files.
- jsx (⭐693) - An Erlang application for consuming, producing, and manipulating json.
- dynamic_compile (⭐1) - Compile and load Erlang modules from string input.
- exsync (⭐164) - Yet another Elixir reloader.
- url_unroller (⭐5) - Simple URL unroller (un-shortener) in Elixir.
ORM and Datamapping
- ssdb_elixir (⭐5) - ssdb client for Elixir, with focus on performance.
- exprotobuf (⭐485) - Protocol Buffers in Elixir, made easy.
Release Management
- changex (⭐47) - Automated changelog generation from GIT logs.
- exrm_rpm (⭐39) - Create a RPM for your Elixir release with ease.
- eml (⭐114) - Library for writing and manipulating (HTML) markup in Elixir.
- faker (⭐1.1k) - Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.
- mix_eunit (⭐17) - A Mix task to execute eunit tests.
- mixunit (⭐2) - An EUnit task for Mix based projects.
- mock (⭐663) - Mocking library for the Elixir language.
Text and Numbers
- bencoder (⭐4) - bencode in Elixir.
- exmoji (⭐95) - Emoji encoding Swiss Army knife for Elixir/Erlang.
- pinyin (⭐23) - Chinese Pinyin lib for Elixir.
- tomlex (⭐32) - A TOML parser for Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- balanced (⭐4) - Balanced API Client for Elixir.
- commerce_billing (⭐179) - A payment-processing library for Elixir that supports multiple gateways (e.g. Bogus & Stripe).
- exgravatar (⭐24) - An Elixir module for generating Gravatar URLs.
- extwitter (⭐408) - Twitter client library for Elixir.
Other Awesome Lists
- Erlang Bookmarks (⭐1.2k) - A collection of links for Erlang developers.
- Elixir Cheat-Sheet - A Elixir cheat sheet, by Andy Hunt & Dave Thomas.
- How I start - Elixir - Explanation and intro to Elixir by José Valim.
2. Services Engineering
Services Engineering Reading List / Books
- High Performance Browser Networking (Grigorik)
3. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Machine Learning - Basic machine learning algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning
- Stanford Statistical Learning - Introductory course on machine learning focusing on linear and polynomial regression, logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis; cross-validation and the bootstrap, model selection and regularization methods (ridge and lasso); nonlinear models, splines and generalized additive models; tree-based methods, random forests and boosting; support-vector machines.
Learning / Commerical Tools
- Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective - This textbook offers a comprehensive and self-contained introduction to the field of machine learning, based on a unified, probabilistic approach
- Prev: Jan 29, 2015
- Next: Jan 27, 2015