Awesome List Updates on Jan 13, 2015
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
- Monetize (⭐435) - A library for converting various objects into Money objects.
2. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Tutorials
Researchers / Frameworks
3. Awesome Perl
Network / NoSQL Databases
- DOCSIS::ConfigFile - Decodes and encodes DOCSIS config files
Template Engines / NoSQL Databases
- Template::Alloy - TT2/3, HT, HTE, Tmpl, and Velocity Engine
Web Frameworks / Coverage
- Poet - a modern Perl web framework for Mason developers
4. Awesome Ripple
Gateways / Bridges
5. Awesome Courses
Courses / Misc
- Open Sourced Elective: Database and Rails Intro to Ruby on Rails University of Texas
- An introductory course in Ruby on Rails open sourced by University of Texas' CS Adjunct Professor, Richard Schneeman.
- Lectures
- Assignments
- Videos
6. Awesome Laravel
Videos / Third-party Service Integration
7. Awesome Dojo
Bootstraps and boilerplates
- dojo.js (⭐15) - Minimalistic boilerplate to start your dojo with Jasmine and Gulp.
8. Awesome Dotnet
Machine Learning and Data Science
- Accord.NET - Machine learning framework combined with audio and image processing libraries (computer vision, computer audition, signal processing and statistics).
- AForge.NET - Framework for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, robotics).
9. Awesome Zsh Plugins
dotzsh / superconsole - Windows-only
- Clone new plugins into
10. Guides
Programming Languages / Go
11. Awesome Gametalks
GDC Talks / Table of Contents
- [2014] Narrative Legos: Ken Levine (Irrational Games)
- [2014] Preserving a Sense of Discovery in the Age of Spoilers: James Crawford (Twinbeard Studios)
- [2011] Design in Detail: Tuning the Muzzle Velocity of the Plasma Rifle Bolt on Legendary Difficulty Across the HALO Franchise: Jaime Griesemer (Bungie)
Other Talks / TED Talks
- [2014, Indievelopment] Attempting Deep Work, Surviving Long Projects: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- [2011, Berkeley] Programming Aesthetics Learned From Making Independent Games: Jonathan Blow (Number None, Inc.)
- Prev: Jan 14, 2015
- Next: Jan 12, 2015