Awesome List Updates on Jan 09, 2015
3 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Gametalks
GDC Talks / Table of Contents
- [2013, Europe] #1ReasonToBe: Annakaisa Kultima, Auriea Harvey, Brenda Romero, Zuraida Buter, Henrike aka Riker Lode, Siobhan Reddy, Leigh Alexander (Panel)
- [2012] The 5 Domains of Play: Applying Psychology's Big 5 Motivation Domains to Games: Jason VandenBerghe (Ubisoft)
- [2011] Dynamics: The State of the Art: Clint Hocking (LucasArts)
- [2010] Design in Detail: Changing the Time Between Shots for the Sniper Rifle from 0.5 to 0.7 Seconds for Halo 3: Jaime Griesemer (Bungie)
- [2009] Everything I Learned About Level Design I Learned from Disneyland: Scott Rogers (THQ)
2. Awesome Elixir
- tracker_request (⭐14) - Dealing with bittorrent tracker requests and responses.
Build Tools
- reaxt (⭐374) - React template into your Elixir application for server rendering.
- elixir_tea (⭐3) - TEA implementation in Elixir.
- tea_crypto (⭐0) - Tiny Encryption Algorithm implementation.
- ex_doc_dash (⭐64) - Formatter for ExDoc to generate docset documentation for use in
- hexdocset (⭐22) - Convert hex doc to's docset format.
Framework Components
- plug_rails_cookie_session_store (⭐96) - Rails compatible Plug session store.
- plugs (⭐19) - Collection of Plug middleware for web applications.
- plugsnag (⭐66) - Bugsnag notifier for Elixir's plug.
- pact (⭐77) - Better dependency injection in Elixir for cleaner code and testing.
- templates (⭐6) - Helper library for adding templating to web applications.
- pavlov (⭐128) - BDD framework for your Elixir projects.
Text and Numbers
- hexate (⭐30) - Simple module for Hex encoding / decoding in Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- amazon_product_advertising_client (⭐38) - Amazon Product Advertising API client for Elixir.
- cleverbot (⭐3) - Simple implementation of the Cleverbot API in Elixir.
- digoc (⭐12) - Digital Ocean API v2 Elixir Client.
- exgrid (⭐8) - interact with Sendgrid's API.
3. Awesome Linguistics
- Prev: Jan 10, 2015
- Next: Jan 08, 2015