Awesome List Updates on Dec 08 - Dec 14, 2014
15 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Clojure
2. Awesome Machine Learning
R / General-Purpose Machine Learning
3. Es6 Tools
Gobble plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: gobble-es6-transpiler (⭐1)
Karma plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: karma-traceur-preprocessor (⭐13)
Sprockets plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: sprockets-traceur (⭐25)
Other / Brunch Plugins
4. Awesome Javascript
- browserify (⭐15k) - Browser-side require() the node.js way.
5. Nginx Resources
6. Awesome Marionette
Tutorials and articles
- Components with Backbone.js and Marionette.js by Jeremy Fairbank
- From Backbone.js to Marionette.js (Russian) - by Mahnunchik
- Pimping Backbone with Marionette by Tom Herold
- Handling Forms with Marionette.js by Al Scott
- Nested Views in Backbone.Marionette by Sam Saccone
- Building Backbone Plugins by Derick Bailey and Jerome Gravel-Niquet
- Backbone.Marionette.js: A Gentle Introduction by David Sulc
- Marionette Exposé by Jack Killilea
- Backbone.Marionette.js: A Serious Progression by David Sulc
- Getting Started with Backbone Marionette by Raymundo Armendariz and Arturo Soto
- Backbone.js with Derick Bailey by Derick Bailey
- Dancing with Marionette - Youtube channel
- Backbone Marionette and Require.js by Daniel Cousineau
- Unsuck Your Backbone by Amy Palamountain
- StackOverflow - Tagged questions
Examples and boilerplates
7. Awesome Backbone
- BackboneConf - Conference about building applications on the web, with a focus on the Backbone.js library
- StackOverflow - Tagged questions
Tutorials and articles
- A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps by Julio Cesar Ody
- A Complete Guide for Learning Backbone.js by Mohit Jain
- Backbone patterns by Rico Sta. Cruz
- Building large Backbone applications by Victor Savkin
- A Guide to Writing Backbone Apps at Coursera by Pamela Fox
- Our First Node.js App: Backbone on the Client and Server by Spike Brehm
- Using Backbone.js With Require.js by Greg Franko
- Backbone Model Unit Testing with Jasmine by Ken Tabor
- Backbone.js and by Jason Strimpel
- Presenter First in Backbone.js by Shawn Andersom
- Websockets for Backbone by Christopher Keefer
- Backbone.js Tips And Patterns by Philip Whisenhunt
- Leveraging Deferreds in Backbone.js by Sam Breed
- Decorating A Backbone.Model With Features, For A UI Component by Derick Bailey
- Backbone.View Patterns - Rendering A Collection by Oren Fahri
- Backbone.View Patterns - How & Why Use Subviews by Oren Fahri
- Backbone.View Patterns - The "Render" Method by Oren Fahri
- Building progressively enhanced websites using bulletproof Backbone & CSS transforms by Adrian Zumbrunnen
- Decoupling Backbone Apps From WebSockets by Derick Bailey
- Backbone.js And JavaScript Garbage Collection by Derick Bailey
- Getting familiar with Backbone.js by Pasha Craydon
- Backbone Antipatterns by Ben Teese
- Building an App with Express and Backbone by Jack Franklin - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8
- Developing Backbone.js Applications by Addy Osmani
- Backbone.js Testing by Ryan Roemer
- Backbone.js Cookbook by Vadim Mirgorod
- Instant Backbone.js Application Development by Thomas Hunter II
- Beginning Backbone.js by James Sugrue
- Backbone.js Blueprints by Andrew Burgess
- Recipes with Backbone by Nick Gauthier and Chris Strom
- Full Stack Web Development with Backbone.js by Patrick Mulder
- Introduction to Backbone.js - Youtube playlist by Joseph Zimmerman
- Backbone App Walkthrough - Youtube playlist by Joseph Zimmerman
- Backbone.js Tutorial - Youtube playlist by Mosh Hamedani
- Backbone-Require-Boilerplate Explained by Greg Franko
- BackboneRails Screencasts - Learn to Build Web Apps Using Backbone + Rails
- JavaScript Application Architecture with Backbone.js by Mathias Schäfer
- An Introduction to Backbone.js by Sid Maestre
- Put Some Backbone.js in your Apps by Sid Maestre
- Evolving Your JavaScript with Backbone.js by K Adam White
Examples and boilerplates
- Backbone Require Boilerplate (⭐614) - A Rad Backbone.js and Require.js Boilerplate Project
- Wine Cellar Sample Application (⭐916) - "Backbone Cellar" is a sample application built with Backbone.js
- Employee Directory (⭐465) - Employee Directory sample application built with Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrap
- Backbone Contact Manager (⭐65) - Simple Backbone.js example application
- Backbone Boilerplates (⭐490) - Backbone.js stack boilerplates demonstrating integration with Express, Ruby, PHP, Grails and more
8. Awesome Android
Database / ORM
- Sugar ORM - Insanely easy way to work with Android Databases.
9. Awesome Cpp
- C FAQ - C frequently asked questions.
- C++ FAQ - C++ frequently asked questions.
- C++ FQA Lite - C++ frequently questioned answers.
- Guru of the Week - A regular series of C++ programming problems created and written by Herb Sutter.
10. Awesome Ocaml
Regular Expressions
- Re (⭐232) – a pure OCaml regular expressions library with combinators, supporting several formats (glob, posix, str, etc.).
- ocaml-pcre (⭐31) – bindings to the PCRE library (perl-compatible regular expressions)
- sexplib (⭐146) – A S-expression parser and printer
11. Awesome Elixir
- ex_spec (⭐99) - BDD-like syntax for ExUnit.
12. Awesome Ruby
- Impressionist (⭐1.5k) - Rails Plugin that tracks impressions and page views.
API Builder and Discovery
- Version Cake (⭐654) - An unobtrusive way to version APIs in your Rails app.
- versionist (⭐971) - A plugin for versioning Rails based RESTful APIs.
- acl9 (⭐854) - Acl9 is a role-based authorization system that provides a concise DSL for securing your Rails application.
Data Visualization
- LazyHighCharts (⭐1k) - A simple and extremely flexible way to use HighCharts from ruby code. Tested on Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and Nanoc, but it should work with others too.
Database Tools
- Seedbank (⭐1.1k) - Seedbank allows you to structure your Rails seed data instead of having it all dumped into one large file.
Date and Time Processing
- ice_cube (⭐2.4k) - A date recurrence library which allows easy creation of recurrence rules and fast querying.
Debugging Tools
- Xray (⭐1.2k) - A development tool that reveals your UI's bones.
- premailer-rails (⭐1.7k) - CSS styled emails without the hassle.
- Roadie (⭐1.3k) - Roadie tries to make sending HTML emails a little less painful by inlining stylesheets and rewriting relative URLs for you inside your emails.
- geoip (⭐713) - Searches a GeoIP database for a given host or IP address, and returns information about the country where the IP address is allocated, and the city, ISP and other information.
- Google Maps for Rails (⭐2.3k) - Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps.
Image Processing
- Phasion (⭐704) - Ruby wrapper around pHash, the perceptual hash library for detecting duplicate multimedia files.
- FastGettext (⭐404) - Ruby internationalization tool with less memory, simple, clean namespace and threadsafe.
- Globalize (⭐2.2k) - Globalize builds on the I18n API in Ruby on Rails to add model translations to ActiveRecord models.
- Metasploit (⭐34k) - World's most used penetration testing software.
- SecureHeaders (⭐3.2k) - Automatically apply several headers that are related to security, including: Content Security Policy (CSP), HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), X-Frame-Options (XFO), X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, X-Download-Options & X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies.
Social Networking
- Mailboxer (⭐1.6k) - A private message system for Rails applications.
- Extra
- Appraisal (⭐1.3k) - Appraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versions of dependencies.
- CQL (⭐26) - CQL is a library for making queries against Cucumber style test suites.
- cuke_modeler (⭐22) - An modeling library for
files that is an abstration layer on top of thegherkin
gem, providing a stable base upon which to build other Gherkin related tools. - gitarro (⭐15) - Run, retrigger, handle all type and OS-independent tests against your GitHub Pull Requests.
- Knapsack (⭐519) - Optimal test suite parallelisation across CI nodes for RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest, Spinach and Turnip.
- mutant (⭐2k) - Mutant is a mutation testing tool for Ruby.
- Parallel Tests (⭐3.4k) - Speedup Test::Unit + RSpec + Cucumber by running parallel on multiple CPUs (or cores).
- power_assert (⭐1) - Power Assert for Ruby.
- Ruby-JMeter - A Ruby based DSL for building JMeter test plans.
- Spring (⭐2.8k) - Preloads your rails environment in the background for faster testing and Rake tasks.
- timecop (⭐3.4k) - Provides "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities, making it dead simple to test time-dependent code.
- Turbo Tests (⭐182) - Run RSpec tests on multiple cores. Like
but with incremental summarized output. - vcr (⭐5.9k) - Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
- Wraith (⭐4.8k) - A responsive screenshot comparison tool.
- Zapata (⭐414) - Who has time to write tests? This is a revolutionary tool to make them write themselves.
Third-party APIs
- twilio-ruby (⭐1.4k) - A module for using the Twilio REST API and generating valid TwiML.
13. Awesome R
HTML Widgets
- dygraphs (⭐365) - Charting time-series data in R.
14. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- browser-run (⭐450) - Easily run code in a browser environment.
Packages / Command-line utilities
- ascii-charts (⭐233) - ASCII bar chart in the terminal.
15. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Continuous Integration
- JoliCi (⭐653) - A continuous integration client written in PHP and powered by Docker.
Table of Contents / Passwords
- Password Compat (⭐2.1k) - A compatibility library for the new PHP 5.5 password functions.
- Password Policy (⭐78) - A password policy library for PHP and JavaScript.
- Password Validator (⭐144) - A library for validating and upgrading password hashes.
Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling
- Barbushin PHP Console (⭐1.3k) - Another web debugging console using Google Chrome.
- Tracy (⭐1.8k) - A simple error detection, logging and time measuring library.
Table of Contents / Numbers
- ByteUnits (⭐162) - A library to parse, format and convert byte units in binary and metric systems.
Table of Contents / API
- Restler (⭐1.4k) - A lightweight framework to expose PHP methods as RESTful web API.
- Prev: Dec 15 - Dec 21, 2014
- Next: Dec 01 - Dec 07, 2014