Awesome List Updates on Oct 20 - Oct 26, 2014
8 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- pjs (⭐420) - Pipeable JavaScript. Quickly filter, map, and reduce from the terminal.
- license-checker (⭐1.6k) - Check licenses of your app's dependencies.
Packages / Node.js management
- nvm for Windows (⭐38k) - Version management for Windows.
2. Awesome Linguistics
Platforms and toolkits
- Haxe-linguistics (⭐26) - Early linguistical analysis and natural language processing library for Haxe.
- Natural (⭐11k) - General natural language tools for Node.js.
- Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) - The most complete platform for building Python programs to work with human language data.
- Stemming algorithms for various European languages - Various stemming algorithms from snowball.
- The Porter Stemmer Algorithm - The ‘official’ home page for distribution of the Porter Stemming Algorithm, written and maintained by its author, Martin Porter.
3. Awesome Talks
Software Development
- The Computer Revolution hasn't happend yet by Alan Kay (OOPSLA 1997) [1:04:34]
- The Future of Programming by Bret Victor (Dropbox's DBX conference 2013) [32:55]
- Media for Thinking the Unthinkable by Bret Victor (MIT Media Lab 2013) [39:32]
- Finding a Way Out by Chris Granger (Strange Loop 2013) [33:46]
- Computers are a Sadness, I am the Cure by James Mickens (Monitorama PDX 2014) [27:35]
- Are We There Yet? by Rich Hickey (JVM Languages Summit 2009) [1:10:04]
- Simple Made Easy by Rich Hickey (Strange Loop 2011) [1:01:26]
- The Web We Lost by Anil Dash (Berkman Klein Center 2013) [1:10:54]
- Growing a Language by Guy Steele (ACM OOPSLA 1998) [53:30]
Object-Oriented Programming
- Stop Writing Classes by Jack Diederich [27:29]
Functional Programming
- Functional Principles for Object-Oriented Developers by Jessica Kerr [51:13]
- Adventures in Functional Programming by Jim Weirich [50:34]
- Deconstructing Functional Programming by Gilad Bracha [48:33]
- Living in a Post-Functional World by Daniel Spiewak [45:46]
- Tangible Functional Programming by Conal Elliott [56:24]
- Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages by Phillip Wadler [1:06:53]
Software Design
- DDD: putting the model to work by Eric Evans [58:48]
- Strategic Design by Eric Evans [54:40]
- Reliability, Availability, and Scalability by Udi Dahan [1:11:09]
- Implementing Micro Service Architectures by Fred George [54:40]
- Immutability Changes Everything by Pat Helland [45:19]
- Crafting Wicked Domain Models by Jimmy Bogard [1:03:03]
- The Actor Model by Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski [42:34]
- How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters by Josh Bloch [1:00:18]
- The Joys and Pains of a Long Lived Codebase by Jeremy D Miller [1:02:30]
Web Development
- Go To There and Back Again by Douglas Crockford [49:06]
- WAT by Gary Bernhardt [4:17]
- The Birth & Death of JavaScript by Gary Bernhardt [29:22]
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong! by Brian Lonsdorf [36:30]
- Community.js by Chris Williams [21:39]
- An End to Negativity by Chris Williams [27:25]
- Is Node.js Better by Brian Ford [41:42]
Test-Driven Development
- TDD, where did it all go wrong by Ian Cooper [1:00:37]
- Holistic testing by Jimmy Bogard [1:00:33]
- Boundaries by Gary Bernhardt [33:44]
- The Land that Scrum Forgot by Robert C. Martin [45:41]
- Spotify Engineering Culture - Part 1 by Spotify Training & Development [13:12]
- Adopting Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble [47:22]
4. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- fsm (⭐359) - Finite state machine as a functional data structure.
- key2value (⭐7) - Erlang 2-way Set Associative Map.
- lfsr (⭐8) - Elixir implementation of a binary Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register.
- trie (⭐132) - Erlang Trie Implementation.
- apache_passwd_md5 (⭐5) - Apache/APR Style Password Hashing.
- oauther (⭐70) - An OAuth 1.0 implementation for Elixir.
Build Tools
- coffee_rotor (⭐16) - Rotor plugin to compile CoffeeScript files.
- reltool_util (⭐26) - Erlang reltool utility functionality application.
- rotor (⭐82) - Super-simple build system for Elixir.
Cloud Infrastructure and Management
- Cloudi - CloudI is for back-end server processing tasks that require soft-realtime transaction.
- nodefinder (⭐60) - Strategies for automatic node discovery in Erlang.
- sidejob (⭐104) - Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang.
- figaro (⭐9) - Simple Elixir project configuration.
Date and Time
- moment (⭐28) - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in Elixir.
- dbg (⭐161) - Distributed tracing for Elixir.
Framework Components
- exrecaptcha (⭐12) - Simple reCaptcha display/verify code for Elixir applications.
- plug_jwt (⭐39) - Plug for JWT authentication.
- mogrify (⭐571) - An Elixir wrapper for ImageMagick command line.
- json (⭐218) - Native JSON library for Elixir.
- poison (⭐2k) - Poison is a new JSON library for Elixir focusing on wicked-fast speed without sacrificing simplicity, completeness, or correctness.
- address_us (⭐30) - Library for parsing US Addresses into their individual parts.
- erlang_term (⭐33) - Provide the in-memory size of Erlang terms, ignoring where these are stored.
- exprint (⭐33) - A printf / sprintf library for Elixir, works as a wrapper for :io.format.
- keys1value (⭐1) - Erlang set associative map for key lists.
ORM and Datamapping
- amnesia (⭐698) - Mnesia wrapper for Elixir.
- exleveldb (⭐44) - Elixir wrapper around Basho's eleveldb module for LevelDB.
- hstore - Hstore support for Postgrex.
- message_pack (⭐70) - MessagePack Implementation for Elixir.
- heapq (⭐8) - A Heap-based Priority Queue Implementation in Elixir.
- pqueue (⭐171) - Erlang Priority Queue Implementation.
- statistics (⭐139) - Some basic statistical functions for Elixir.
- meck (⭐819) - A mocking library for Erlang.
Text and Numbers
- dicer (⭐4) - A dice roller expression evaluator.
- quickrand (⭐41) - Quick Random Number Generation.
- uuid_erl (⭐217) - Erlang Native UUID Generation.
Third Party APIs
- ex_statsd (⭐96) - A statsd client implementation for Elixir.
- forecast_io (⭐8) - Simple wrapper for Forecast.IO API.
- hexoku - Heroku API client and Heroku Mix tasks for Elixir projects.
- link_shrinkex (⭐8) - Elixir library for creating short URLs using Google's URL Shortener API.
- mailgun (⭐196) - Elixir Mailgun Client.
- parsex (⭐2) - ParsEx is an Elixir HTTP Client for communicating with's Restful API.
- exmerl (⭐12) - Elixir wrapper for xmerl.
- Erlang in Anger - This book intends to be a little guide about how to be the Erlang medic in a time of war by Fred Hebert (2014).
- Introducing Elixir - A gentle introduction to the language, with lots of code examples and exercises by Simon St. Laurent and J. David Eisenberg (2013).
- Atom - Elixir language support for Atom.
- 30 Days of Elixir (⭐3k) - A walk through the Elixir language in 30 exercises.
5. Awesome Ruby
- CanCanCan (⭐5.6k) - Continuation of CanCan, an authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
Performance Monitoring
- Skylight (⭐314) - A smart profiler for your Rails apps that visualizes request performance.
6. Awesome Bigdata
Data Visualization
- C3 - D3-based reusable chart library
Internet of things and sensor data
- 2lemetry - Platform for Internet of things.
7. Awesome Cpp
- libsequence - A C++ library for representing and analyzing population genetics data. [GPL]
- SeqAn - Algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data. [BSD/3-clause]
- Vcflib (⭐631) - A C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files. [MIT]
- Botan - A crypto library for C++. [BSD-2]
- GnuPG - A complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard. [GPL]
- LibreSSL - A free version of the SSL/TLS protocol forked from OpenSSL in 2014. [?]
- LibTomCrypt (⭐1.6k) - A fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit. [WTFPL]
- Nettle - A low-level cryptographic library. [LGPL]
Image Processing
- VIGRA (⭐418) - A generic C++ computer vision library for image analysis. [MIT X11]
- YAJL (⭐2.2k) - A fast streaming JSON parsing library in C. [ISC]
- MOOS-IvP - A set of open source C++ modules for providing autonomy on robotic platforms, in particular autonomous marine vehicles.
- MRPT - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit. [BSD]
- PCL (⭐10k) - Point Cloud Library is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing. [BSD] website
- Robotics Library (RL) - A self-contained C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. [BSD]
- ROS - Robot Operating System provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. [BSD]
Virtual Machines
- MicroPython (⭐20k) - Aims to put an implementation of Python 3.x on a microcontroller. [MIT]
- gcc-poison (⭐189) - A simple header file for developers to ban unsafe C/C++ functions from applications.
Integrated Development Environment
- AppCode - an IDE for Objective-C, C, C++, and JavaScript development built on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA platform.
- Irony-mode (⭐913) - A C/C++ minor mode for Emacs powered by libclang.
- rtags (⭐1.8k) - A c/c++ client/server indexer with for integration with emacs based on clang.
Build Systems
- CPM (⭐747) - A C++ Package Manager based on CMake and Git.
- FASTBuild - High performance, open-source build system supporting highly scalable compilation, caching and network distribution.
- tundra (⭐440) - High-performance code build system designed to give the best possible incremental build times even for very large software projects.
- tup - File-based build system that monitors in the background for changed files.
Static Code Analysis
- Clang Static Analyzer - A source code analysis tool that finds bugs in C, C++, and Objective-C programs.
8. Awesome Javascript
QA Tools / Runner
- jscs (⭐5k) - JavaScript Code Style checker.
Storage / Runner
- cross-storage (⭐2.2k) - Cross domain local storage, with permissions.
Loading Status / Runner
- progressbar.js (⭐7.8k) - Beautiful and responsive progress bars with animated SVG paths.
Image Processing / Other
- lena.js (⭐643) - A Library for image processing with filters and util functions.
- Prev: Oct 27 - Nov 02, 2014
- Next: Oct 13 - Oct 19, 2014