Awesome List Updates on Aug 25 - Aug 31, 2014
14 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Analytics
Analytics dashboards
- Analytics awesome-bigdata (⭐11k).
2. Awesome Db
3. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Email
- CssToInlineStyles (⭐5.8k) - A library to inline CSS in email templates.
4. Awesome Swift
Network / Barcode
- OAuth2 (⭐1.2k) - oauth2 auth lib.
5. Awesome Cpp
- protobuf-c (⭐2.7k) - Protocol Buffers implementation in C. [BSD]
6. Awesome Perl
Images / NoSQL Databases
- Image::Magick - An object-oriented interface to ImageMagick's image composing libraries.
7. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- PyQtGraph (⭐3.9k) - A pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt4 / PySide and NumPy.
8. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Laravel Breadcrumbs (⭐2.4k) - Create and manage breadcrumbs
Popular Packages / Optimization
- Intervention Image Cache (⭐612) - Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
Videos / Third-party Service Integration
9. Js Must Watch
- Gary Bernhardt: WAT [4:17]
- Eric Bidelman: Web Components [32:39]
10. Awesome Dart
Server Frameworks
- Start (⭐531) - Sinatra inspired web framework to serve static files, handle dynamic requests, websockets and create JSON responses.
Game Development
- StageXL - StageXL offers an easy to use and complete API (based on the Flash API) for impressive 2D content like games and other rich applications.
- Pixi Dart (⭐36) - A port of the pixi.js rendering engine.
- Universal Tween Engine (⭐33) - A port of the original java Universal Tween Engine created by Aurelien Ribbon.
- Spine Dart (⭐19) - An implementation of the Esoteric Software Spine runtime.
- jaded (⭐42) - Port of the excellent Jade view engine.
- SQLJockey (⭐20) - MySQL connector.
Package Managers
- Pub - Pub is used to manage packages.
- YAML - A parser for YAML.
- Objectory (⭐55) - Objectory provides typed, checked environment to model, save and query data persisted on MongoDb.
IDEs, Editors, and Plugins
- IntelliJ Plugin - Dart plugin from JetBrains for WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm, and RubyMine.
11. Awesome Bigdata
Data Visualization / Graph Based approach
- Other awesome lists awesome-awesomeness (⭐30k).
- Even more lists awesome (⭐254k).
- Another list? list (⭐9k).
- Analytics awesome-analytics (⭐3.6k).
Distributed Filesystem
- Disco DDFS - distributed filesystem.
Key-value Data Model
- Aerospike - NoSQL flash-optimized, in-memory. Open source and "Server code in 'C' (not Java or Erlang) precisely tuned to avoid context switching and memory copies."
- TreodeDB (⭐178) - key-value store that's replicated and sharded and provides atomic multirow writes.
- Adobe spindle (⭐333) - Next-generation web analytics processing with Scala, Spark, and Parquet.
12. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Streams
- multistream (⭐288) - Combine multiple streams into a single stream.
Packages / Network
- ipify (⭐273) - Get your public IP address.
13. Awesome Javascript
Vision Detection / Runner
- tracking.js (⭐9.4k) - A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web.
14. Awesome Lua
Resources / Debugging and Profiling
- lovebird (⭐257) - Browser-based debug console. Originally made for LÖVE, but works in any project with LuaSocket support.
Resources / Game Engines
- MOAI - Open source, cross-platform, mobile game development framework. Minimalist C++ engine powered by Lua scripting.
Resources / Game Development
- Tweening
- flux (⭐301) - A fast, lightweight tweening library for Lua with easing functions and the ability to group tweens together.
- tween.lua (⭐485) - Small library for tweening, with several easing functions.
Resources / Digital Signal Processing
- Worp - Sound/music/DSP engine written for LuaJIT.
Resources / Network
- LuaSocket (⭐1.5k) - Networking extension which provides a socket API for TCP and UDP, and implements HTTP, FTP, and SMTP.
Resources / Data Stores
- lua-resty-cassandra (⭐67) - Lua Cassandra client driver for OpenResty and others.
Resources / References
- Lua Unofficial FAQ - Answers all sorts of Lua-related questions, including many of the form 'How to ___?'.
Resources / Articles
- Lua states, libraries, coroutines and memory - Diagrams and explains some more advanced concepts of the Lua VM, particularly when interfacing with C.
- Prev: Sep 01 - Sep 07, 2014
- Next: Aug 18 - Aug 24, 2014